Five Seas
Revision as of 01:50, 30 March 2022 by Brentrobar (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''Five Seas''' refers to the large bodies of water that surround Eorzea and seperate the landmasses of the Three Great Continents. The body of water to the north...")
The Five Seas refers to the large bodies of water that surround Eorzea and seperate the landmasses of the Three Great Continents. The body of water to the north of Dravania is known as the Bloodbrine Sea. The Sea of Ash is to the east of Aldenard, between Thanalan and Othard and contains The Drown. The Sea of Jade is to the northeast of Aldenard and is known for its bountiful sea life and flora. The body of water to the south of Eorzea on the shores of Limsa Lominsa is known as the Rhotano Sea, which connects to the Indigo Deep, a vast body of water that sits to the west of Eorzea and separates the mainland from The New World.