Arcana Gauge

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Arcana Gauge is Astrologian's Job Gauge.

Arcana Gauge

Left side of Arcana Gauge allows Astrologians to keep track of which card (Arcanum) is currently drawn. An Arcanum is drawn by using the action Draw, and is used by using action Play.

Arcana gauge pve1.png Initial gauge

Upon learning the action Enhanced Draw II, you'll be able to view Astrosigns, located at top of the gauge. Lunar, Solar and Celestial are the three Astrosigns, and one of these will be stored whenever you active card. This only happens while engaged in combat - even though card's effect will be applied, you will not receive Astrosign. Received Astrosign depends on used card.

When three Astrosigns have been applied, you can use them to perform Astrodyne. Your goal is to collect ideally all 3 distinct Astrosigns, as this will trigger better effects of Astrodyne.

Arcana gauge pve2.png Arcanum "The Balance" drawn on the left, drawn Minor Arcanum Lord of Crowns on the right and 3 stored Astrosigns on the top.

Simple Mode

Arcana gauge pve simple mode2.png