The Raven

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See also: The Last Word
The Raven logo

"High above the Twelveswood, the raven circles, evermore seeking out truth hidden amongst the shadows of the trees."

Gridania's leading tabloid, The Raven prides itself on its fleet-footed troupe of correspondents who travel far and wide to cover news as it happens. Driven by a tenet of timely tidings, it issues extra editions with uncommon regularity. Known to pull no punches in its reporting, The Raven has earned a reputation for delivering all angles of the story to readers.

Chief correspondent Oliver Goodfellow is the Raven's star reporter, skillfully using his connections at the Adders' Nest to break the news of Garuda, Good King Moggle Mog XII, and other threats to the Twelveswood in a swift and timely fashion. Kipih Jakkya is an up-and- coming young reporter who is quickly winning the hearts of the people for her enthusiastic investigation of unusual events about town.[1]

The Raven 01 - Toto-Rak Investigation Team Feared Lost

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High above the Twelveswood, the raven circles, evermore seeking out truth hidden amongst the shadows of the trees.

In this extra edition, field correspondent Oliver Goodfellow bears tragic tidings from a forgotten neck of the Twelveswood, where special correspondent Martyn Ironer has braved unknown dangers in an attempt to uncover the seeds of a nefarious plot against Gridania.

Tragedy at Toto-Rak

A tragedy has occurred at the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak. A notorious dungeon that once held poachers and arsonists—the vilest kinds of criminals ever to defile the Twelveswood—the mere mention of its name is enough to set the hairs of any forestborn standing on end. Up until three decades ago when the Elder Seedseer closed and sealed Toto-Rak, declaring it barbaric and unworthy of Gridanians, the dungeon was dreaded far and wide as the seventh hell made manifest.

Not a few days past, The Raven received a tip-off that shady individuals appearing to be Garlean mercenaries had been skulking about the long-abandoned dungeon. Recognizing the potential graveness of the situation, our editor-in-chief spared no haste in alerting the Order of the Twin Adder. In so doing, The Raven essentially forwent an opportunity to garner an exclusive. As a gesture of gratitude for our responsible judgment, however, the Order kindly permitted us representation among their elite squad of four dispatched to investigate the rumors. So it was that special correspondent Martyn Ironer struck out for the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak.

"Now entering...*buzzzzzz*...Thousand Maws...*fizzzzzz*..."

No sooner had the party set foot within the dungeon's dank, foreboding passageways than a problem arose. Lightning aetheric interference, the source of which is presumed to be Imperial, severely degraded the transmission from our correspondent, the Order issue linkpearl loaned to us unable to pierce the haze.

After what felt like an interminable length of time in oppressive silence, a fragmented signal finally broke through to us. Our relief would prove to be short-lived, however, as a scene of horror we dared not imagine played out on the aether.

“Glowing wall...impedes advance... Curses...!”

“Unidentified device...likely Imperial... Do not tamper...”

“Oh gods... It's back again... C-Come no closer... Aiiieeeeee!”

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This was the last contact we received before communication failed entirely with an ear-piercing crack. Naught has been heard from the party since. That our veteran pugilist correspondent—accompanied by a squad of Twin Adders, no less—would vanish without a trace is truly a disturbing turn of events.

The truth yet remains beyond our glimpsing, hidden deep within the mildew-lined cells of Toto-Rak. This much, however, is plain: an Imperial machination is afoot. We at The Raven offer our sincere condolences to the families of those lost, and implore the Order of the Twin Adder to take swift and effective measures to bring the heinous plot to light and secure the safety of Gridania and her citizens.

Oliver Goodfellow

* Screenshots depict content under development.

The Raven 02 - Twin Adder in a Tangle

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High above the Twelveswood, the raven circles, evermore seeking out truth hidden amongst the shadows of the trees.

In today’s edition, field correspondent Oliver Goodfellow examines the issues being faced by the newly reformed Order of the Twin Adder and its prospects for overcoming them.

Battle Capacity in Question

After an extended absence, the Elder Seedseer has finally returned from the depths of the Twelveswood, much to the relief of the citizenry. And by her decree, after entire eras in slumber, the Order of the Twin Adder has been roused to wakefulness once more. Yet, in the midst of these heartening developments, a stifling air of tension now enshrouds Gridania, a product of the uncertainty over whether the Grand Company will live up to the weight of expectation.

The day past saw our nation’s leaders assembled at the Adders’ Nest to make provisions for the nation’s defense. Among those in attendance were the ranks of conjurers, who partook in discussion on matters such as military structuring, fortifications, arms manufacturing, provisioning, and so forth. Needless to say, the Twin Adder has much work to do if it is to become a full-fledged military force rather than a token presence, and the closest cooperation with our nation’s guilds will be central to success.

In particular, the eyes of the nation are locked upon the two pillars of law and order in the Twelveswood: the Wood Wailers and the Gods’ Quiver. As elite warriors among forestborn, charged with the security of the city-state and its surrounds, theirs is a heavy burden. Yet events of recent moons have not helped to engender public confidence. Take, for instance, the infiltration of the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak by imperial troopers. This incident alone seemed to push our resources to the brink, rendering our shortage of manpower painfully apparent. As we stand, Gridania can ill resist the Empire should it come at us in force.

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Adventurers, Enter Stage Right

In the beginning, the Order of the Twin Adder was taking on adventurers solely in a provisional capacity. However, as more and more of these recruits went on to distinguish themselves in missions of consequence, the Twin Adder could not help but take notice. And so when options were discussed on ways to augment Gridania’s underwhelming host, it took next to no time for our leaders to unanimously settle upon a solution: to accept adventurers as fully inducted members of the Grand Company.

It had been known that the Twin Adder means to establish four units, each named for the four noble beasts of legend: the White Wolf, the Blue Badger, the Red Otter, and the Black Boar. Now, however, a Yellow Serpent will be joining the fray, and it is beneath its banner that non-Gridanians—in other words, adventurers—will charge into the field of battle.

I would like to take this opportunity to unreservedly applaud the move. Ours has been a closed society; more often than not in history, Gridania has kept her distance from the other city-states of Eorzea. But we can ill persist in this way of thinking any longer. A terrible enemy has reared its head, and threatens to lay waste to all we hold dear. If we are to survive the coming storm, we must look beyond petty differences between our neighbors and ourselves. Elder Seedseer Kan-E-Senna—may the Twelve forever shine their countenance upon her—has ever championed cooperation and harmony as a way of life, and this philosophy rings truer now than ever before.

In closing, far be it from my station to make a personal plea, but I would call upon all adventurers of the realm to join your strength to ours. As fellow Eorzeans, let us walk hand in hand that we might together banish the encroaching darkness and usher in a new era of prosperity.

Oliver Goodfellow

The Raven 03 - Light of the Future

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High above the Twelveswood, the raven circles, evermore seeking out truth hidden amongst the shadows of the trees. In today’s edition, field correspondent Oliver Goodfellow reports on the sights and sounds of the ceremony commemorating the reformation of the Order of the Twin Adder.

Return of the Elder Seedseer

When one thinks of concerts, celebrations, and other like events in Gridania, Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre immediately comes to mind. Just recently, the amphitheatre hosted a once-an-era ceremony commemorating the reformation of our nation’s Grand Company, the Order of the Twin Adder. The highlight of the proceedings was the appearance in the flesh of Elder Seedseer Kan-E-Senna, who graces the city-state with her exalted presence once more after her spiritual wanderings in the Twelveswood.

Standing in solemn majesty before forestborn and visitors alike, she delivered a rousing speech as chosen of the elementals. In their name, she urged one and all to unite in common cause to fend off those who would sully the sanctity of the Twelveswood—for so long as we stay true to the forest, Nophica will never abandon us to the darkness.

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Our ancestors once lived in fear of the elementals, concealing themselves within caverns that they might elude the wrath of the forest. This was in the age of Gelmorra, the subterranean city that was home to the first folk who dared set foot in the Twelveswood. Over time and through unceasing effort, the art of conjury was refined, and our cave-dwelling forebears finally succeeded in communing with the elementals. So it was that man was permitted to abide beneath the canopy of the forest, rather than within the dark of the earth.

Since that time, it was commonly believed that man called the Twelveswood home only at the elementals’ sufferance. However, the Elder Seedseer revealed in her speech that we are as much part of the forest as the grass and the trees. This revelation fell like a thunderbolt for most forestborn. But then the implications of the message sank in, and shock gave way to inner peace and a heightened sense of empowerment. To see the expressions of those present, one would think they had just been freed of their shackles.

In bringing the ceremony to a close, the Elder Seedseer bathed the amphitheatre and the audience in the divine light of the elementals. And it is by that light that we shall banish the shadow that takes the heinous form of the Garlean Empire. With the Matron smiling upon us and our staunch adventurer friends fighting by our side, there exists no night that we cannot turn into day.

Oliver Goodfellow

The Raven 04 - Moogle Myth Made Manifest

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High above the Twelveswood, the raven circles, evermore seeking out truth hidden amongst the shadows of the trees. In today’s edition, field correspondent Oliver Goodfellow delves into the bizarre rumors that have surfaced in Gridania concerning the appearance of a moogle king of myth.

The Legend of Good King Moggle Mog XII

That the moogles are our friends and allies is a fact all Gridanian younglings are raised to know. The relationship, however, has not always been one of amity. It was in the age of Gelmorra, back when the elementals did not suffer our presence in the Twelveswood, that the first contact between man and moogle took place. In the beginning, the moogles saw our ancestors as naught but an odious plague, whose existence served only to wake the elementals’ wrath.

But through great effort, our forbears eventually succeeded in communing with the elementals, and were permitted to abide in the Twelveswood. And with the elementals’ acceptance came the moogles’ grudging respect—a respect which grew into understanding and, over time, friendship. The moogles have since stood staunchly by our side, helping us to further our intimacy with the forest and its mysteries. Without their wisdom and guidance, I daresay Gridania would not have flourished into the great nation it is today.

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But how well do we truly know the moogles? For the most part, our winged friends keep to the depths of the Twelveswood, seldom appearing in the city proper. Fellow residents of the forest we may be, but there the similarities come to an abrupt end; from physical appearance to culture and fundamental values, there is precious little we have in common with the moogles. For one, they possess their own unique mythology, separate from that of man.

Of the innumerable tales passed down through their race, there is one which claims prominence above all others: the legend of Good King Moggle Mog XII, which explains the origins of mooglekind. The legend holds that, in a time long forgotten, the moogles dwelled in the heavens alongside the Twelve. However, a great war broke out among the gods, and the celestial realm was laid to waste. Upon seeing this, the reigning moogle monarch, Good King Moggle Mog XII, lowered his subjects down a rope—the longest ever woven—to the realm of mortals, that mooglekind might again know peace. Or so the tale goes.

In contrast, our own histories mention naught of any such conflict among the Twelve, and scholars were unanimous in branding the tale a product of the imagination. Of late, however, events have transpired that serve to cast doubt on that conclusion. Recent moons have seen first-person accounts of encounters with Good King Moggle Mog XII being reported nigh without cease, and even the most orthodox of thinkers have been forced to reconsider their opinions on the matter.

By now, all Gridanians—and most adventurers—will doubtless be familiar with Louisoix, head of the Circle of Knowing, who has journeyed to our nation for no other purpose than to quell the mounting primal threat. The native of Sharlayan has identified the moogle monarch as a primal, whose voracious appetite for aetheric energy could end life as we know it upon Eorzea. Coming from such an authoritative figure as Louisoix, these tidings are grim indeed.

With fears of the Seventh Umbral Era still running rife, the air of tension enshrouding the nation grows ever more palpable. But come what may, you may rest assured in the knowledge that naught takes place that escapes the notice of The Raven.

Oliver Goodfellow

The Raven 05 - Dalamud Nigh

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High above the Twelveswood, the raven circles, evermore seeking out truth hidden amongst the shadows of the trees. In today's edition, field correspondent Oliver Goodfellow examines the social upheaval that has come about on account of the recent changes exhibited by the lesser moon Dalamud.

Consensus Eludes

For those who are unfamiliar, legend holds that the greater and lesser moons are respectively the goddess Menphina and her loyal hound, Dalamud. Since time immemorial, the two have been engaged in an unending dance across the heavens.

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Although there was never any doubt that Dalamud has been growing larger and redder in recent moons, till now most folk had been going about their lives without paying the celestial body much heed. However, so great are the changes the lesser moon has exhibited of late, one can no longer gaze up at the sky and fail to be racked by a sense of foreboding.

Ever since Dalamud began taking on a crimson hue, countless theories have been in circulation seeking to explain the anomaly. A great many believe that Menphina's hound is bathed in the blood of a vile fiend who had designs upon his mistress's life, even as others swear that the changes portend the Seventh Umbral Era. Yet another theory, originating from the Holy See of Ishgard, claims that the phenomenon signals the awakening of the great wyrm Nidhogg, who has lain in deep slumber for the past two decades. Over in Thanalan, the wealth-minded Ul'dahns can be relied upon to turn any situation into profit, and that is precisely what they are doing at this very moment. Wares of questionable utility, the sale of which could only be described as fraud, have emerged in such numbers as to fair flood the market. It is difficult to decide whether the Ul'dahns are deserving of admiration or contempt for this peculiar brand of stoicism in uncertain times.

Were it only coin that folk are being deprived of, there would not be so much cause for complaint. Alas, the present climate of fear has given rise to doomsday cults, the most prominent among which is called the Lambs of Dalamud. The cultists hold the lesser moon as their god and savior, and dark rumors run rampant of live sacrifices being offered in the name of their twisted faith. Reports of missing persons grow in frequency, and citizens are urged to refrain from wandering the streets unaccompanied between dusk and dawn.

Revisiting the Past

“The future is but a reflection of the past”—so wrote Saint Coinach, who dedicated his life to excavating the ruins of the ancient Allagan Empire that the wisdom of ages past might be recovered. Inspired by his words, this reporter paid visit to the Quiver's Hold and requested permission to peruse the records of old.

For over 150 years, the men and women of the Gods' Quiver have held vigil over the Twelveswood's skies for Ixali dirigibles. The logs which they keep are so meticulously detailed as to include mention of the weather. Browsing through the nigh endless piles of parchment bearing such information, I finally came upon that which I sought: a reference to a blood-red Dalamud from ten summers past. On the night in question, an archer on duty at a guard station in the East Shroud noted that the lesser moon was giving off a reddish glow and promptly reported the development to Stillglade Fane. This anomaly, however, proved to be fleeting; by the time dawn broke, Dalamud had reverted to its normal hue, with scarce more than a handful of souls having borne witness to the baffling occurrence.

Only once before in living memory has the lesser moon been observed undergoing this phenomenon of sanguineous swelling. What was it that triggered that first recorded case, and is there any common ground between then and now? Despite the best efforts of Eorzean scholars, the answers to these questions yet elude our knowing. In the meantime, I shall join the citizens in the collective prayer that those subscribers to the apocalypse theory will be proven wrong.

Oliver Goodfellow

The Raven 06 - 'Neath Garuda's Shadow

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High above the Twelveswood, the raven circles, evermore seeking out truth hidden amongst the shadows of the trees. In today's edition, field correspondent Oliver Goodfellow reports on the threat presented by the appearance of Gridania's sworn enemy, the primal Garuda.

Garuda, Capricious Empress of Birds

Eyewitness reports of a “great winged monster” haunting the outskirts of Quarrymill have sent the Order of the Twin Adder into a flurry of preparation. It appears that the upper echelons of the Order believe the feathered beast to be none other than Garuda herself, and have placed the Grand Company on high alert.

With the ominous change that has befallen Dalamud, it is tempting to believe rumors heralding the Seventh Umbral Era's imminent arrival and give in to crippling despair. But no, I cannot indulge such selfish desires while a threat most real and solid exists within arm's reach. I shall steel my nerves and see for myself just what manner of being this Garuda may be. It must be noted here that this article could not have been penned without the invaluable cooperation of Bowlord Lewin and his extensive knowledge of Ixali history.

Some 550 years in the past, the Ixal chose the forest of Tinolqa* as their homeland. The stories say they built their nests in its trees, and, spreading their wings to the wind, were able to soar among the branches. Even in this ancient time, the Ixal, feeling kinship with the creatures of the sky, revered Garuda as the Empress of Birds. During this age of prosperity the feathered beastmen flourished and multiplied, overflowing the borders of their territory. Their unchecked growth, however, angered the elementals, and the Ixal were cast out of the forest. The exiled birdmen, in search of a new place to roost, migrated en masse to the great canyon known as Xelphatol.

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But the trials of the Ixal did not end with the loss of their home. Inexplicably, the young that hatched in the land of Xelphatol were born without certain feathers they needed to catch the wind. As generations came and went, the Ixal lost their ability to fly completely. All that remained to them was an insatiable hunger for the sky. The birdmen's invention of the dirigible 150 years ago is most like the culmination of this tragic history and their undiminished yearning to fly.

This brings us to events of ten years past. Just as the Amalj'aa and the kobolds succeeded in summoning their gods, so too did the Ixal call forth the primal Garuda. Their motivation for doing so, hypothesizes Bowlord Lewin, was to regain the power of flight through the grace of the Empress of Birds. Yet no evidence has been found to suggest that the prayers of the birdmen have been answered. Quite the contrary, the unpredictable and violent Garuda has done naught but tear across the land like an untamed storm, relentless in her quest for blood. Perhaps the Ixal now, too, regret unleashing this unholy terror upon Eorzea.

Oliver Goodfellow

* The Twelveswood. The word “Tinolqa” means “Blessed Forest” in Ixali.

The Raven 07 - Coerthas Pummeled!

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High above the Twelveswood, the raven circles, evermore seeking out truth hidden amongst the shadows of the trees. In today's edition, field correspondent Oliver Goodfellow examines the social upheaval that has come about on account of the recent changes exhibited by the lesser moon Dalamud.

Meteor Storm

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The region of Coerthas, situated in the central area of Abalathia’s Spine, is reeling from the destruction wrought by a violent barrage of meteors. We have heard similar reports of meteor impacts and their effects on the native monster population, but never before have these celestial rocks fallen in such numbers within such a brief time, and never with such devastating focus on a single area.

The utter confusion left behind in the wake of this disaster can be no more evident than in the account of a local shepherd, who claims to have seen a great chunk of stone tear itself from the ground and fly straight up into the sky. Can we attribute this unlikely tale to a mind suffering from shock? Or might a force even more unnatural be at work here?

Scouts Lost?

News of the Coerthas meteor storm has sent the Order of the Twin Adder into a frenzy of activity. According to our sources, a squad of Eorzean Alliance scouts previously dispatched to the region has failed to report back. Efforts to ascertain the squad’s fate continue amid fears that the soldiers perished in the sudden, brutal downpour.

Putting thoughts of this tragedy aside, one might wonder why the Eorzean Alliance felt it necessary to send a reconnaissance party into what is ostensibly Ishgardian territory. I suspect an “imperial concern” featured prominently in the decision, though liaisons for the Order remain resolutely tight-lipped on the subject. As I pore over reports detailing the ever-increasing number of imperial warships on course for Mor Dhona or Coerthas, I am unable to suppress a mounting sense of dread.

One can only pray that the Order gains swift control of the situation, and sees fit to release a statement free of alarming obfuscation.

Oliver Goodfellow

The Raven 08 - Alliance Takes the Offensive!

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High above the Twelveswood, the raven circles, evermore seeking out truth hidden amongst the shadows of the trees. In today's edition, field correspondent Oliver Goodfellow reports on the movements of the Eorzean Alliance.

Shadows of the Autumn War

The Autumn War is the name given to the conflict that erupted when the nation of Ala Mhigo invaded Gridania one hundred years ago. During this time of strife, our Gridanian ancestors were joined by troops from Ishgard, Ul'dah, and Limsa Lominsa, and, thus reinforced, succeeded in forcing the invaders back across the border.

And now, as the imperial army looms on our very doorstep, the disparate nations of Eorzea once more band together in common cause. Though Ishgard has shown no willingness to go to war, both Ul'dah and Limsa Lominsa have committed their soldiers to the Eorzean Alliance. Joint operations are already underway, and by all reports have proven most effective.

But the alliance leaders have only just begun—they are assembling an army so massive it will dwarf any force brought together in our realm’s history. With this great host they mean to march forth and smash the invading Garlean force. I wonder—as must you, gentle reader—if victory is truly within our reach.

An Eye on Archon Louisoix

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The key to vanquishing the imperial war machine may be found in the hands of Archon Louisoix, a scholar who hails from Sharlayan, the great seat of knowledge. I put forth this presumption in light of news from well-placed sources, who claim that the Archon has joined the Eorzean Alliance to serve as its chief tactician.

Louisoix is known for his work alongside the Order of the Twin Adder, and the contributions he has made towards the downfall of the primals. He is also lauded as the foremost authority on the prophecies that surround the Seventh Umbral Era.

My sources also inform me that the alliance’s shift to the offensive is based on an initiative put forth by Louisoix himself, and that a legion of heroic adventurers—responsible for defeating the primals at his behest—is set to join the coming fray. Mere spectators that we are, we can but guess at what brilliant strategies the archon has contrived. Nevertheless, I pray to both the Matron and the elementals that this all-or-nothing gambit succeeds. For it is not only the lives of our soldiers, but the future of Eorzea that rides on the outcome of this fateful battle.

Oliver Goodfellow

The Raven 09 - United in Prayer

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High above the Twelveswood, the raven circles, evermore seeking out truth hidden amongst the shadows of the trees. In today's edition, field correspondent Oliver Goodfellow reports on the increased religious fervor of Eorzeans in these dire times.

A History of War

Fifteen years ago, in the Year 1557 of the Sixth Astral Era, the Garlean Empire conquered Ala Mhigo in an act of aggression which marked the beginning of their invasion of Eorzea.

Five years later, as a massive fleet of Imperial airships advanced into the skies above Silvertear Falls, the great dragon Midgardsormr rose from the depths of the lake, leading a host of its lesser brethren in ambush. Met with such fierce and unexpected resistance, the Garleans were forced to withdraw. Subsequent summonings of the primals by beast tribes brought the Empire's war of conquest to a standstill.

Alas, the conflict was reignited when Nael van Darnus led the VIIth Legion into Eorzea once more.

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Faith in Victory

In response, the Order of the Twin Adder was revived, by the decree of Elder Seedseer Kan-E-Senna, to combat the Garlean menace. Ul'dah and Limsa Lominsa enacted similar measures, and the Grand Companies of Eorzea were reborn. Though distrust lingered between the city-states, valiant adventurers managed to persuade their great leaders to reform the Eorzean Alliance, and together we have begun to turn the tide.

At present, our combined forces are converging at the Carteneau Flats, where the VIIth Imperial Legion is entrenched. Preparations continue for what many expect to be a decisive, final confrontation.

But what of us whose place is not on the frontlines? Is there aught we can do to aid the Eorzean cause?

Archon Louisoix has called upon citizens and adventurers alike to “seek the divine symbols of the Twelve, engraven upon ancient stones strewn across the land, and offer supplication for Eorzea's salvation.”

Some may question the value of prayer in lieu of more practical means of contribution. Yet even the ancient texts of Stillglade Fane contain no references to these mysterious symbols. If these unprecedented manifestations are indeed evidence of the Twelve's providence, perhaps more fervent devotions might summon their divine intervention.

As this belief continues to spread, many Eorzeans have embarked upon pilgrimages to the holy stones, in the hopes that it might do some small good. If you, dear readers, have any faith that the Twelve may yet shine their countenance upon us and heed our pleas, I ask that you join us in prayer.

Oliver Goodfellow


  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 186