Glory Days
Revision as of 09:41, 31 January 2015 by Mico90 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Sidequest.pngLimsa Lominsa Upper Decks Quest {{Quest | QuestGiver = S'dhodjbi - Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x11, y11) | ...")
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks Quest
- Speak with Klindrael.
- Slay aureliae.
- Deliver the aurelia umbrellas to Baderon.
- S'dhodjbi needs your help to prepare a treat for Baderon.
- S'dhodjbi wants to present several aurelia umbrellas to Baderon as a gesture of appreciation for all his hard work. Speak with Klindrael for more information about where to find the creatures.
- Though repulsed by the thought of eating aureliae, Klindrael directs you to the river past the Tempest Gate and to the east. Slay the creatures and obtain four of their umbrellas.
- You remove four slimy umbrellas from the carcasses of the foul beasts. Present them to Baderon on behalf of S'dhodjbi.
- It seems S'dhodjbi misinterpreted her employer's drunken ramblings, as Baderon states that aurelia umbrellas are the most vile, disgusting food he has ever tasted. Even so, the former sellsword cannot help but laugh as he reflects on his glory days.