“A high-ranking archmage of the Allagan imperial cadres, Scylla was tricked by Amon—a lifelong adversary within the imperial court—into participating in the mad technologist’s experiments with immortality. Promised never-ending life and limitless power, Scylla begrudgingly agreed to the alteration of her corporeal form, only to wake from the anesthetics to find the snapping maws of wild hounds, creatures most despised by the mage, where her own head had once been.
— In-game description
Scylla is a boss in Syrcus Tower.
Name | Type | Item Level | Rarity | Quantity |
Phlegethon's Mask | Head | 100 | Blue | 1 |
The Guardian's Helm of Maiming | Head | 100 | Blue | 1 |
The Guardian's Helm of Striking | Head | 100 | Blue | 1 |
Amon's Hat | Head | 100 | Blue | 1 |
Scylla's Helm of Casting | Head | 100 | Blue | 1 |
Scylla's Helm of Healing | Head | 100 | Blue | 1 |
Phlegethon's Sabatons | Feet | 100 | Blue | 1 |
The Guardian's Greaves of Maiming | Feet | 100 | Blue | 1 |
The Guardian's Greaves of Striking | Feet | 100 | Blue | 1 |
Amon's Boots | Feet | 100 | Blue | 1 |
Scylla's Boots of Casting | Feet | 100 | Blue | 1 |
Scylla's Boots of Healing | Feet | 100 | Blue | 1 |
In Greek mythology, Scylla was a horrible sea monster with four eyes, six long necks equipped with grisly heads, each of which contained three rows of sharp teeth. Her body consisted of twelve tentacle-like legs and a cat's tail and with four to six dog-heads ringing her waist. She was one of the children of Phorcys and Ceto.