Paladin Guide

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See also: Tank Guide and Guides

Single-target rotations

  • Your Basic combo is Fast Blade.png  Fast Blade - Riot Blade.png  Riot Blade - Rage of Halone.png  Rage of Halone (Lv. 26) (upgraded to Royal Authority.png  Royal Authority at Lv. 60). This is all you need to do at level 50.
  • (lv. 54) - Your damage-over-time (DoT) combo is Fast Blade.png  Fast Blade - Riot Blade.png  Riot Blade - Goring Blade.png  Goring Blade (Lv. 54). Goring Blade is incredibly powerful. Apply Goring Blade right as it is about to fall off your target.
    • Use Fight or Flight.png  Fight or Flight (FoF) right before Goring Blade, possibly before Riot Blade if your skill speed is good enough - this will allow it to last long enough to buff two Goring Blades.
  • (Lv. 54) - Your single-target rotation is:
  1. DoT combo (FoF) -> Basic combo -> Basic combo
  2. DoT combo -> Basic combo -> Basic combo
  3. DoT combo -> Basic combo -> Basic combo
  1. DoT combo (FoF) -> Basic combo -> Basic combo
  2. DoT combo -> Spell combo
  3. DoT combo -> Basic combo -> Basic combo
  • At Lv. 76, replace each second Basic combo with three uses of Atonement.png  Atonement.

AoE rotations

  • During mob pulls, you should always spam your AoE combos as they do more damage with 3 or more enemies.
  • Total Eclipse.png  Total Eclipse - Prominence.png  Prominence (Lv. 40) is your basic physical AoE combo for use with Fight or Flight.png  Fight or Flight. If you don't have Prominence, just spam Total Eclipse.
  • Spam Holy Circle.png  Holy Circle (Lv. 72) under Requiescat.png  Requiescat (Lv. 68). If you have Requiescat but not Holy Circle, use Requiescat but return to spamming your physical AoE.


  • Always Be Casting (ABC) - minimize downtime and keep triggering GCD abilities without pause. Use oGCD abilities between GCD abilities without having their animation delay your GCDs ("clipping").
  • Learn your rotations as above. They're built on the basic premise that you want Goring Blade.png  Goring Blade to keep ticking and maximize Fight or Flight.png  Fight or Flight (FoF) on it.
  • The PLD rotation is not situational and quite strict, which also means it's easy once you've mastered it.
  • Never trigger Requiescat and FoF together.
  • Use your oGCDs Spirits Within.png  Spirits Within and Circle of Scorn.png  Circle of Scorn as much as possible. Time Spirits Within to trigger during your FoF buff.
  • Intervene.png  Intervene is your oGCD gap closer and free damage whenever you don't need gap closers.


  • Keep Iron Will.png  Iron Will on to generate enmity unless you are not the main tank.
  • Because of your shield, you are naturally slightly more bulky than other tanks, as you are the only tank smart enough to enter the field of battle with a tool to defend yourself.
  • Your unique life-saving cooldown, Hallowed Ground.png  Hallowed Ground, is great for cancelling large amounts of damage from boss mechanics and large mob pulls.
  • Your large defensive cooldown is Sentinel.png  Sentinel. Use it frequently to reduce damage taken.
  • Don't forget to keep using Sheltron.png  Sheltron, which effectively reduces physical damage by around 20%. It's great for tankbusters and mob pulls.
  • Self-healing with Clemency.png  Clemency can severely disrupt your rotation. Use it only if absolutely necessary (/slap a healer).
  • You have a lot of situational party savers:
    • Cover.png  Cover (Lv. 45) can save a party member, but only if they're really close.
    • Divine Veil.png  Divine Veil (Lv. 56) turns into an AoE shield once you're healed, so it has to be used ahead of time (as you don't want to heal yourself).
    • Intervention.png  Intervention (Lv. 62) can help the main tank against a tankbuster.
    • Passage of Arms.png  Passage of Arms (Lv. 70) protects your entire party behind you if you stay still, so it is mainly useful when the boss is away launching a big attack.