A Relic Reborn: The Chimera

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Revision as of 23:43, 24 June 2015 by Deathie (talk | contribs)
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Dhorme Chimera is a boss monster in the A Relic Reborn quest. A group of up to 8 players can tackle the boss. Players' average item level (iLvl) needs to be 52 or above to enter the trial.


Lion's Breath is an instant frontal cone attack which deals small amount of damage

Dragon's Breath is a frontal cone AoE attack that deals moderate amount of damage and inflicts the debuff Paralysis.

Ram's Breath is a frontal cone AoE attack that deals moderate amount of damage and inflicts the debuff Heavy.

Scorpion's Sting is a rear cone AoE attack that deals moderate amount of damage and inflicts the DoT Poison.

Dragon's Voice is a massive AoE attack that deals heavy damage and inflicts the debuff Paralysis to all targets outside of melee range.

Ram's Voice is a large circular AoE attack that deals heavy damage and inflicts the debuff Frostbite to all targets near Chimera.

Cacophony is an instant ability that summons a electrical orb. The orb will fly to a random player and explode when it reaches them. The orb deals heavy damage to that target and all nearby targets and inflicts the debuff Paralysis.

Ram's Keeper is a circular AoE ice attack that spawns underneath a random player. The attack deals heavy damage and inflicts the debuffs Frostbite and Heavy to all targets hit. Additionally it leaves a large icy patch on the ground.

Gelid Charge is an instant ability that increases the damage of Dhorme Chimera's frost attacks and makes Ram's Breath instant.

Static Charge is an instant ability that increases the damage of Dhorme Chimera's thunder attacks and makes Dragon's Breath instant.


When the battle begins players should pull the boss to the outdoor area outside of the cave. By doing this the party will have more room to maneuver. Throughout the boss fight, melee players should avoid Dragon's Breath and Ram's Breath when possible. They should also avoid staying behind the boss and triggering Scorpion's Sting. The Breath attacks can also be interrupted by stuns and silences. Ranged damage dealers and healers should spread out across the battle field. When the boss uses Cacophony on a player, he or she should move away from other players.

When Chimera begins to use Ram's Breath, all melee players should move out of the melee range of the boss. When Chimera begins to use Dragon's Breath all ranged players should move to the melee range of the boss.

Players should always be aware and move out of the Ram's Keeper, a large circular ground indicator, as soon as possible.