“As is suggested by the name, vilekin consist of all manner of worms and pests, be they terrestrial or winged. One unique characteristic of creatures falling into this class is a multistage lifespan that sees them develop from grub-like larvae into beings that belie their original shape—a process known as metamorphosis.
— Encyclopædia Eorzea vol 1
“As is suggested by the name, vilekin consist of all manner of worms and pests, be they terrestrial or winged. One unique characteristic of creatures falling into this class is the coloring of their exoskeletons.
From subtle earthen tones to help a tiny beetle blend in with its environment, to bright yellows and greens to cozen would-be predators into believing their meal poisonous, vilekin come in a veritable rainbow of hues.
— Encyclopædia Eorzea vol 2
All creatures belonging to the class Vilekin.
This category has the following 27 subcategories, out of 27 total.
Pages in category "Vilekin"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 382 total.
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- Abalathian Wamoura
- Abyss Worm
- Achamoth
- Agaric Fly Swarm
- Aloalo Crawler
- Aloalo Mantis
- Aloalo Worm
- Alpha Mantis
- Alpha Sandworm
- Alpha Wamoura
- Antling Gamergate
- Antling Sentry
- Antling Soldier
- Antling Worker
- Anyder Squib
- Apollyon
- Aqrabuamelu
- Aqueduct Fluturini
- Aqueduct Wamoura
- Arboretum Crawler
- Arena Beetle
- Aroma Crawler
- Banemite
- Banemite Straggler
- Bark Spider
- Beccho
- Bee Cloud
- Bees
- Bigger Chigoe
- Bird Eater
- Blazewing
- Blood Morpho
- Bloodglider
- Bloodglider Monk
- Blowfly Swarm
- Blue Morpho
- Bog Yarzon
- Boring Fleshfly Swarm
- Boring Weevil
- Bothered Bee Cloud
- Bozjan Antlion
- Bozjan Worm
- Brilliant Starmite
- Bronze Beetle
- Bull Apollyon
- Bumble Beetle
- Burrowing Wamoura
- Buzzfly
- Buzzing Djigga
- Buzzing Paper Wasp
- Cadmium Morpho
- Canal Banemite
- Canal Diremite
- Canal Fluturini
- Canal Kongamato
- Carmine Wamouracampa
- Carrier Ladybug
- Carrion Beetle
- Carrion Chigoe
- Carrion Djigga
- Cave Glowfly
- Cave Mantis
- Cave Tarantula Hawk
- Cell Mite
- Cenote Bloodglider
- Cenote Morpho
- Cenote Wamoura
- Cenote Wamouracampa
- Chapuli (enemy)
- Chigoe (Enemy)
- Chokeshin
- Cieldalaes Crawler
- Cieldalaes Hornet
- Cieldalaes Mantis
- Cloudworm
- Cluster Mantis
- Cobalt Ember
- Cobalt Morpho
- Comesmite
- Corpsefly
- Crawler
- Creeping Chigoe
- Crimson Ember
- Crimson Morpho
- Crystal Claw
- Daddy Longlegs
- Damcyan Antlion
- Damselfly (Enemy)
- Dark Matter Hornet
- Dark Matter Mantis
- Darner
- Darter
- Death Claw
- Death Jacket
- Deep Palace Crawler
- Deep Palace Dung Beetle
- Deep Palace Hornet
- Deep Palace Ladybug
- Deep Palace Wamoura
- Deep Palace Wamouracampa
- Deep Palace Worm
- Deep Palace Yarzon
- Deepcroft Miteling
- Dewdrinker Ladybug
- Diremite (Enemy)
- Divine Vespa
- Dohnfast Etainmoth
- Domesticated Banemite
- Dravanian Bee Cloud
- Dravanian Hornet
- Dschubba
- Dung Midge Swarm
- Dung Wespe
- Dungeon Blood Morpho
- Dungeon Blue Morpho
- Dungeon Etainmoth
- Dungeon Hawker
- Dungeon Irismoth
- Dungeon Killer Bee
- Dungeon Purple Morpho