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Mylenie merchant.PNG

Pandaemonium Relic Exchange
Female ♀
Elezen (Wildwood)
Labyrinthos (8.3,27.5)

— In-game description

Mylenie is an Elezen found in Labyrinthos.

Items for Sale

Unsung Relic of Asphodelos Exchange (DoW) I

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Limbo circlet of fending icon1.png   Limbo Circlet of Fending Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo face guard of maiming icon1.png   Limbo Face Guard of Maiming Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo face guard of striking icon1.png   Limbo Face Guard of Striking Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo chiton of fending icon1.png   Limbo Chiton of Fending Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo himation of maiming icon1.png   Limbo Himation of Maiming Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo himation of striking icon1.png   Limbo Himation of Striking Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo vambraces of fending icon1.png   Limbo Vambraces of Fending Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo halfgloves of maiming icon1.png   Limbo Halfgloves of Maiming Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo halfgloves of striking icon1.png   Limbo Halfgloves of Striking Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo skirt of fending icon1.png   Limbo Skirt of Fending Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo breeches of maiming icon1.png   Limbo Breeches of Maiming Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo breeches of striking icon1.png   Limbo Breeches of Striking Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo boots of fending icon1.png   Limbo Boots of Fending Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo shoes of maiming icon1.png   Limbo Shoes of Maiming Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo shoes of striking icon1.png   Limbo Shoes of Striking Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo earrings of fending icon1.png   Limbo Earrings of Fending Earrings CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo earrings of slaying icon1.png   Limbo Earrings of Slaying Earrings CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo necklace of fending icon1.png   Limbo Necklace of Fending Necklace CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo necklace of slaying icon1.png   Limbo Necklace of Slaying Necklace CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo amulet of fending icon1.png   Limbo Amulet of Fending Bracelets CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo amulet of slaying icon1.png   Limbo Amulet of Slaying Bracelets CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo ring of fending icon1.png   Limbo Ring of Fending Ring CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo ring of slaying icon1.png   Limbo Ring of Slaying Ring CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1

Unsung Relic of Asphodelos Exchange (DoW) II

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Limbo circlet of scouting icon1.png   Limbo Circlet of Scouting Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo circlet of aiming icon1.png   Limbo Circlet of Aiming Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo himation of scouting icon1.png   Limbo Himation of Scouting Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo himation of aiming icon1.png   Limbo Himation of Aiming Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo gloves of scouting icon1.png   Limbo Gloves of Scouting Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo gloves of aiming icon1.png   Limbo Gloves of Aiming Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo hose of scouting icon1.png   Limbo Hose of Scouting Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo hose of aiming icon1.png   Limbo Hose of Aiming Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo boots of scouting icon1.png   Limbo Boots of Scouting Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo boots of aiming icon1.png   Limbo Boots of Aiming Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo earrings of aiming icon1.png   Limbo Earrings of Aiming Earrings CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo necklace of aiming icon1.png   Limbo Necklace of Aiming Necklace CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo amulet of aiming icon1.png   Limbo Amulet of Aiming Bracelets CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo ring of aiming icon1.png   Limbo Ring of Aiming Ring CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1

Unsung Relic of Asphodelos Exchange (DoM)

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Limbo headgear of casting icon1.png   Limbo Headgear of Casting Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo headgear of healing icon1.png   Limbo Headgear of Healing Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo chiton of casting icon1.png   Limbo Chiton of Casting Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo chiton of healing icon1.png   Limbo Chiton of Healing Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo wristbands of casting icon1.png   Limbo Wristbands of Casting Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo wristbands of healing icon1.png   Limbo Wristbands of Healing Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo trousers of casting icon1.png   Limbo Trousers of Casting Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo trousers of healing icon1.png   Limbo Trousers of Healing Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Limbo gaiters of casting icon1.png   Limbo Gaiters of Casting Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo gaiters of healing icon1.png   Limbo Gaiters of Healing Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of asphodelos icon1.png 2
Limbo earrings of casting icon1.png   Limbo Earrings of Casting Earrings CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo earrings of healing icon1.png   Limbo Earrings of Healing Earrings CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo necklace of casting icon1.png   Limbo Necklace of Casting Necklace CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo necklace of healing icon1.png   Limbo Necklace of Healing Necklace CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo amulet of casting icon1.png   Limbo Amulet of Casting Bracelets CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo amulet of healing icon1.png   Limbo Amulet of Healing Bracelets CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo ring of casting icon1.png   Limbo Ring of Casting Ring CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1
Limbo ring of healing icon1.png   Limbo Ring of Healing Ring CBlue 90
Unsung Ring of Asphodelos icon1.png 1

Asphodelos Mythos Exchange (DoW) I

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Asphodelos longsword icon1.png   Asphodelos Longsword Gladiator's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 5
Asphodelos war hammer icon1.png   Asphodelos War Hammer Marauder's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos claymore icon1.png   Asphodelos Claymore Dark Knight's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos bayonet icon1.png   Asphodelos Bayonet Gunbreaker's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos trident icon1.png   Asphodelos Trident Lancer's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos war scythe icon1.png   Asphodelos War Scythe Reaper's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos knuckles icon1.png   Asphodelos Knuckles Pugilist's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos samurai blade icon1.png   Asphodelos Samurai Blade Samurai's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos shield icon1.png   Asphodelos Shield Shield CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 3
Asphodelos circlet of fending icon1.png   Asphodelos Circlet of Fending Head CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos face guard of maiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Face Guard of Maiming Head CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos face guard of striking icon1.png   Asphodelos Face Guard of Striking Head CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos chiton of fending icon1.png   Asphodelos Chiton of Fending Body CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos himation of maiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Himation of Maiming Body CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos himation of striking icon1.png   Asphodelos Himation of Striking Body CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos vambraces of fending icon1.png   Asphodelos Vambraces of Fending Hands CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos halfgloves of maiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Halfgloves of Maiming Hands CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos halfgloves of striking icon1.png   Asphodelos Halfgloves of Striking Hands CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos skirt of fending icon1.png   Asphodelos Skirt of Fending Legs CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Asphodelos breeches of maiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Breeches of Maiming Legs CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Asphodelos breeches of striking icon1.png   Asphodelos Breeches of Striking Legs CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Asphodelos boots of fending icon1.png   Asphodelos Boots of Fending Feet CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos shoes of maiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Shoes of Maiming Feet CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos shoes of striking icon1.png   Asphodelos Shoes of Striking Feet CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos earrings of fending icon1.png   Asphodelos Earrings of Fending Earrings CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos earrings of slaying icon1.png   Asphodelos Earrings of Slaying Earrings CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos necklace of fending icon1.png   Asphodelos Necklace of Fending Necklace CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos necklace of slaying icon1.png   Asphodelos Necklace of Slaying Necklace CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos amulet of fending icon1.png   Asphodelos Amulet of Fending Bracelets CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos amulet of slaying icon1.png   Asphodelos Amulet of Slaying Bracelets CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos ring of fending icon1.png   Asphodelos Ring of Fending Ring CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos ring of slaying icon1.png   Asphodelos Ring of Slaying Ring CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4

Asphodelos Mythos Exchange (DoW) II

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Asphodelos daggers icon1.png   Asphodelos Daggers Rogue's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos harp bow icon1.png   Asphodelos Harp Bow Archer's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos arquebus icon1.png   Asphodelos Arquebus Machinist's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos tathlums icon1.png   Asphodelos Tathlums Dancer's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos headgear of scouting icon1.png   Asphodelos Headgear of Scouting Head CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos headgear of aiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Headgear of Aiming Head CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos himation of scouting icon1.png   Asphodelos Himation of Scouting Body CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos himation of aiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Himation of Aiming Body CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos gloves of scouting icon1.png   Asphodelos Gloves of Scouting Hands CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos gloves of aiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Gloves of Aiming Hands CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos hose of scouting icon1.png   Asphodelos Hose of Scouting Legs CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Asphodelos hose of aiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Hose of Aiming Legs CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Asphodelos boots of scouting icon1.png   Asphodelos Boots of Scouting Feet CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos boots of aiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Boots of Aiming Feet CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos earrings of aiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Earrings of Aiming Earrings CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos necklace of aiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Necklace of Aiming Necklace CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos amulet of aiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Amulet of Aiming Bracelets CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos ring of aiming icon1.png   Asphodelos Ring of Aiming Ring CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4

Asphodelos Mythos Exchange (DoM)

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Asphodelos staff icon1.png   Asphodelos Staff Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos grimoire icon1.png   Asphodelos Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos foil icon1.png   Asphodelos Foil Red Mage's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos cane icon1.png   Asphodelos Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos codex icon1.png   Asphodelos Codex Scholar's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos orrery icon1.png   Asphodelos Orrery Astrologian's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos pendulums icon1.png   Asphodelos Pendulums Sage's Arm CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos headgear of casting icon1.png   Asphodelos Headgear of Casting Head CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos headgear of healing icon1.png   Asphodelos Headgear of Healing Head CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos chiton of casting icon1.png   Asphodelos Chiton of Casting Body CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos chiton of healing icon1.png   Asphodelos Chiton of Healing Body CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Asphodelos wristbands of casting icon1.png   Asphodelos Wristbands of Casting Hands CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos wristbands of healing icon1.png   Asphodelos Wristbands of Healing Hands CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos trousers of casting icon1.png   Asphodelos Trousers of Casting Legs CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Asphodelos trousers of healing icon1.png   Asphodelos Trousers of Healing Legs CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Asphodelos gaiters of casting icon1.png   Asphodelos Gaiters of Casting Feet CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos gaiters of healing icon1.png   Asphodelos Gaiters of Healing Feet CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 6
Asphodelos earrings of casting icon1.png   Asphodelos Earrings of Casting Earrings CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos earrings of healing icon1.png   Asphodelos Earrings of Healing Earrings CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos necklace of casting icon1.png   Asphodelos Necklace of Casting Necklace CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos necklace of healing icon1.png   Asphodelos Necklace of Healing Necklace CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos amulet of casting icon1.png   Asphodelos Amulet of Casting Bracelets CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos amulet of healing icon1.png   Asphodelos Amulet of Healing Bracelets CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos ring of casting icon1.png   Asphodelos Ring of Casting Ring CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4
Asphodelos ring of healing icon1.png   Asphodelos Ring of Healing Ring CBlue 90
Asphodelos mythos i icon1.png 4

Unsung Relic of Abyssos Exchange (DoW) I

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Purgatory helm of fending icon1.png   Purgatory Helm of Fending Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory helm of maiming icon1.png   Purgatory Helm of Maiming Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory hood of striking icon1.png   Purgatory Hood of Striking Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory cuirass of fending icon1.png   Purgatory Cuirass of Fending Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory cuirass of maiming icon1.png   Purgatory Cuirass of Maiming Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory acton of striking icon1.png   Purgatory Acton of Striking Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory gauntlets of fending icon1.png   Purgatory Gauntlets of Fending Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory gauntlets of maiming icon1.png   Purgatory Gauntlets of Maiming Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory armguards of striking icon1.png   Purgatory Armguards of Striking Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory hose of fending icon1.png   Purgatory Hose of Fending Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory hose of maiming icon1.png   Purgatory Hose of Maiming Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory brais of striking icon1.png   Purgatory Brais of Striking Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory sollerets of fending icon1.png   Purgatory Sollerets of Fending Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory sollerets of maiming icon1.png   Purgatory Sollerets of Maiming Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory boots of striking icon1.png   Purgatory Boots of Striking Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory earrings of fending icon1.png   Purgatory Earrings of Fending Earrings CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory earrings of slaying icon1.png   Purgatory Earrings of Slaying Earrings CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory choker of fending icon1.png   Purgatory Choker of Fending Necklace CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory choker of slaying icon1.png   Purgatory Choker of Slaying Necklace CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory amulet of fending icon1.png   Purgatory Amulet of Fending Bracelets CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory amulet of slaying icon1.png   Purgatory Amulet of Slaying Bracelets CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory ring of fending icon1.png   Purgatory Ring of Fending Ring CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory ring of slaying icon1.png   Purgatory Ring of Slaying Ring CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1

Unsung Relic of Abyssos Exchange (DoW) II

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Purgatory mask of scouting icon1.png   Purgatory Mask of Scouting Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory mask of aiming icon1.png   Purgatory Mask of Aiming Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory coat of scouting icon1.png   Purgatory Coat of Scouting Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory coat of aiming icon1.png   Purgatory Coat of Aiming Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory gloves of scouting icon1.png   Purgatory Gloves of Scouting Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory gloves of aiming icon1.png   Purgatory Gloves of Aiming Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory tights of scouting icon1.png   Purgatory Tights of Scouting Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory tights of aiming icon1.png   Purgatory Tights of Aiming Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory thighboots of scouting icon1.png   Purgatory Thighboots of Scouting Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory thighboots of aiming icon1.png   Purgatory Thighboots of Aiming Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory earrings of aiming icon1.png   Purgatory Earrings of Aiming Earrings CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory choker of aiming icon1.png   Purgatory Choker of Aiming Necklace CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory amulet of aiming icon1.png   Purgatory Amulet of Aiming Bracelets CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory ring of aiming icon1.png   Purgatory Ring of Aiming Ring CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1

Unsung Relic of Abyssos Exchange (DoM)

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Purgatory helm of casting icon1.png   Purgatory Helm of Casting Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory helm of healing icon1.png   Purgatory Helm of Healing Head CBlue 90
Unsung helm of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory surcoat of casting icon1.png   Purgatory Surcoat of Casting Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory surcoat of healing icon1.png   Purgatory Surcoat of Healing Body CBlue 90
Unsung armor of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory armguards of casting icon1.png   Purgatory Armguards of Casting Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory armguards of healing icon1.png   Purgatory Armguards of Healing Hands CBlue 90
Unsung gauntlets of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory culottes of casting icon1.png   Purgatory Culottes of Casting Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory culottes of healing icon1.png   Purgatory Culottes of Healing Legs CBlue 90
Unsung chausses of abyssos icon1.png 4
Purgatory boots of casting icon1.png   Purgatory Boots of Casting Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory boots of healing icon1.png   Purgatory Boots of Healing Feet CBlue 90
Unsung greaves of abyssos icon1.png 2
Purgatory earrings of casting icon1.png   Purgatory Earrings of Casting Earrings CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory earrings of healing icon1.png   Purgatory Earrings of Healing Earrings CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory choker of casting icon1.png   Purgatory Choker of Casting Necklace CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory choker of healing icon1.png   Purgatory Choker of Healing Necklace CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory amulet of casting icon1.png   Purgatory Amulet of Casting Bracelets CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory amulet of healing icon1.png   Purgatory Amulet of Healing Bracelets CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory ring of casting icon1.png   Purgatory Ring of Casting Ring CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1
Purgatory ring of healing icon1.png   Purgatory Ring of Healing Ring CBlue 90
Unsung ring of abyssos icon1.png 1

Abyssos Mythos Exchange (DoW) I

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Abyssos bastard sword icon1.png   Abyssos Bastard Sword Gladiator's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 5
Abyssos war axe icon1.png   Abyssos War Axe Marauder's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos guillotine icon1.png   Abyssos Guillotine Dark Knight's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos sawback icon1.png   Abyssos Sawback Gunbreaker's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos partisan icon1.png   Abyssos Partisan Lancer's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos sickle icon1.png   Abyssos Sickle Reaper's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos baghnakhs icon1.png   Abyssos Baghnakhs Pugilist's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos blade icon1.png   Abyssos Blade Samurai's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos shield icon1.png   Abyssos Shield Shield CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 3
Abyssos helm of fending icon1.png   Abyssos Helm of Fending Head CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos helm of maiming icon1.png   Abyssos Helm of Maiming Head CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos hood of striking icon1.png   Abyssos Hood of Striking Head CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos cuirass of fending icon1.png   Abyssos Cuirass of Fending Body CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos cuirass of maiming icon1.png   Abyssos Cuirass of Maiming Body CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos acton of striking icon1.png   Abyssos Acton of Striking Body CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos gauntlets of fending icon1.png   Abyssos Gauntlets of Fending Hands CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos gauntlets of maiming icon1.png   Abyssos Gauntlets of Maiming Hands CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos armguards of striking icon1.png   Abyssos Armguards of Striking Hands CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos hose of fending icon1.png   Abyssos Hose of Fending Legs CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Abyssos hose of maiming icon1.png   Abyssos Hose of Maiming Legs CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Abyssos brais of striking icon1.png   Abyssos Brais of Striking Legs CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Abyssos sollerets of fending icon1.png   Abyssos Sollerets of Fending Feet CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos sollerets of maiming icon1.png   Abyssos Sollerets of Maiming Feet CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos boots of striking icon1.png   Abyssos Boots of Striking Feet CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos earrings of fending icon1.png   Abyssos Earrings of Fending Earrings CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos earrings of slaying icon1.png   Abyssos Earrings of Slaying Earrings CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos choker of fending icon1.png   Abyssos Choker of Fending Necklace CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos choker of slaying icon1.png   Abyssos Choker of Slaying Necklace CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos amulet of fending icon1.png   Abyssos Amulet of Fending Bracelets CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos amulet of slaying icon1.png   Abyssos Amulet of Slaying Bracelets CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos ring of fending icon1.png   Abyssos Ring of Fending Ring CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos ring of slaying icon1.png   Abyssos Ring of Slaying Ring CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4

Abyssos Mythos Exchange (DoW) II

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Abyssos cleavers icon1.png   Abyssos Cleavers Rogue's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos compound bow icon1.png   Abyssos Compound Bow Archer's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos chakrams icon1.png   Abyssos Chakrams Dancer's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos pistol icon1.png   Abyssos Pistol Machinist's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos mask of scouting icon1.png   Abyssos Mask of Scouting Head CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos mask of aiming icon1.png   Abyssos Mask of Aiming Head CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos coat of scouting icon1.png   Abyssos Coat of Scouting Body CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos coat of aiming icon1.png   Abyssos Coat of Aiming Body CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos gloves of scouting icon1.png   Abyssos Gloves of Scouting Hands CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos gloves of aiming icon1.png   Abyssos Gloves of Aiming Hands CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos tights of scouting icon1.png   Abyssos Tights of Scouting Legs CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Abyssos tights of aiming icon1.png   Abyssos Tights of Aiming Legs CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Abyssos thighboots of scouting icon1.png   Abyssos Thighboots of Scouting Feet CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos thighboots of aiming icon1.png   Abyssos Thighboots of Aiming Feet CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos earrings of aiming icon1.png   Abyssos Earrings of Aiming Earrings CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos choker of aiming icon1.png   Abyssos Choker of Aiming Necklace CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos amulet of aiming icon1.png   Abyssos Amulet of Aiming Bracelets CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos ring of aiming icon1.png   Abyssos Ring of Aiming Ring CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4

Abyssos Mythos Exchange (DoM)

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Abyssos rod icon1.png   Abyssos Rod Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abysseia icon1.png   Abysseia Arcanist's Grimoire CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos degen icon1.png   Abyssos Degen Red Mage's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos staff icon1.png   Abyssos Staff Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Call of the abyss icon1.png   Call of the Abyss Scholar's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos orrery icon1.png   Abyssos Orrery Astrologian's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos wings icon1.png   Abyssos Wings Sage's Arm CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos helm of casting icon1.png   Abyssos Helm of Casting Head CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos helm of healing icon1.png   Abyssos Helm of Healing Head CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos surcoat of casting icon1.png   Abyssos Surcoat of Casting Body CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos surcoat of healing icon1.png   Abyssos Surcoat of Healing Body CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iv icon1.png 8
Abyssos armguards of casting icon1.png   Abyssos Armguards of Casting Hands CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos armguards of healing icon1.png   Abyssos Armguards of Healing Hands CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos culottes of casting icon1.png   Abyssos Culottes of Casting Legs CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Abyssos culottes of healing icon1.png   Abyssos Culottes of Healing Legs CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos iii icon1.png 8
Abyssos boots of casting icon1.png   Abyssos Boots of Casting Feet CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos boots of healing icon1.png   Abyssos Boots of Healing Feet CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Abyssos earrings of casting icon1.png   Abyssos Earrings of Casting Earrings CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos earrings of healing icon1.png   Abyssos Earrings of Healing Earrings CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos choker of casting icon1.png   Abyssos Choker of Casting Necklace CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos choker of healing icon1.png   Abyssos Choker of Healing Necklace CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos amulet of casting icon1.png   Abyssos Amulet of Casting Bracelets CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos amulet of healing icon1.png   Abyssos Amulet of Healing Bracelets CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos ring of casting icon1.png   Abyssos Ring of Casting Ring CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4
Abyssos ring of healing icon1.png   Abyssos Ring of Healing Ring CBlue 90
Abyssos mythos i icon1.png 4


Item Type Cost
Discal tomestone icon1.png   Discal Tomestone Other Unsung blade of asphodelos icon1.png 4
Radiant roborant icon1.png   Radiant Roborant Other Asphodelos mythos iii icon1.png 4
Radiant twine icon1.png   Radiant Twine Other Asphodelos mythos iii icon1.png 4
Radiant coating icon1.png   Radiant Coating Other Asphodelos mythos ii icon1.png 4
Ultralight tomestone icon1.png   Ultralight Tomestone Other Unsung blade of abyssos icon1.png 7
Moonshine brine icon1.png   Moonshine Brine Other Abyssos mythos iii icon1.png 4
Moonshine twine icon1.png   Moonshine Twine Other Abyssos mythos iii icon1.png 4
Moonshine shine icon1.png   Moonshine Shine Other Abyssos mythos ii icon1.png 4