Heavensward content

Sometimes the South Wins

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Levequest icon.png

Sometimes the South Wins

Foundation Guildleve img.png
Quest giver
Foundation (X:10.2, Y:10.4)
Charity (Repeats: 2)
Required items
1 Titanium mail of fending icon1.png  Titanium Mail of Fending
Experience 336,080
Gil 338

Every now and then, highborn knights will come together to remember the glory days of yore with reenactments of Ishgard's finest battles, two houses on each side. While the recreations are meant to be historical, the knights rarely forget their house rivalries and the victorious side appears to change each time. Roughhousing and friendly jabs are expected and thus quality armor is needed so that the knights save their intended armor for our Dravanian foes.

— In-game description

Charity guildleve1.jpg

Possible Rewards


Additional Information

Sometimes the South Wins is a level 54 Tradecraft Leve Guildleve in Foundation. Players can start the levequest by talking to Eloin in Foundation (x10,y10).

Tips and Tricks

  • Turning in an High Quality HQ icon.png Titanium mail of fending icon1.png  Titanium Mail of Fending will increase the rewards by 100% giving double amount of Experience EXP and Gil gil.
  • Because this is a Charity plate leve, the requested items can be turned in 2 extra times, which will increase the rewards by 200% giving triple amount of Experience EXP and Gil gil.
    • This may be combined with the HQ icon.png item bonus.