A Safe Place to Hide
A Safe Place to Hide
- Quest giver
- Surito Carito
- Location
- Upper La Noscea (X:25.6, Y:22.3)
- Job
- Scholar
- Level
- 63
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Vanishing Act
- Next quest
In Loving Memory
- Patch
- 4.0
- Links
“Surito Carito stares at you with a puzzled glimmer in his yellow eyes.
— In-game description
- Speak with Alka Zolka at the Marauders' Guild.
- Rendezvous with Alka Zolka at Camp Tranquil.
- Survey the designated location.
- Defeat the poachers.
- Cast Adloquium on Setoto.
- Speak with Alka Zolka at Camp Tranquil.
- Surito Carito stares at you with a puzzled glimmer in his yellow eyes.
- Surito Carito wastes no time in informing you that Alka Zolka has received news of Setoto's possible whereabouts. He then tells you to make for the Marauders' Guild in Limsa Lominsa, where the marauder-turned-Royal Marine awaits to disclose to you the relevant details.
- According to Alka Zolka, the Brass Blades have managed to track down a creature resembling the description of the stowaway. Luckily for you, their quarry has slipped into the Black Shroud─an area that is outside of their jurisdiction. He then bids you to follow him to Camp Tranquil, where Setoto now likely is, and the two of you make ready to depart.
- Alka Zolka reminds you that while the stowaway─who may well be Setoto─is safe from the Brass Blades, the forested area is just as dangerous for a lone tonberry. With precious little time to waste, it is decided the two of you will split up to conduct separate searches. Alka will check the northern part of the Black Shroud, while you scour the south.
- You thoroughly investigate the area but you do not find Setoto. Mayhap it is time to move on and continue looking for the tonberry elsewhere.
- Despite your best efforts, your search of this area turns up nothing. Perhaps searching the lands further north will yield better results.
- You come across a tonberry lying facedown in the dirt surrounded by Coeurlclaw poachers. The pack of hunters are not at all pleased by your presence and warn you not to come any closer to them or their prey. Seeing as they intend to kill and skin the creature before them, it may be in your best interest to stop them.
- The poachers are no match for you, and you swiftly dispatch of all three of them. Setoto, on the other hand, did not seem to fare nearly as well as you in her fight against them. Quickly cast Adloquium on her that she might be healed.
- Shortly after casting Adloquium upon Setoto, you are joined by Alka Zolka, who is immediately enamored of the young tonberry girl. After commenting upon her beauty, he goes on to ask what motivated her to travel so far from her home in Bronze Lake. She tells you of how in the days before Nym's collapse her father was a scholar and Royal Marine. Suspecting he was captured by the Amdapori whilst on an undercover mission there, she sought to examine the ruins for anything that once belonged to him. Touched, Alka eagerly volunteers the both of you to aid her in her search. Return to Camp Tranquil with the tonberry girl and Alka to discuss how the three of you might proceed.
- Alka Zolka will be returning once to Bronze Lake to inform Surito Carito of all that has happened. Before going, however, he makes Setoto promise that she will no longer wander about on her own and asks that you see that she gets plenty of rest in his absence. Once he returns and Setoto is fully recovered, the three of you will be leaving to search Amdapor Keep for a memento of Setoto's father.
- ※The next scholar quest will be available from Alka Zolka upon reaching level 65.
Surito Carito: Ah, [Forename]. What brings you this way? Surito Carito: Oh? It seems, then, Alka Zolka's last missive somehow failed to reach you. Surito Carito: He has uncovered information regarding Setoto's possible whereabouts and is currently waiting for you to join him at the Marauders' Guild in Limsa Lominsa. You best hurry.
Alka Zolka: Well come, my friend. My contacts have but recently caught wind of a rumor that the Brass Blades are once again on the move. It seems they have spotted a creature matching the description of the Vesper Bay stowaway. Alka Zolka: Luckily for us, their quarry has fled into the Black Shroud─an area that is out of their jurisdiction. Alka Zolka: While there is still much we do not know, at least we now have an idea of where to begin. Let us immediately depart for Camp Tranquil!
Surito Carito: Setoto, I pray that you are safe...
Alka Zolka: As you may well already know, the only way to reach the Black Shroud from Thanalan is to pass through this area. That means whoever─or whatever─the Brass Blades were pursuing entered the forests from here. Alka Zolka: If our hunch is correct and Setoto is in there, we best hurry. A tonberry who has seen little of the outside world would likely not last more than a few days on their own. Alka Zolka: To cover more ground in less time, I suggest we split up: I shall take the north, while you scour the south. Once we're done, let us meet back here.
System: Try as you might, you do not catch sight of Setoto or anything resembling the missing tonberry. System: You spy a fallen figure, small of stature and green of skin. It's surrounded by poachers!
Surly Poacher: It looks like we've struck gold! Haha! If we skin and sell this thing, we're guaranteed a fortune!
Sneaky Poacher: Seven hells! Don't go celebrating just yet. We've got to kill it first. The hide's so thick, it broke my bloody knife!
You are under attack!
Surly Poacher: Oh, no you don't!
Sneaky Poacher: Piss off! This thing's ours!
Setoto: Ungh... Father... Is this where it all ends?
System: Setoto appears injured. Quickly cast Adloquium upon her that she might be healed.
Setoto: <pant> <pant> Thank you, sir/madam. You saved my life. Setoto: That spell... You wield Nymian magicks? Are you perchance [Forename]─the adventurer in possession of a soul crystal? Surito Carito often speaks of you.
Alka Zolka: <pant> Thank the gods... <pant>...you're safe. Alka Zolka: After my search of the northern reaches turned up nothing, I returned to Camp Tranquil to wait for you. When you didn't appear I began to grow worried and came looking for you. Good thing I did, too. Bloody poachers! Alka Zolka: Oh, but how rude of me. I nearly forgot to introduce myself. Hello, Setoto. I am Alka Zolka, Royal Marine and marauder. My friend, [Forename] [Surname] and I have been searching for you. Alka Zolka: My lady, if I may be so bold as to say so, your radiance─it is blinding. [Forename], isn't she beautiful?
Q1: What will you say?
A1: “She”? How did you know? Alka Zolka: It's obvious isn't it? Her glowing skin, her comely face─she is clearly a lovely young woman.
A1: I'm pretty sure she is a he. Alka Zolka: Very amusing, [Forename]. I suggest you temper your jokes, however, lest the young lady before us take offense!
Alka Zolka: Now, Setoto, what prompted you to leave Bronze Lake so abruptly?
Setoto: As you are likely already aware, Surito Carito saved us. While on the outside we remain as tonberries, he has purged our hearts of the rancor. Setoto: And that is why I left. There is something I must take care of now that my mind is once again my own.
Alka Zolka: And what, pray tell, is that?
Setoto: Over fifteen hundred years ago, back when Nym was still at its peak, my father was a scholar and a Royal Marine. He was dispatched upon a secret and incredibly dangerous mission to infiltrate Amdapor. Setoto: The day he left was the last time I ever saw him. I suspect the reason he never returned was because he was discovered and apprehended by the Amdapori.
Alka Zolka: ...And so you came here─to the place the ancient nation once stood. Alka Zolka: You do realize that regardless of whether he survived or not, your father, he...
Setoto: I know. I am under no illusions that he might still be alive. Even if he somehow escaped Amdapor, unlike those of us sealed away in the tower, the passage of time would have eventually robbed him of his life. Setoto: I'm only looking to find something that reminds me of him─a keepsake, if you will.
Alka Zolka: ...It sounds as though you loved your father a great deal. Alka Zolka: Very well, if this means that much to you, we─the Royal Marines─shall volunteer to aid you in your search! Ahem. Right, [Forename]?
Setoto: The two of you would really do that for me? Oh, thank you! Thank you so very much.
Alka Zolka: Now let us return to Camp Tranquil. There, we can discuss how to proceed.
Alka Zolka: Before we begin searching for a memento of Setoto's father in earnest, I must go to Bronze Lake to inform Surito Carito we have found his dear comrade and that she is safe. Speaking of which... Alka Zolka: Setoto, you must promise me you will never again do anything so reckless as wandering a foreign land alone. The realm is a dangerous place─doubly so for someone with your affliction.
Setoto: Very well. If it really means that much to you, I shall make that promise.
Alka Zolka: Ahem. ...G-Good. That is all that I ask. Alka Zolka: [Forename], I ask that you look after Setoto and see that she gets some rest that she might recuperate from her ordeal. We shall make for the lost city upon her full recovery!
Setoto: With the two of you by my side, I am absolutely certain nothing can go wrong!