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Elezen Wildwood
Elezen Duskwight

The elf-like race is tall and slender. They have longer life spans when compared to Hyur. Before the arrival of Hyur, Elezen was the sole dominion of Eorzea.

Elezen is divided to Wildwood and Duskwight.

Starting Attributes

Main article: Starting Attributes


The Elezen are a characteristically tall people, long of limb and slender of build. They are also possessed of a somewhat extended lifespan in comparison to the Hyur. The Elezen once claimed sole dominion over Eorzea, their presence predating that of the other races, and, as such, developed a heightened sense of honor and pride. In years past, the Hyur migration into Elezen lands sparked bitter conflict. At present, however, the mutual understanding reached between the two races allows them to work towards mutual peace and prosperity. [1]