Veteran Rewards

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Veteran Rewards are in-game items and other bonuses players receive for subscribing to Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn. In the old system, Rewards are given through the Moogle delivery system once the required amount of subscription is achieved. A New System was introduced in patch 4.1 of Stormblood.

  • Players do not have to continuously subscribed to ARR to receive the rewards. For example, players will receive the 60 days reward after subscribing for 1 month then taking a month break then subscribing for another month.

New Veteran Rewards

In light of the considerable amount of time required to obtain the highest rank veteran rewards, we will be making adjustments in patch 4.1 to make them more easily accessible. As of result of these adjustments, players may be eligible for certain rewards soon after the update.

New Requirements and Rewards

Rank 1 Reward (60 Subscription Days)

Advent Attire

Advent attire1.jpg

Rank 2 Reward (150 Subscription Days)

Tantalus Attire

Tantalus attire1.jpg

Rank 3 Reward (240 Subscription Days)

Wild Rose Attire

Wild rose attire1.jpg

Rank 4 Reward (330 Subscription Days)

Leonhart Attire

Leonhart attire1.jpg

Players will begin receiving rewards based on the above requirements with the release of patch 4.1. Those who have yet to obtain these rewards but already meet the requirements will receive them shortly after the update. (For example: A player with 330 subscription days on their account will meet the requirements for Rank 4, and thus receive the Leonhart Attire reward.)

Items will be delivered as necessary to players when they meet the above requirements. Please note that it may take several days for items to be delivered.

For Players Who Have Already Received Rewards

These changes will have no effect on players who have already met the requirements to obtain the items listed above, as well as those no longer available as veteran rewards after patch 4.1. Newly created characters on the same account will continue to receive any items for which they were eligible prior to the update.

Items Previously Available as Veteran Rewards

With the exception of aetheryte tickets, all items no longer available as veteran rewards can now be obtained through in-game means.

Items obtained only through veteran rewards

Starting in Patch 4.1, players will be able to use their achievement points to earn Achievement Certificate Achievement Certificates by speaking with Jonathas in Old Gridania ( X:10.6 Y:6.3). Certificates can then be used to purchase rewards of your choosing. The number of certificates in your possession can be confirmed via the Achievements window.


Phial of Fantasia

A Fantasia icon1.png  Phial of Fantasia has been added as a reward for the Main Scenario Quest Main Scenario QuestThe Ultimate Weapon.

  • Players who have already completed this quest are ineligible to receive a phial of Fantasia.

Old Veteran Rewards

Rank Days Months Rewards
1 30 1 Wind-up cursor icon2.png  Wind-up Cursor
Fantasia icon1.png  Fantasia
2 60 2 Black chocobo chick icon2.png  Black Chocobo Chick
Cascadier uniform voucher icon1.png  Cascadier Uniform Voucher
3 90 3 Beady eye icon2.png  Beady Eye
Voidal resonator icon1.png  Voidal Resonator
4 180 6 Minion of light icon1.png  Minion of Light
Black mage barding icon1.png  Black Mage Barding
5 270 9 Wind-up leader icon2.png  Wind-up Leader
Behemoth warhorn icon1.png  Behemoth Warhorn
6 360 12 Wind-up odin icon2.png  Wind-up Odin
Aetheryte ticket icon1.png  Aetheryte Ticket X 50
Wind-up warrior of light icon2.png  Wind-up Warrior of Light
Barding of light icon1.png  Barding of Light
7 450 15 Goblin cap icon1.png  Goblin Cap
Wind-up goblin icon2.png  Wind-up Goblin
8 540 18 Wind-up gilgamesh icon2.png  Wind-up Gilgamesh
Enquire within icon1.png  Enquire Within
9 630 21 Wind-up nanamo icon2.png  Wind-up Nanamo
Fat chocobo head icon1.png  Fat Chocobo Head
10 720 24 Cloud Gear (FFVII)
Strife vest icon1.png  Strife Vest, Strife gloves icon1.png  Strife Gloves, Strife bags icon1.png  Strife Bags, Strife boots icon1.png  Strife Boots
11 840 28 Firion Gear (FFII)
Wild rose bandana icon1.png  Wild Rose Bandana, Wild rose cuirass icon1.png  Wild Rose Cuirass, Wild rose armguards icon1.png  Wild Rose Armguards, Wild rose breeches icon1.png  Wild Rose Breeches, Wild rose boots icon1.png  Wild Rose Boots
12 960 32 Wind-up firion icon2.png  Wind-up Firion, Wild rose barding icon1.png  Wild Rose Barding
13 1080 36 Zidane Gear (FFIX)
Tantalus vest icon1.png  Tantalus Vest, Tantalus cuffs icon1.png  Tantalus Cuffs, Tantalus breeches icon1.png  Tantalus Breeches, Tantalus boots icon1.png  Tantalus Boots