Augmented Black Willow Weapons

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Revision as of 02:59, 30 December 2022 by Dr Agon (talk | contribs)
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See also: Level 70 Gear Guide, Augmented iLvl 350 Crafted Armor and Augmented iLvl 350 Crafted Accessories

Purchased from J'tandhaa in Rhalgr's Reach (X: 9.6 Y: 11.6) for Resistance token icon1.png  Resistance Token and Thavnairian rain icon1.png  Thavnairian Rain. Will be purchased as HQ icon.png high quality.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Augmented Nightsteel Sword Augmented nightsteel sword icon1.png 70 360 GLA PLD 79 HQ icon.png88 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +85 HQ icon.png95Vitality +88 HQ icon.png98Determination +85 HQ icon.png94Skill Speed +59 HQ icon.png66
Augmented Nightsteel Battleaxe Augmented nightsteel battleaxe icon1.png 70 360 MRD WAR 79 HQ icon.png88 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Critical Hit +118 HQ icon.png131Tenacity +83 HQ icon.png92
Augmented Nightsteel Greatsword Augmented nightsteel greatsword icon1.png 70 360 DRK 79 HQ icon.png88 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Critical Hit +83 HQ icon.png92Skill Speed +118 HQ icon.png131
Augmented Black Willow Spear Augmented black willow spear icon1.png 70 360 LNC DRG 79 HQ icon.png88 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Critical Hit +83 HQ icon.png92Skill Speed +118 HQ icon.png131
Augmented Nightsteel Claws Augmented nightsteel claws icon1.png 70 360 PGL MNK 79 HQ icon.png88 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Direct Hit Rate +118 HQ icon.png131Skill Speed +83 HQ icon.png92
Augmented Nightsteel Katana Augmented nightsteel katana icon1.png 70 360 SAM 79 HQ icon.png88 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Critical Hit +83 HQ icon.png92Determination +118 HQ icon.png131
Augmented Nightsteel Daggers Augmented nightsteel daggers icon1.png 70 360 ROG NIN 79 HQ icon.png88 Physical Damage.png 2 Dexterity +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Direct Hit Rate +83 HQ icon.png92Skill Speed +118 HQ icon.png131
Augmented Black Willow Greatbow Augmented black willow greatbow icon1.png 70 360 ARC BRD 79 HQ icon.png88 Physical Damage.png 2 Dexterity +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Direct Hit Rate +118 HQ icon.png131Skill Speed +83 HQ icon.png92
Augmented Nightsteel Blunderbuss Augmented nightsteel blunderbuss icon1.png 70 360 MCH 79 HQ icon.png88 Physical Damage.png 2 Dexterity +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Critical Hit +118 HQ icon.png131Direct Hit Rate +83 HQ icon.png92
Augmented Silvergrace Rod Augmented silvergrace rod icon1.png 70 360 THM BLM 79 HQ icon.png88 Magical Damage.png 2 Intelligence +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +111 HQ icon.png123Direct Hit Rate +118 HQ icon.png131Spell Speed +83 HQ icon.png92
Augmented Silvergrace Grimoire Augmented silvergrace grimoire icon1.png 70 360 ACN SMN 79 HQ icon.png88 Magical Damage.png 2 Intelligence +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +111 HQ icon.png123Critical Hit +83 HQ icon.png92Spell Speed +118 HQ icon.png131
Augmented Silvergrace Rapier Augmented silvergrace rapier icon1.png 70 360 RDM 79 HQ icon.png88 Magical Damage.png 2 Intelligence +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +111 HQ icon.png123Critical Hit +118 HQ icon.png131Direct Hit Rate +83 HQ icon.png92
Augmented Black Willow Cane Augmented black willow cane icon1.png 70 360 CNJ WHM 79 HQ icon.png88 Magical Damage.png 2 Mind +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +111 HQ icon.png123Critical Hit +118 HQ icon.png131Spell Speed +83 HQ icon.png92
Augmented Silvergrace Codex Augmented silvergrace codex icon1.png 70 360 SCH 79 HQ icon.png88 Magical Damage.png 2 Mind +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +111 HQ icon.png123Critical Hit +83 HQ icon.png92Spell Speed +118 HQ icon.png131
Augmented Silvergrace Planisphere Augmented silvergrace planisphere icon1.png 70 360 AST 79 HQ icon.png88 Magical Damage.png 2 Mind +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +111 HQ icon.png123Critical Hit +118 HQ icon.png131Spell Speed +83 HQ icon.png92