Soothing the Savage Siren
Revision as of 09:41, 31 January 2015 by Mico90 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Sidequest.pngLimsa Lominsa Upper Decks Quest {{Quest | QuestGiver = O'kalkaya - Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x12, y13) | ...")
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks Quest
- Show Rhoswen that you are /disappointed.
- Speak with O'kalkaya.
- O'kalkaya has advice for any adventurers headed to the Missing Member.
- O'kalkaya warns you that Captain Rhoswen, leader of the Sanguine Sirens and proprietress of the Missing Member, is in no mood to entertain customers. If you insist upon visiting, O'kalkaya strongly suggests that you first pay your respects and /kneel to the captain.
- Rhoswen explains that the Sanguine Sirens are struggling to capture imperial vessels because their rivals, the Kraken's Arms, are seizing them first. Show Captain Rhoswen that you are /disappointed with this turn of events.
- Brushing aside your gesture of sympathy, Rhoswen muses on how she might motivate her crew to redouble their efforts. Demonstrate to her how you would /rally their spirits.
- Though your gesturing nearly earns you a gruesome death, you unintentionally inspire Rhoswen to embrace her piratical proclivities and steal better ships so that the Sirens can plunder Garlean outposts. Let O'kalkaya know that her captain is in higher spirits.
- O'kalkaya thanks you for improving Captain Rhoswen's mood and ensuring that the Siren's deckswabs were not disposed of prematurely.