Legacy Currency Achievements

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Main article: Legacy Achievements
Name Points Task Reward Patch
You can't take it with you i icon1.png  You Can't Take It with You I 5 Earn a cumulative total of 1,000 gil from defeating enemies. - 1.0
You can't take it with you ii icon1.png  You Can't Take It with You II 5 Earn a cumulative total of 10,000 gil from defeating enemies. - 1.0
You can't take it with you iii icon1.png  You Can't Take It with You III 5 Earn a cumulative total of 100,000 gil from defeating enemies. - 1.0
You can't take it with you iv icon1.png  You Can't Take It with You IV 5 Earn a cumulative total of 1,000,000 gil from defeating enemies. - 1.0
You can't take it with you v icon1.png  You Can't Take It with You V 5 Earn a cumulative total of 10,000,000 gil from defeating enemies. - 1.0
Never met a corpse i couldn't rifle icon1.png  Never Met a Corpse I Couldn't Rifle 10 Earn a cumulative total of 100,000,000 gil from defeating enemies. Achievement title icon.png Ruthless Gillionaire 1.0