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Male ♂
Elezen (Wildwood)
New Gridania (11.7,13.3)
Quest NPC

"Greetings, adventurer. I deal in the issuing of guildleves for regional levequests."

— In-game description

Gontrant is an Elezen in New Gridania. He is a Levemete.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Leves of Bentbranch Feature quest 10 Gontrant

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver


Battlecraft Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Nutbreaker Suite Levequest quest 1 Muriaule
Stay for a Vile Levequest quest 1 Muriaule
Scourge of the Saplings Levequest quest 1 Muriaule
Picking Up the Piercers Levequest quest 1 Muriaule
A Full Stomach Levequest quest 5 Muriaule
River Raid Levequest quest 5 Muriaule
A Vine Finer than Twine Levequest quest 5 Muriaule
Compost with the Most Levequest quest 5 Muriaule
Wail of a Tale Levequest quest 10 Tierney
Bump in the Night Levequest quest 10 Tierney
A Shroom with a View Levequest quest 10 Tierney
Turning Out the Blight Levequest quest 10 Tierney
Stew for Two Levequest quest 15 Qina Lyehga
Ochus Bite, Leaves Bleed Levequest quest 15 Qina Lyehga
Can't Say No to Gnat Levequest quest 15 Qina Lyehga
Something in the Mead Levequest quest 15 Qina Lyehga
Belly Up Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Killing Beasts Softly Levequest quest 20 Nyell
The Root of the Problem Levequest quest 20 Nyell
What's Yours Is Mine Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Refugee Raw Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Up the Creek Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Revisiting Raimdelle Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Necrologos: Olidious Separation Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Adamantoise Tears Levequest quest 30 Merthelin
Necrologos: Brand of the Impure Levequest quest 30 Merthelin
Black Market Down Levequest quest 30 Merthelin
A Feast in the Forest Levequest quest 30 Merthelin

Tradecraft Leves

Carpenter Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Touch and Heal Levequest quest 1 Gontrant 1 Maple pattens icon1.png  Maple Pattens
A Clogful of Camaraderie Levequest quest 1 Gontrant 1 Maple clogs icon1.png  Maple Clogs
In with the New Levequest quest 1 Gontrant 1 Bone harpoon icon1.png  Bone Harpoon
Shields for the Serpents Levequest quest 5 Gontrant 1 Round Shield Icon.png  Round Shield
Bows for the Boys Levequest quest 5 Gontrant 1 Maple longbow icon1.png  Maple Longbow
Spears and Sorcery Levequest quest 5 Gontrant 1 Maple crook icon1.png  Maple Crook
Citizens' Canes Levequest quest 10 Gontrant 1 Ash radical icon1.png  Ash Radical
On the Move Levequest quest 10 Gontrant 1 Ragstone grinding wheel icon1.png  Ragstone Grinding Wheel
Raise the Roof Levequest quest 10 Gontrant 1 Ash lumber icon1.png  Ash Lumber
Driving Up the Wall Levequest quest 15 Gontrant 1 Elm lumber icon1.png  Elm Lumber
Re-crating the Scene Levequest quest 15 Gontrant 1 Iron spear icon1.png  Iron Spear
Nightmare on My Street Levequest quest 15 Gontrant 1 Elm cane icon1.png  Elm Cane
Militia on My Mind Levequest quest 20 Gontrant 1 Iron lance icon1.png  Iron Lance
As the Worm Turns Levequest quest 20 Gontrant 1 Yew radical icon1.png  Yew Radical
Behind the Mask Levequest quest 20 Gontrant 1 Ash mask (lapis lazuli) icon1.png  Ash Mask (Lapis Lazuli)
Daddy's Little Girl Levequest quest 25 Gontrant 1 Viper-crested round shield icon1.png  Viper-crested Round Shield
Tools for the Tools Levequest quest 25 Gontrant 1 Silver battle fork icon1.png  Silver Battle Fork
Armoires of the Rich and Famous Levequest quest 25 Gontrant 1 Walnut lumber icon1.png  Walnut Lumber
Knock on Wood Levequest quest 30 Gontrant 1 Walnut macuahuitl icon1.png  Walnut Macuahuitl
Ceremonial Spears Levequest quest 30 Gontrant 1 Steel spear icon1.png  Steel Spear
An Expected Tourney Levequest quest 30 Gontrant 1 Ash cavalry bow icon1.png  Ash Cavalry Bow
Stay on Target Levequest quest 35 Gontrant 1 Yarzonshell harpoon icon1.png  Yarzonshell Harpoon
Flintstone Fight Levequest quest 35 Gontrant 1 Walnut macuahuitl icon1.png  Walnut Macuahuitl
A Tree Grew in Gridania Levequest quest 35 Gontrant 1 Pastoral oak cane icon1.png  Pastoral Oak Cane
Greenstone for Greenhorns Levequest quest 40 Gontrant 1 Jade crook icon1.png  Jade Crook
The Arsenal of Theocracy Levequest quest 40 Gontrant 1 Cobalt halberd icon1.png  Cobalt Halberd
Spin It Like You Mean It Levequest quest 40 Gontrant 1 Mahogany spinning wheel icon1.png  Mahogany Spinning Wheel
You Do the Heavy Lifting Levequest quest 45 Gontrant 1 Mahogany lumber icon1.png  Mahogany Lumber
Clogs of War Levequest quest 45 Gontrant 1 Mahogany pattens icon1.png  Mahogany Pattens
Trident and Error Levequest quest 45 Gontrant 1 Cobalt trident icon1.png  Cobalt Trident

Leatherworker Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Underneath It All Levequest quest 1 Gontrant 1 Leather wristguards icon1.png  Leather Wristguards
Red in the Head Levequest quest 1 Gontrant 1 Leather calot icon1.png  Leather Calot
Sole Traders Levequest quest 1 Gontrant 1 Leather duckbills icon1.png  Leather Duckbills
Mind over Muzzle Levequest quest 5 Gontrant 1 Leather wristbands icon1.png  Leather Wristbands
From the Sands to the Stage Levequest quest 5 Gontrant 1 Leather himantes icon1.png  Leather Himantes
In Their Shoes Levequest quest 5 Gontrant 1 Leather leggings icon1.png  Leather Leggings
Saddle Sore Levequest quest 10 Gontrant 1 Hard leather icon1.png  Hard Leather
The Bards' Guards Levequest quest 10 Gontrant 1 Hard leather wristguards icon1.png  Hard Leather Wristguards
Quelling Bloody Rumors Levequest quest 10 Gontrant 1 Hard leather shoes icon1.png  Hard Leather Shoes
Skin off Their Backs Levequest quest 15 Gontrant 1 Aldgoat leather icon1.png  Aldgoat Leather
Heads Up Levequest quest 15 Gontrant 1 Hard leather skullcap icon1.png  Hard Leather Skullcap
Choke Hold Levequest quest 15 Gontrant 1 Hard leather choker icon1.png  Hard Leather Choker
My Sole to Take Levequest quest 20 Gontrant 1 Padded leather duckbills icon1.png  Padded Leather Duckbills
Playing the Part Levequest quest 20 Gontrant 1 Goatskin armguards icon1.png  Goatskin Armguards
Fire and Hide Levequest quest 20 Gontrant 1 Aldgoat leather icon1.png  Aldgoat Leather
Just Rewards Levequest quest 25 Gontrant 1 Goatskin wristbands icon1.png  Goatskin Wristbands
Breeches Served Cold Levequest quest 25 Gontrant 1 Goatskin breeches icon1.png  Goatskin Breeches
Men Who Scare Up Goats Levequest quest 25 Gontrant 1 Goatskin targe icon1.png  Goatskin Targe
Best Served Toad Levequest quest 30 Gontrant 1 Toad leather icon1.png  Toad Leather
Quality over Quantity Levequest quest 30 Gontrant 1 Boarskin himantes icon1.png  Boarskin Himantes
Emergency Patches Levequest quest 30 Gontrant 1 Skull eyepatch icon1.png  Skull Eyepatch
Supply Side Logic Levequest quest 35 Gontrant 1 Boar leather icon1.png  Boar Leather
Soft Shoe Shuffle Levequest quest 35 Gontrant 1 Peisteskin crakows icon1.png  Peisteskin Crakows
The Righteous Tools for the Job Levequest quest 35 Gontrant 1 Boarskin ringbands icon1.png  Boarskin Ringbands
The Tao of Rabbits Levequest quest 40 Gontrant 1 Boarskin harness icon1.png  Boarskin Harness
Skirt Chaser Levequest quest 40 Gontrant 1 Boarskin skirt icon1.png  Boarskin Skirt
The Birdmen of Ishgard Levequest quest 40 Gontrant 1 Boarskin culottes icon1.png  Boarskin Culottes
Hold On Tight Levequest quest 45 Gontrant 1 Raptorskin smithys gloves icon1.png  Raptorskin Smithy's Gloves
Handle with Care Levequest quest 45 Gontrant 1 Peisteskin cesti icon1.png  Peisteskin Cesti
Too Hot to Handle Levequest quest 45 Gontrant 1 Raptorskin wristbands icon1.png  Raptorskin Wristbands

Fieldcraft Leves

Miner Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Location, Location, Location Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Elemental Housekeeping Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Tag, You're It Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Can't Start a Fire Levequest quest 25 Nyell

Botanist Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Lovely Latex Levequest quest 1 Muriaule
We Couldn't Start the Fire Levequest quest 1 Muriaule
Waking Wood Levequest quest 1 Muriaule
East Bank Story Levequest quest 1 Muriaule
Evil Seeds Levequest quest 5 Muriaule
If a Tree Falls Levequest quest 5 Muriaule
No Bark, All Bite Levequest quest 5 Muriaule
Let the Sun Shine In Levequest quest 5 Muriaule
A Chest of Nuts Levequest quest 10 Tierney
The Heart of the Hedge Levequest quest 10 Tierney
West Bank Story Levequest quest 10 Tierney
Digging Deep Levequest quest 10 Tierney
Maple Stories Levequest quest 15 Qina Lyehga
Never Strikes Twice Levequest quest 15 Qina Lyehga
The Quick and the Dead Levequest quest 15 Qina Lyehga
Briar in the Hole Levequest quest 15 Qina Lyehga
Just the Artifacts, Madam Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Nowhere to Slide Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Shaken, Not Stirred Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Fueling the Flames Levequest quest 20 Nyell
Appleanche Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Mushroom Gobblin' Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Over the Underbrush Levequest quest 25 Nyell
Moon in Rouge Levequest quest 25 Nyell

Fisher Leves

Quest Type Level Quest Giver Required Items
Food Chain Reaction Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Faerie bass icon1.png  Faerie Bass
The Long and the Shortcrust Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Black eel icon2.png  Black Eel
Sounds Fishy to Me Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Copperfish icon1.png  Copperfish
Blind Ambition Levequest quest 20 Nyell 3 Dark sleeper icon1.png  Dark Sleeper
Fishing 101 Levequest quest 25 Nyell 3 Dark bass icon1.png  Dark Bass
A Watery Web of Lies Levequest quest 25 Nyell 3 Yugram salmon icon1.png  Yugr'am Salmon
A Shocking Soiree Levequest quest 25 Nyell 3 Black ghost icon1.png  Black Ghost
The Truth Will Set You Free Levequest quest 25 Nyell 3 Five-ilm pleco icon1.png  Five-ilm Pleco