Handpicked Ingredients
Revision as of 19:35, 19 September 2022 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
Handpicked Ingredients
- Item type
- Other
- Material type
- Miscellany
- Rarity
- Basic
- Vendor Value
- Patch
- 5.3
“An assortment of materials that, when cooked by the right culinarian, can make a feast even the most ancient of beings can enjoy.
— In-game description
Level 74 Logging from level 75 Mature Tree in The Peaks, Hidden Tear (X:33.8 Y:9.2)
- Perception 1080 required
Level 74 Quarrying from level 75 Rocky Outcrop in The Ruby Sea, The Kobayashi Maru (X:39.2 Y:3.8 Z:-1.3)
- Perception 1080 required