The World of Darkness

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See also: Crystal Tower

The World of Darkness is the third and final part of Crystal Tower. It is a dungeon that requires a full raid of 24 players with item levels of at least 90. Similar to Syrcus Tower, the raid composition is 3 tanks, 6 healers and 15 DPS (1:2:5 ratio).

  • The World of Darkness was released in patch 2.5.

Players can only obtain 1 reward item per week. Reward eligibility is reset every Tuesday at 12:00 AM PST.



Angra Mainyu

When you get the doom debuff that kills you in 10 seconds, stand on 1 of 4 platform that is lighted up.

Kill Final Hourglass one by one in a clockwise direction. Then stay out of the quarter where the last Final Hourglass is killed to avoid the death ray??

Five-headed Dragon

When he uses Discordance you have to kill the extra heads that appear.

Howling Atomos

Something something i don't get it.


1 Group stand next to Gastric Acid mob to get hit by Mini spell and shrunk to a small size. Then stand in the purple goo to get eaten by the boss. Once inside the group needs to kill the adds in his stomach. When the adds are dead he will stop thrashing. Groups outside need to use the tether to re-chain him while he is weak.

Cloud of Darkness

Stand near Dark Cloud and Dark Storm to slow them.

Hit shadowlurker once to prevent them from going underground.

Divide into 3 groups to kill the 3 hyper things or you'll wipe.

When meteor drops, each circle needs to have multiple people if possible. Similar to Syrcus Tower final boss.



Gear Images


World of darkness bard gear1.jpg World of darkness caster gear1.jpg World of darkness dragoon gear1.jpg World of darkness healer gear1.jpg World of darkness monk gear1.jpg World of darkness ninja gear1.jpg World of darkness tank gear1.jpg

Dungeon Images

The world of darkness1.jpg The world of darkness2.jpg The world of darkness3.jpg


In the twilight of his reign, the first and last emperor of Allag, Xande, desired power above all else. He turned to the terrible being known as the Cloud of Darkness, a ruler of the void, and asked of her strength to make the world kneel before his throne with a covenant of blood.

When Xande was slain, his ambitions were laid to rest alongside him. Yet the Cloud of Darkness still seeks to enter the material realm, and will soon find passage through the Voidgate set to manifest within Syrcus Tower. With the fiend's coming, can the fellowship of NOAH brave the void and rescue the three souls able to stem the Cloud's flood of shadows, or will the expedition itself vanish beyond the rift in the World of Darkness?
