The Yawning Abyss
The Yawning Abyss is a tome on the fundamentals of Thaumaturgy, written by a renowned thaumaturge named Zozomaya. During the early class quests for Thaumaturge, the co-guildmasters introduce the player to the class basics through lessons based on each chapter.
Chapter 1: The Threat of Intimacy
"Ah, how magnificent the potent power we wield.
Roaring flames, piercing ice, and shocking bolts are matched not by fist or sword or spear.
But the burly warrior waxes fearsome with every closing step.
Fists shatter bone; blades slide through flesh; spears puncture soft bellies.
Know you this threat, and stand you apart from such men."
Chapter 2: The Threat of Paucity
"Ah, how magnificent the ruthless power we wield.
Flame devours, ice entombs, and lightning courses through the stricken bodies of our foes.
But, oh, such desperation when the wellspring runs dry.
Flame sputters out, ice melts into slush, and lightning sparks no longer.
Know you this threat, and mind you the limits of your mortal vessel."
Chapter 3: The Threat of Superiority
"Ah, how magnificent the intimidating power we wield.
Flames sear the air, ice frosts the ground, and lightning flashes with blinding incandescence.
But not all are cowed by our elemental fury.
Ignite not your flames, summon not your ice, and strike not with your lightning.
Know you this threat, and stay your hand against such foes."
Chapter 4: The Threat of Perplexity
"Ah, how magnificent the daunting power we wield.
Flames pursue, ice transfixes, and lightning dances into the ranks of our enemies.
But what terror descends when, from all sides, those ranks close?
Flames are smothered, ice crushed, and lightning grounded.
Know you this threat, and ware you the multitudinous foe."