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By the Hundredth Blow — House Dzemael Maxim

Lord Tarresson de Dzemael, former count of his house, has enjoyed a relatively quiet life since relinquishing his title and the associated duties. His retirement doubtless came as a relief to his opponents (and to his son, who it is rumored to have pressured him to step down), for he was known as an exceedingly clever and influential politician. Lord Tarresson’s true love, however, is architecture, which he studied. He has served as one of Ishgard’s leading architects, overseeing many notable projects, including the construction of Dzemael Darkhold—though work on that particular site has been postponed indefinitely due to the discovery of voidsent lurking within its depths.

— In-game description

Tarresson is an Elezen in The Pillars.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Tricks and Stones Feature quest 50 Seething Stonemason
The Milk of Moogle Kindness Feature quest 50 Master Mogzin
Trying Times Feature quest 50 Master Mogzin
A Crystalline Solution Feature quest 50 Master Mogzin
The Tools Make the Moogle Feature quest 50 Master Mogzin
A Monumental Task Feature quest 50 Master Mogzin
Piecing Together the Past Feature quest 50 Master Mogzin
The Zenith of Craftsmanship Feature quest 50 Master Mogzin

Additional Information