Phrygian Armor
Revision as of 19:26, 3 April 2023 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
- See also: Leveling Gear Guide, Phrygian Weapons and Phrygian Accessories
Crafted, level 84 recipes
Obtain and open Phrygian Head Gear Coffer (IL 533), Phrygian Chest Gear Coffer (IL 533), Phrygian Hand Gear Coffer (IL 533), Phrygian Leg Gear Coffer (IL 533), or Phrygian Foot Gear Coffer (IL 533).
This set is a recolor of the level 70 set: Scaevan Armor.
Item | Icon | Level | Item Level | Requirement | Slot | Defense | Magic Defense | Materia Slots | Stats and Attributes |
Bismuth Goggles of Fending | 84 | 533 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Head | 557 619 | 557 619 | 2 (5) | Strength +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Skill Speed +114 127 Tenacity +80 89 | |
Bismuth Headgear of Maiming | 84 | 533 | LNC DRG RPR | Head | 390 433 | 306 340 | 2 (5) | Strength +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Determination +80 89 Direct Hit Rate +114 127 | |
Snow Linen Cap of Striking | 84 | 533 | PGL MNK SAM | Head | 306 340 | 306 340 | 2 (5) | Strength +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Critical Hit +114 127 Determination +80 89 | |
Snow Linen Cap of Scouting | 84 | 533 | ROG NIN VPR | Head | 306 340 | 306 340 | 2 (5) | Dexterity +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Critical Hit +114 127 Determination +80 89 | |
Saigaskin Cap of Aiming | 84 | 533 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Head | 306 340 | 306 340 | 2 (5) | Dexterity +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Determination +114 127 Direct Hit Rate +80 89 | |
Saigaskin Cap of Casting | 84 | 533 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Head | 223 248 | 390 433 | 2 (5) | Intelligence +117 130 Vitality +111 123 Critical Hit +114 127 Determination +80 89 | |
Snow Linen Cap of Healing | 84 | 533 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Head | 223 248 | 390 433 | 2 (5) | Mind +117 130 Vitality +111 123 Critical Hit +80 89 Piety +114 127 | |
Saigaskin Coat of Maiming | 84 | 533 | LNC DRG RPR | Body | 523 581 | 411 457 | 2 (5) | Strength +186 207 Vitality +196 218 Critical Hit +127 141 Skill Speed +181 201 | |
Saigaskin Jacket of Striking | 84 | 533 | PGL MNK SAM | Body | 411 457 | 411 457 | 2 (5) | Strength +186 207 Vitality +196 218 Critical Hit +181 201 Direct Hit Rate +127 141 | |
Saigaskin Jacket of Scouting | 84 | 533 | ROG NIN VPR | Body | 411 457 | 411 457 | 2 (5) | Dexterity +186 207 Vitality +196 218 Critical Hit +181 201 Direct Hit Rate +127 141 | |
Saigaskin Jacket of Aiming | 84 | 533 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Body | 411 457 | 411 457 | 2 (5) | Dexterity +186 207 Vitality +196 218 Critical Hit +181 201 Direct Hit Rate +127 141 | |
Snow Linen Jacket of Casting | 84 | 533 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Body | 299 332 | 523 581 | 2 (5) | Intelligence +186 207 Vitality +176 196 Critical Hit +127 141 Determination +181 201 | |
Snow Linen Jacket of Healing | 84 | 533 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Body | 299 332 | 523 581 | 2 (5) | Mind +186 207 Vitality +176 196 Critical Hit +181 201 Determination +127 141 | |
Saigaskin Armguards of Fending | 84 | 533 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Hands | 557 619 | 557 619 | 2 (5) | Strength +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Determination +80 89 Tenacity +114 127 | |
Saigaskin Armguards of Maiming | 84 | 533 | LNC DRG RPR | Hands | 390 433 | 306 340 | 2 (5) | Strength +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Determination +114 127 Skill Speed +80 89 | |
Saigaskin Gloves of Striking | 84 | 533 | PGL MNK SAM | Hands | 306 340 | 306 340 | 2 (5) | Strength +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Critical Hit +114 127 Skill Speed +80 89 | |
Saigaskin Armguards of Scouting | 84 | 533 | ROG NIN VPR | Hands | 306 340 | 306 340 | 2 (5) | Dexterity +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Critical Hit +114 127 Skill Speed +80 89 | |
Saigaskin Gloves of Aiming | 84 | 533 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Hands | 306 340 | 306 340 | 2 (5) | Dexterity +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Critical Hit +80 89 Skill Speed +114 127 | |
Saigaskin Armguards of Casting | 84 | 533 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Hands | 223 248 | 390 433 | 2 (5) | Intelligence +117 130 Vitality +111 123 Critical Hit +114 127 Spell Speed +80 89 | |
Saigaskin Gloves of Healing | 84 | 533 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Hands | 223 248 | 390 433 | 2 (5) | Mind +117 130 Vitality +111 123 Critical Hit +114 127 Piety +80 89 | |
Saigaskin Trousers of Fending | 84 | 533 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Legs | 747 830 | 747 830 | 2 (5) | Strength +186 207 Vitality +196 218 Critical Hit +181 201 Tenacity +127 141 | |
Saigaskin Trousers of Maiming | 84 | 533 | LNC DRG RPR | Legs | 523 581 | 411 457 | 2 (5) | Strength +186 207 Vitality +196 218 Critical Hit +127 141 Direct Hit Rate +181 201 | |
Snow Linen Bottoms of Striking | 84 | 533 | PGL MNK SAM | Legs | 411 457 | 411 457 | 2 (5) | Strength +186 207 Vitality +196 218 Determination +181 201 Direct Hit Rate +127 141 | |
Snow Linen Sarouel of Scouting | 84 | 533 | ROG NIN VPR | Legs | 411 457 | 411 457 | 2 (5) | Dexterity +186 207 Vitality +196 218 Determination +181 201 Direct Hit Rate +127 141 | |
Snow Linen Bottoms of Aiming | 84 | 533 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Legs | 411 457 | 411 457 | 2 (5) | Dexterity +186 207 Vitality +196 218 Critical Hit +181 201 Determination +127 141 | |
Snow Linen Sarouel of Casting | 84 | 533 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Legs | 299 332 | 523 581 | 2 (5) | Intelligence +186 207 Vitality +176 196 Critical Hit +181 201 Determination +127 141 | |
Snow Linen Bottoms of Healing | 84 | 533 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Legs | 299 332 | 523 581 | 2 (5) | Mind +186 207 Vitality +176 196 Spell Speed +127 141 Piety +181 201 | |
Saigaskin Boots of Fending | 84 | 533 | GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB | Feet | 557 619 | 557 619 | 2 (5) | Strength +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Critical Hit +114 127 Skill Speed +80 89 | |
Saigaskin Boots of Maiming | 84 | 533 | LNC DRG RPR | Feet | 390 433 | 306 340 | 2 (5) | Strength +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Critical Hit +80 89 Determination +114 127 | |
Saigaskin Shoes of Striking | 84 | 533 | PGL MNK SAM | Feet | 306 340 | 306 340 | 2 (5) | Strength +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Critical Hit +80 89 Skill Speed +114 127 | |
Saigaskin Shoes of Scouting | 84 | 533 | ROG NIN VPR | Feet | 306 340 | 306 340 | 2 (5) | Dexterity +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Critical Hit +114 127 Determination +80 89 | |
Saigaskin Shoes of Aiming | 84 | 533 | ARC BRD MCH DNC | Feet | 306 340 | 306 340 | 2 (5) | Dexterity +117 130 Vitality +123 137 Critical Hit +114 127 Direct Hit Rate +80 89 | |
Saigaskin Shoes of Casting | 84 | 533 | THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT | Feet | 223 248 | 390 433 | 2 (5) | Intelligence +117 130 Vitality +111 123 Critical Hit +80 89 Determination +114 127 | |
Saigaskin Shoes of Healing | 84 | 533 | CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE | Feet | 223 248 | 390 433 | 2 (5) | Mind +117 130 Vitality +111 123 Determination +80 89 Piety +114 127 |