Fibubb Gah

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Revision as of 22:01, 21 August 2023 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
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"My brothers and I uphold the glory of our past, and forge ourselves in the fires of righteous battle. Do not compare us to the groveling cravens that fill the ranks of Ifrit's worshipers."

— In-game description

Fibubb Gah is a Spoken in Southern Thanalan. They are the primary quest-giver for daily quests from the Brotherhood of Ash, often found standing to the right of Hamujj Gah's alcove.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Shell to Scry On Daily quest 43 Fibubb Gah
Borderline Slaughter Daily quest 43 Fibubb Gah
A Sappy Ending Daily quest 43 Fibubb Gah
Luring Lacovie Daily quest 43 Fibubb Gah
Fighting Firesand with Fire Daily quest 43 Fibubb Gah
Smothering Instinct Daily quest 43 Fibubb Gah
Losing One's Tempered Daily quest 43 Fibubb Gah
Ravage the Ravagers Daily quest 43 Fibubb Gah
Arms of the U Daily quest 43 Fibubb Gah
Blitzing the Beacons Daily quest 43 Fibubb Gah

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Additional Information