Desynthesis Achievements

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Main article: Items Achievements
Name Points Task Reward Patch
Break it down i icon1.png  Break It Down I 5 Successfully desynthesize 50 items. - 2.3
Break it down ii icon1.png  Break It Down II 5 Successfully desynthesize 200 items. - 2.3
Break it down iii icon1.png  Break It Down III 5 Successfully desynthesize 500 items. - 2.3
Break it down iv icon1.png  Break It Down IV 5 Successfully desynthesize 1,000 items. - 2.3
Break it down v icon1.png  Break It Down V 10 Successfully desynthesize 2,000 items. - 2.3
You're tearing me apart i icon1.png  You're Tearing Me Apart I 10 Successfully desynthesize 5,000 items. Achievement title icon.png The Disassembler 2.3
You're tearing me apart ii icon1.png  You're Tearing Me Apart II 10 Successfully desynthesize 10,000 items. - 4.0