If Ye Break Faith
Revision as of 22:49, 30 January 2015 by Mico90 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Sidequest.pngCentral Shroud Quest {{Quest | QuestGiver = Finnea - Central Shroud (x22, y25) | Requirements = Level 12 | Items = | E...")
Central Shroud Quest
- Speak with Balarr
- Lay the Nymeia lillies atop the barrows.
- Report to Balarr.
- Finnea has work for a meddlesome adventurer.
- While Finnea cares little for the adventurers of Gridania, she is willing to direct you to someone who may have need your services. Seek out Balarr, the groundskeeper of the Tam-Tara Deepcroft.
- Balarr is indeed happy to receive you, and he asks you to make offerings to pacify the spirits of those interred in the Deepcroft. Lay the Nymeia lilies at the top of each barrow.
- You respectfully lay the lilies on each barrow. Return to Balarr and let him know that the task is complete.
- Balarr thanks you for helping him to soothe the restless souls of Gridania's dead. However, it remains to be seen how effective your gesture will be...