Longmirror Lake

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Longmirror Lake

Il Mheg

No description available.

— In-game description

Longmirror Lake is an area in Il Mheg, Norvrandt.


Landmark (map icon).png
Thysm Lran

Landmark (map icon).png
Deepwood Swim

In the time of Voeburt, when Lyhe Ghiah was yet known as Gruenes Licht, these ruins were a thriving castle town. Now they languish at the bottom of Longmirror Lake, submerged in the waters drawn forth by the Fuath as the faeries laid claim to Il Mheg.

— Vista Record (Shadowbringers) #032: Deepwood Swim

Landmark (map icon).png
The House of the First Light

Landmark (map icon).png
Sextuplet Shallow


Node Item Level Req. Perception Respawn Tome Coordinates
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 70 Lush Vegetation
Clinquant stones icon1.png  Clinquant Stones «2» 70 690 (X:30.8, Y:35.7)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 70 Lush Vegetation
Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal «5» 26 (X:30.8, Y:35.7)