In Flagrante Delicto
Revision as of 03:40, 3 February 2015 by Mico90 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Mainscenarioquest.pngMain Scenario Quest {{Quest | QuestGiver = Shinobi - South Shroud (x23, y25) | Requirements = Level 50 | Items = | Exp = 0 | Gil = 1...")
Main Scenario Quest
- Speak with Yugiri near the Hawthorne Hut.
- Speak with Yugiri at the Bramble Patch.
- Speak with Yugiri.
- Speak with Minfilia.
- The shinobi seems eager to send you on your way.
- Having thwarted the Garleans' attempt to destroy the jamming device, you are now free to resume your pursuit of Eline Roaille. Make your way to the Hawthorne Hut in the East Shroud, and report to Yugiri.
- You arrive at the Hawthorne Hut to find that Eline Roaille has already departed for the Bramble Patch. Rendezvous with Yugiri ahead of what promises to be the dramatic conclusion of your hunt.
- With the Domans' aid, you have apprehended Eline Roaille in the act of meeting her imperial contact. Her guilt is now surely beyond dispute. Speak with Yugiri to hear her thoughts on the mission.
- Yugiri promises to attend to the aftermath of your hunt, leaving you free to report your recent adventures to Minfilia, back at the Rising Stones.
- Minfilia is shocked to learn of Eline Roaille's arrest and the accusations that have been brought against her. Setting aside her dismay, she informs you that the Scions have made progress in their quest to gain entry into Iceheart's sanctum.