U'odh Nunh

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“To protect our freedom, and our newfound friends... the U will fight this battle.”

Now forty and three, U’odh Nunh hails from Forgotten Springs situated on the northern outskirts of the Sagolii Desert. He trained long upon the burning sands ere becoming a mercenary, using the skills he honed there to earn him a name within the Company of Heroes’ hallowed ranks. When the sellswords finally disbanded, he was chosen as one of five judges to assess any who sought to repeat their exploits. Upon returning home, it is said the Seeker of the Sun challenged the previous nunh to combat, and won his harem and leadership of his native U tribe.

— In-game description

U'odh Nunh is a Miqo'te in Southern Thanalan.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Perfect Prey Main Scenario quest 31 U'odh Nunh
When the Worm Turns Main Scenario quest 31 U'odh Nunh
There and Back Again Main Scenario quest 31 U'odh Nunh
What's It to U Sidequest 47 U'odh Nunh
U! Ow! That Stings Sidequest 47 U'odh Nunh
True U Sidequest 47 U'odh Nunh

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Trial by Turtle Main Scenario quest 30 Landenel
In the Company of Heroes Main Scenario quest 33 Y'shtola
Old Heroes Never Die Role quest 87 Maelstrom Secretariat
A Mother's Suffering Role quest 88 Maelstrom Secretariat
Out of the Shadows Role quest 89 Maelstrom Secretariat
To Calmer Seas Role quest 90 Maelstrom Secretariat
U Don't Know Me Sidequest 31 U'khuba Tia
Can't Do It without U Sidequest 47 Wigstan

Additional Information


A former member of the Company of Heroes, U'odh made a name for himself as a mercenary before being brought into the Company. He, alongside his fellow Heroes, handled the Primal threat in Vylbrand. After the Company was disbanded, U'odh was chosen as one of those who would judge any tha would uphold their mission in the future, and pass on their knowledge. He went on to defeat the nunh of the U Tribe and become its leader.

When the Kobolds summoned Titan again, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and the Warrior of Light sought out the former members of the Company of Heroes to learn what they could about Titan and how they went about defeating him. To judge their character, Wheiskaet sent the Warrior of Light to U'odh to assist in gathering ingredients for an important feast. U'odh charges them with hunting a Wellwick Worm for their meat. With the hunt completed, he sends the Warrior of Light back to Costa del Sol with a bottle of brandewine for Wheiskaet, indicating he approved of the Warrior and the Scions. U'odh would later join the banquet, which it turned out was in honor of the Warrior of Light before heading into battle. He, along with the other Heroes, pass on their knowledge to the Scions so they may defeat Titan.

Later, when the Final Days were upon Eorzea, U'odh and the Company of Heroesaided in both hunting the Blasphemies that ran amok as well as preventing the Sahagin from summoning Leviathan again. U'odh held off the Crushing Tide when they attacked Candlekeep Quay while the Warrior of Light and Merlwyb hunted the Blasphemy in Sastasha.