Legacy Seasonal Events Achievements

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Main article: Legacy Achievements
Achievement Points Task Reward
It's Reining Deer 20 Obtain a festive Starlight Celebration outfit consisting of a set of reindeer antlers and a reindeer suit. Title: Wild Thing
Beast from the East 5 Obtain a dragon kabuto during the Heavensturn festivities.
Red Beast from the East 5 Obtain a crimson dragon kabuto during the Heavensturn festivities.
Gold Beast from the East 5 Obtain a golden dragon kabuto during the Heavensturn festivities.
Black Beast from the East 5 Obtain a black dragon kabuto during the Heavensturn festivities.
Get All the Things! 20 Obtain all four dragon kabuto as part of the Heavensturn festivities. Title: The Winter Wyrm
Love Me Tender 5 Obtain a paramour's pendant during the Valentione's Day festivities.
B.F.F. 5 Obtain a platinum paramour's pendant during the Valentione's Day festivities.
Did It Mostly for the Glory of Love 5 Obtain the Band of Eternal Passion during the Valentione's Day festivities.
Love Makes the World Go Round 20 Obtain a paramour's pendant, platinum paramour's pendant, and the Band of Eternal Passion during the Valentione's Day festivities. Title: Messenger of Love
Royal Audience 20 Obtain a peach blossom earring. Title: Male: Royal Seneschal, Female: Princess for a Day
Eggsceptional Hunting 5 Obtain a pristine egg ring.
Eggstraordinary Hunting 5 Obtain a vibrant egg ring.
Eggsemplary Hunting 5 Obtain a brilliant egg ring.
Eggstreme Hunting 5 Obtain a midnight egg ring.
Eggstravagant Hunting 5 Obtain a chocobo egg ring.
Seven Short of a Dozen 20 Obtain all five egg rings. Title: Dreamseeker
Cascadier Survivor 5 Obtain a lord's yukata (blue) or a lady's yukata (red) during the Moonfire Faire festivities.
Stylish Cascadier 5 Obtain a lord's yukata (green) or a lady's yukata (blue) during the Moonfire Faire festivities.
Dapper Cascadier 5 Obtain a lord's yukata (grey) or a lady's yukata (black) during the Moonfire Faire festivities.
Classy Cascadier 5 Obtain a pair of lord's drawers (white) or a pair of lady's knickers (white) during the Moonfire Faire festivities.
Refined Cascadier 5 Obtain a pair of lord's drawers (gold) or a pair of lady's knickers (gold) during the Moonfire Faire festivities.
Clogging Along 5 Obtain a pair of lord's clogs or lady's clogs during the Moonfire Faire festivities.
Cascadier for Life 20 Obtain all six Moonfire Faire achievements. Title: Cascadier
Chock-full of Elemental Goodness 20 Obtain an over-aspected cluster. Title: Crystal Bearer