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Doman Reconstruction: Tauyaku

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Doman Reconstruction: Tauyaku

Quest giver
The Doman Enclave (X:7.2, Y:7.3)
Quest line
Doman Reconstruction Quests
Gil 270,000 donated to Donation Basket
Previous quest
Other QuestDoman Reconstruction: Ishibushi
Next quest
Feature QuestLighting the Way

Owing to your many contributions, the One Garden has seen further development.

— In-game description

Doman Reconstruction: Tauyaku is a level 70 quasi-quest and a part of the Doman Reconstruction storyline. Specifically, this quest covers the restoration of the One Garden. There are no true steps to this quest, but donating more items continues the story and further improves the barracks.

The first and only part of the quest starts after players have donated items worth a total of 270,000 gil to the Donation Basket.


270,000 Gil Donated

Kozakura: Please allow me to offer my most sincere appreciation for your kind donations.

Kozakura: Not only were they used in the development of the One Garden, but we also had enough materials left to carry out numerous repairs and improvements.

Kozakura: Through your goodwill and timely contributions, the enclave has changed immeasurably from the shattered husk it once was.

Hachisuba: [Player], Kozakura!

Hachisuba: The One Garden is ready! You should come and see what we have done with the place.

Kozakura: Splendid!

Kozakura: We should go for a stroll and admire their handiwork.

Hachisuba: You will not be disappointed─ I guarantee it! Now, I must find Master Ishibushi and share the news!

Kozakura: Well then, shall we adjourn?

Kozakura: My goodness! I never imagined it would be so spectacular!

Kozakura: The stunning combination of natural beauty and traditional Doman architecture takes my breath away.

Kozakura: The pavilion in particular is certain to impress all who visit. I had no idea you were planning something of this scale, though.

Hachisuba: Actually, Tauyaku came up with the overall design, while I saw to its construction. Though I have to say, even I am pleasantly surprised by the end result.

Hachisuba: I am curious, Tauyaku─ How did you become such a gardening expert?

Hachisuba: Surely, the imperial occupation all but brought an end to such leisurely pursuits?

Tauyaku: Yes, those damnable Garleans have no respect for the finer things in life. Until they came and ruined everything, I was an apprentice gardener.

Tauyaku: I trained under my father, who was in charge of the grounds of Doma Castle. While I spent most of my boyhood pruning hedges, he was creating horticultural masterpieces.

Tauyaku: However, I will never forget the day I accidentally cut off a branch from Lord Kaien's favorite plum tree.

Tauyaku: For the first time in my life, I saw rage flash in my father's eyes as he struck me across the face. When he marched me off to apologize to our great ruler, I was so afraid that even his hands gripping my shoulders could not stop my trembling.

Tauyaku: But when I confessed to Lord Kaien, he gently held the branch as he smiled at me and said, “This will make the perfect gift for my Mina!”

Tauyaku: From that day forth, it has been my dream to fill Doma with beautiful gardens, in honor of our beloved lord.

Tauyaku: Your generosity has set me on the path of fulfilling this goal. I shall never forget the kindness you have shown me.

Tauyaku: I wish you could have seen the gardens of Doma Castle. While they may have been lost forever, I will dedicate my life to keeping the techniques of my father alive for all to enjoy.

Tauyaku: It is a shame that he and Lord Kaien are no longer here to share this view with us. I only pray that it serves as a suitable tribute to their memory.

Tauyaku: Oh, I am terribly sorry. It was not my intention to dampen the mood.

Tauyaku: Perhaps we have for so long lived under the heel of the Garleans, that we simply could not afford to think beyond the here and now. Even after we rid ourselves of those curs, every day was a desperate struggle to make ends meet.

Tauyaku: It is only now that peace has returned to the enclave that we are able to look to the past, to remember those we have lost.

Hachisuba: No doubt many others feel the same way. I know I do. We should encourage them to come together for quiet reflection, to ease the grief that lingers in their hearts. Maybe we can hold an event of some kind.

Hachisuba: Finding something suitable is a rather tricky proposition, though. I have heard of several Doman festivals and they all seem to be too loud and boisterous. On the other hand, we do not want to make the mood too somber.

Kozakura: As it happens, the Shazenkai has been discussing whether to host some sort of occasion to mark the beginning of this new era for the enclave. Unfortunately, we are also struggling for ideas.

Kozakura: I will take what you have said into consideration as we go about planning the event. However, I think that we will need a little more time to decide on something appropriate.

Kozakura: Can we count on your assistance?

Hachisuba: I would not have it any other way!

Kozakura: Glad to hear it! I shall return to the Shazenkai and look into potential candidates for the event.

Tauyaku: If you find yourself in need of inspiration or simply a place to think, you know where to come!

System: The One Garden Complete!

System: Due to your continued contributions, each of the reconstruction projects is now complete.

System: However, Kozakura is still formulating a plan to bring the residents together to bid farewell to the past and mark the beginning of a new era. Perhaps she would benefit from your assistance?

Tauyaku: A gardener's work is never over. Even though the One Garden could be considered to be in a finished state, to maintain its current condition will require unwavering dedication.