Ironwood Armor

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See also: Leveling Gear Guide, Ironwood Weapons and Ironwood Accessories

Crafted, level 86 recipes
Obtain and open Ironwood head gear coffer (il 539) icon1.png  Ironwood Head Gear Coffer (IL 539), Ironwood chest gear coffer (il 539) icon1.png  Ironwood Chest Gear Coffer (IL 539), Ironwood hand gear coffer (il 539) icon1.png  Ironwood Hand Gear Coffer (IL 539), Ironwood leg gear coffer (il 539) icon1.png  Ironwood Leg Gear Coffer (IL 539), or Ironwood foot gear coffer (il 539) icon1.png  Ironwood Foot Gear Coffer (IL 539).
This set is a recolor of the level 60 set: Beastlord Armor.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Manganese Helm of the Behemoth King Manganese helm of the behemoth king icon1.png 86 539 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Head 572 HQ icon.png636 572 HQ icon.png636 2 (5) Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Skill Speed +81 HQ icon.png90Tenacity +115 HQ icon.png128
Manganese Helm of the Behemoth Queen Manganese helm of the behemoth queen icon1.png 86 539 LNC DRG RPR Head 400 HQ icon.png445 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +115 HQ icon.png128Determination +81 HQ icon.png90
Manganese Helm of the Rising Dragon Manganese helm of the rising dragon icon1.png 86 539 PGL MNK SAM Head 315 HQ icon.png350 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +81 HQ icon.png90Skill Speed +115 HQ icon.png128
Manganese Helm of the Falling Dragon Manganese helm of the falling dragon icon1.png 86 539 ROG NIN VPR Head 315 HQ icon.png350 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Dexterity +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Determination +115 HQ icon.png128Direct Hit Rate +81 HQ icon.png90
Manganese Horn of the Last Unicorn Manganese horn of the last unicorn icon1.png 86 539 ARC BRD MCH DNC Head 315 HQ icon.png350 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Dexterity +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Determination +115 HQ icon.png128Direct Hit Rate +81 HQ icon.png90
Scarlet Moko Hood of the Black Griffin Scarlet moko hood of the black griffin icon1.png 86 539 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Head 229 HQ icon.png254 400 HQ icon.png445 2 (5) Intelligence +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +112 HQ icon.png125Determination +115 HQ icon.png128Direct Hit Rate +81 HQ icon.png90
Scarlet Moko Hood of the White Griffin Scarlet moko hood of the white griffin icon1.png 86 539 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Head 229 HQ icon.png254 400 HQ icon.png445 2 (5) Mind +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +112 HQ icon.png125Determination +115 HQ icon.png128Spell Speed +81 HQ icon.png90
Manganese Armor of the Behemoth King Manganese armor of the behemoth king icon1.png 86 539 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Body 768 HQ icon.png853 768 HQ icon.png853 2 (5) Strength +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +198 HQ icon.png220Critical Hit +129 HQ icon.png143Determination +184 HQ icon.png204
Manganese Armor of the Behemoth Queen Manganese armor of the behemoth queen icon1.png 86 539 LNC DRG RPR Body 537 HQ icon.png597 422 HQ icon.png469 2 (5) Strength +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +198 HQ icon.png220Determination +129 HQ icon.png143Direct Hit Rate +184 HQ icon.png204
Kumbhiraskin Jacket of the Rising Dragon Kumbhiraskin jacket of the rising dragon icon1.png 86 539 PGL MNK SAM Body 422 HQ icon.png469 422 HQ icon.png469 2 (5) Strength +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +198 HQ icon.png220Direct Hit Rate +184 HQ icon.png204Skill Speed +129 HQ icon.png143
Kumbhiraskin Jacket of the Falling Dragon Kumbhiraskin jacket of the falling dragon icon1.png 86 539 ROG NIN VPR Body 422 HQ icon.png469 422 HQ icon.png469 2 (5) Dexterity +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +198 HQ icon.png220Critical Hit +184 HQ icon.png204Skill Speed +129 HQ icon.png143
Scarlet Moko Robe of the Last Unicorn Scarlet moko robe of the last unicorn icon1.png 86 539 ARC BRD MCH DNC Body 422 HQ icon.png469 422 HQ icon.png469 2 (5) Dexterity +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +198 HQ icon.png220Critical Hit +129 HQ icon.png143Skill Speed +184 HQ icon.png204
Scarlet Moko Robe of the Black Griffin Scarlet moko robe of the black griffin icon1.png 86 539 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Body 307 HQ icon.png341 537 HQ icon.png597 2 (5) Intelligence +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +178 HQ icon.png198Direct Hit Rate +129 HQ icon.png143Spell Speed +184 HQ icon.png204
Scarlet Moko Robe of the White Griffin Scarlet moko robe of the white griffin icon1.png 86 539 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Body 307 HQ icon.png341 537 HQ icon.png597 2 (5) Mind +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +178 HQ icon.png198Critical Hit +129 HQ icon.png143Piety +184 HQ icon.png204
Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth King Manganese gauntlets of the behemoth king icon1.png 86 539 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Hands 572 HQ icon.png636 572 HQ icon.png636 2 (5) Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +115 HQ icon.png128Tenacity +81 HQ icon.png90
Manganese Gauntlets of the Behemoth Queen Manganese gauntlets of the behemoth queen icon1.png 86 539 LNC DRG RPR Hands 400 HQ icon.png445 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +115 HQ icon.png128Direct Hit Rate +81 HQ icon.png90
Manganese Gloves of the Rising Dragon Manganese gloves of the rising dragon icon1.png 86 539 PGL MNK SAM Hands 315 HQ icon.png350 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +81 HQ icon.png90Determination +115 HQ icon.png128
Manganese Gloves of the Falling Dragon Manganese gloves of the falling dragon icon1.png 86 539 ROG NIN VPR Hands 315 HQ icon.png350 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Dexterity +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Determination +81 HQ icon.png90Direct Hit Rate +115 HQ icon.png128
Kumbhiraskin Armguards of the Last Unicorn Kumbhiraskin armguards of the last unicorn icon1.png 86 539 ARC BRD MCH DNC Hands 315 HQ icon.png350 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Dexterity +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +81 HQ icon.png90Determination +115 HQ icon.png128
Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the Black Griffin Kumbhiraskin gloves of the black griffin icon1.png 86 539 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Hands 229 HQ icon.png254 400 HQ icon.png445 2 (5) Intelligence +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +112 HQ icon.png125Determination +115 HQ icon.png128Direct Hit Rate +81 HQ icon.png90
Kumbhiraskin Gloves of the White Griffin Kumbhiraskin gloves of the white griffin icon1.png 86 539 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Hands 229 HQ icon.png254 400 HQ icon.png445 2 (5) Mind +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +112 HQ icon.png125Critical Hit +115 HQ icon.png128Determination +81 HQ icon.png90
Kumbhiraskin Cuisses of the Behemoth King Kumbhiraskin cuisses of the behemoth king icon1.png 86 539 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Legs 768 HQ icon.png853 768 HQ icon.png853 2 (5) Strength +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +198 HQ icon.png220Critical Hit +129 HQ icon.png143Determination +184 HQ icon.png204
Kumbhiraskin Cuisses of the Behemoth Queen Kumbhiraskin cuisses of the behemoth queen icon1.png 86 539 LNC DRG RPR Legs 537 HQ icon.png597 422 HQ icon.png469 2 (5) Strength +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +198 HQ icon.png220Critical Hit +129 HQ icon.png143Skill Speed +184 HQ icon.png204
Scarlet Moko Gaskins of the Rising Dragon Scarlet moko gaskins of the rising dragon icon1.png 86 539 PGL MNK SAM Legs 422 HQ icon.png469 422 HQ icon.png469 2 (5) Strength +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +198 HQ icon.png220Determination +184 HQ icon.png204Skill Speed +129 HQ icon.png143
Scarlet Moko Gaskins of the Falling Dragon Scarlet moko gaskins of the falling dragon icon1.png 86 539 ROG NIN VPR Legs 422 HQ icon.png469 422 HQ icon.png469 2 (5) Dexterity +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +198 HQ icon.png220Determination +184 HQ icon.png204Direct Hit Rate +129 HQ icon.png143
Scarlet Moko Longkilt of the Last Unicorn Scarlet moko longkilt of the last unicorn icon1.png 86 539 ARC BRD MCH DNC Legs 422 HQ icon.png469 422 HQ icon.png469 2 (5) Dexterity +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +198 HQ icon.png220Direct Hit Rate +184 HQ icon.png204Skill Speed +129 HQ icon.png143
Scarlet Moko Chausses of the Black Griffin Scarlet moko chausses of the black griffin icon1.png 86 539 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Legs 307 HQ icon.png341 537 HQ icon.png597 2 (5) Intelligence +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +178 HQ icon.png198Critical Hit +184 HQ icon.png204Determination +129 HQ icon.png143
Scarlet Moko Chausses of the White Griffin Scarlet moko chausses of the white griffin icon1.png 86 539 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Legs 307 HQ icon.png341 537 HQ icon.png597 2 (5) Mind +191 HQ icon.png212Vitality +178 HQ icon.png198Determination +129 HQ icon.png143Piety +184 HQ icon.png204
Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth King Manganese sabatons of the behemoth king icon1.png 86 539 GLA MRD PLD WAR DRK GNB Feet 572 HQ icon.png636 572 HQ icon.png636 2 (5) Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Determination +115 HQ icon.png128Skill Speed +81 HQ icon.png90
Manganese Sabatons of the Behemoth Queen Manganese sabatons of the behemoth queen icon1.png 86 539 LNC DRG RPR Feet 400 HQ icon.png445 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Direct Hit Rate +115 HQ icon.png128Skill Speed +81 HQ icon.png90
Manganese Gaiters of the Rising Dragon Manganese gaiters of the rising dragon icon1.png 86 539 PGL MNK SAM Feet 315 HQ icon.png350 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Determination +115 HQ icon.png128Direct Hit Rate +81 HQ icon.png90
Manganese Gaiters of the Falling Dragon Manganese gaiters of the falling dragon icon1.png 86 539 ROG NIN VPR Feet 315 HQ icon.png350 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Dexterity +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +115 HQ icon.png128Determination +81 HQ icon.png90
Kumbhiraskin Leg Guards of the Last Unicorn Kumbhiraskin leg guards of the last unicorn icon1.png 86 539 ARC BRD MCH DNC Feet 315 HQ icon.png350 315 HQ icon.png350 2 (5) Dexterity +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +125 HQ icon.png139Critical Hit +81 HQ icon.png90Determination +115 HQ icon.png128
Manganese Boots of the Black Griffin Manganese boots of the black griffin icon1.png 86 539 THM ACN BLM SMN RDM BLU PCT Feet 229 HQ icon.png254 400 HQ icon.png445 2 (5) Intelligence +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +112 HQ icon.png125Determination +81 HQ icon.png90Spell Speed +115 HQ icon.png128
Manganese Boots of the White Griffin Manganese boots of the white griffin icon1.png 86 539 CNJ WHM SCH AST SGE Feet 229 HQ icon.png254 400 HQ icon.png445 2 (5) Mind +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +112 HQ icon.png125Determination +115 HQ icon.png128Piety +81 HQ icon.png90