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Lock up Your Snorters

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The masked carnival icon.png

Lock up Your Snorters

The masked carnivale stage title image.png

Standard Time
Ideal Time
Act 1 Enemies
Gil Reward
Gil 5,000
Seals Reward
Allied Seal 100
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 80 
Prev. stage
The Masked Carnivale Papa Mia
Next stage
The Masked Carnivale Dangerous When Dead

Lock up Your Snorters is a stage in The Masked Carnivale for Blue Mage, introduced in patch 5.15 with Shadowbringers.

Act 1



  • Endurance: High
  • Strengths: --
  • Weaknesses: --
  • Vulnerabilities: --


Useful Spells: Protean Wave.png  Protean Wave & Water Cannon.png  Water Cannon

  • During the fight, Typhon will drops waves of bombs and a Magitek Explosive.
  • The Magitek Explosive will cause instant wipe if it finishes its timer, gets hit by bomb explosion or gets hit by Typhon's Fireball ability.
  • Typhon will often knock the bombs towards the Magitek Explosive, so use of Protean Wave.png  Protean Wave or Snort.png  Snort to knock away bombs is recommended.
  • Destroy the Magitek Explosive with water spells, then focus down Typhon. The Explosive takes many hits to destroy, so it is not advised to delay attacking it.
  • When possible (generally when no Magitek Explosive is in the wave), knock the bombs towards Typhon to deal a significant amount of damage and inflict a 5 second Burns icon1.png Burns debuff.
  • Standing in a bomb's AoE will cause you to wipe.
  • You can take a Fireball hit without dying, which means extra time for you to DPS without worrying about positioning out of that AoE.