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"It has ever been said that Eorzea is a land embraced by gods. For weal or for woe, I should wonder."

— In-game description

Unukalhai is a Hyur in The Rising Stones. He is first introduced to the player following the conclusion of the Heavensward expansion. For some time thereafter, he can be found inside The Solar near a journal he gradually fills with information as the player completes the story quests for The Warring Triad.[1] Unukalhai makes further appearances once the player completes the Shadowbringers main story, in a handful of quests unlocked from the completion of all five Role Quests.[2] As of Patch 6.2, Unukalhai has yet to be involved in any further quests related to Endwalker or its subsequent content, but he may have new dialogue for players who meet certain quest completion conditions.

Editor's Warning: Lore about this character, detailed farther below, contains SPOILERS. Please exercise caution if you wish to avoid them.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
When the Bough Wakes Feature quest 60 Unukalhai
The Fate of Stars Feature quest 60 Unukalhai
Balance unto All Feature quest 60 Unukalhai
The Last Pillar to Fall Feature quest 60 Unukalhai
The Diabolical Bismarck Feature quest 60 Unukalhai
Thok Around the Clock Feature quest 60 Unukalhai
A Fiendish Likeness Feature quest 60 Unukalhai
A Deific Simulacrum Feature quest 60 Unukalhai
A Demonic Duplicate Feature quest 60 Unukalhai
One Step Closer Sidequest 80 Unukalhai
A Bounty of Hunters Sidequest 80 Unukalhai

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Gods of Eld Feature quest 60 Torsefers



Outside of quest-based instances, this character is most often found in the following locations.

Zone Coordinates Level range
The Rising Stones (X:6.1, Y:5.2) 60
The Crystarium (X:10.7, Y:15.4) 80

Other Instances

This character can be found at these locations for short intervals, only while specific quests or instances are active.

Zone Coordinates Level range
Azys Lla (X:25.5, Y:21.4) 60
Azys Lla (X:20.4, Y:21.6) 60
Azys Lla (X:20.2, Y:21.6) 60
Azys Lla (X:25.5, Y:21.6) 60
Azys Lla (X:24.3, Y:21.4) 60
The Crystarium (X:11.2, Y:15.2) 80
Lakeland (X:21.7, Y:15.2) 80
Lakeland (X:34.7, Y:25.8) 80

Additional Information

Inducted into the Scions of the Seventh Dawn at the recommendation of Urianger, Unukalhai's assistance has proven invaluable when dealing with entities of considerable might; this includes both primals incarnate and the Warring Triad. It is believed the masked youth has an ability not unlike the Echo which somehow shields him from the tempering gaze of the bestial deities. Though his age, origin, race, and ultimate intentions all remain mysteries, the Scions have yet to find reason to mistrust Unukalhai, and cautiously count him as one of their own.

— Encyclopedia Eorzea vol 1, page 212


As I once explained, I was not born of this world. My home fell to oblivion long ago, and is now known as the void. The champions who fought upon that ruined star were corrupted by the captured essence of the primals─twisted into incarnations of Darkness. Those of the Light who stood to oppose them were but suckling babes in comparison. I am told there were more like me, young and touched by the Echo, but the Darkness consumed all ere we learned of each other's existence. Even the servants of the power which annihilated my world could find naught to salvage in the emptiness which remained.
...Such a tale you have heard from me before, but I feel the story bears repeating. Think of it as a mantra; a warning that you might avoid the same terrible fate. 'Tis fortunate, however, that this world is bountiful where mine own was found wanting. You have become the hero that I never was, strengthened and steadied by your companions in the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. ...As I understand, you were summoned across the rift to another world─the First─whereupon you reversed its perilous pitch toward Light. But your deeds did not end there. Nay, you then went on strike down no lesser an Ascian than the Emissary himself. Elidibus... To the last he stayed his course, rendering up his life for his mission. And he may well have accomplished it were it not for you. Your victory is an event to be rejoiced, as are all victories over the Ascians. Yet if truth be told, I find my heart is torn. For as much suffering as he has caused, Elidibus saw fit to save my life...

— Unukalhai, in The Solar after completion of The Warring Triad (with updates from a handful of following quests)

[...] The concept of balance is, however, of great interest to my master. A world must have both Light and Darkness, and a sudden surge of either will endanger its very existence. Upon our first meeting, my master spoke thus: I am not the Light's servant, but for the present I must serve. One cannot arbitrate equilibrium if one is not fluid of stance. The tenets of our justice are found not in Light nor Darkness nor the grey shades in between. We but seek to enforce that which prevents the visitation of oblivion. To moderate the endless waves of war such that neither side claims victory...that is our charge.

— Unkalhai's writing, Chapter 3: Sophia

[...] Ere the star upon which I was born became the void, the champions who lived upon it chose to embrace self-destruction rather than cease their infernal conflict. They became lost within their own ambitions, strangling the life from one another even as the flood of Darkness swallowed them whole... Here on Hydaelyn, the power of Light is not so feeble. This world will survive while the balance holds, but we must also take care that the scales do not swing too far in Light's favor. As we fight on the side of Light, we must trust that our companions will steer us away from the lure of extremity, and help guide us along the narrow path to salvation. It is the actions of men such as Regula van Hydrus that give me hope that the future of this star is not beyond redemption.

— Unkalhai's writing, Chapter 4: Zurvan

I consider [Cylva] a comrade of sorts, though our time together was short. Looking upon the twisted remains of the world you tried to save creates a bond that few can understand. At that time, we spoke of what we could hope to achieve with our newfound immortality...and of our regrets. Though I then believed what had happened to be the natural result of my age and inexperience, I now think this was merely the least painful explanation I could offer myself. Cylva is right─we ought to have sought each other out before it was too late. I would not make the same mistake again. With the Warring Triad gone, I am indeed in need of new purpose. But to seek it alone is folly.

— Unukalhai, during The Hero's Journey

What? With our methods, we can barely maintain a faint connection to the Thirteenth...but you say that you've journeyed there!? Incredible... Such drive Archon Y'shtola must have to uncover the secrets of cross-rift travel. And to conceive of creating an artificial Atomos could only be described as inspired. Suffice it to say, I should like nothing more than to join you on your future forays, but I will abide in patience for now. You already have a capable guide at your disposal, and my presence would be extraneous. Besides, there are certain tasks that require me to be here in the First. For one, I wish to learn more about the approach used to revive the Empty. 'Tis my hope that the selfsame can be applied in the Thirteenth, and to that end, I have arranged to meet with those involved.

— Unukalhai, in The Crystarium, after completion of Buried Memory and Shadowed Pasts (Patch 6.2)


  1. This journal remains in The Solar regardless of Unukalhai's future status.
  2. For interested parties, this set of follow-up quests is started by speaking to Cyella in the Crystarium.