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To defend the Ultima Weapon from those who might seek to wrest control of it from its masters, the Allagans implemented a series of deadly safeguards known as “bits.” Rather than control these countless sentinels individually, a parent unit was developed—the Motherbit—that could send orders to its children simultaneously, allowing for immediate, coordinated assaults.

— In-game description

Motherbit is a boss in The Fractal Continuum (Hard).


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Farlander thighboots of fending icon1.png  Farlander Thighboots of Fending Feet 325 BGreen 1
Farlander sollerets of maiming icon1.png  Farlander Sollerets of Maiming Feet 325 BGreen 1
Farlander sollerets of striking icon1.png  Farlander Sollerets of Striking Feet 325 BGreen 1
Farlander boots of scouting icon1.png  Farlander Boots of Scouting Feet 325 BGreen 1
Farlander boots of aiming icon1.png  Farlander Boots of Aiming Feet 325 BGreen 1
Farlander boots of casting icon1.png  Farlander Boots of Casting Feet 325 BGreen 1
Farlander boots of healing icon1.png  Farlander Boots of Healing Feet 325 BGreen 1
Farlander bangle of fending icon1.png  Farlander Bangle of Fending Bracelets 325 BGreen 1
Farlander bangle of slaying icon1.png  Farlander Bangle of Slaying Bracelets 325 BGreen 1
Farlander bangle of aiming icon1.png  Farlander Bangle of Aiming Bracelets 325 BGreen 1
Farlander bangle of casting icon1.png  Farlander Bangle of Casting Bracelets 325 BGreen 1
Farlander bangle of healing icon1.png  Farlander Bangle of Healing Bracelets 325 BGreen 1
Farlander ring of fending icon1.png  Farlander Ring of Fending Ring 325 BGreen 1
Farlander ring of slaying icon1.png  Farlander Ring of Slaying Ring 325 BGreen 1
Farlander ring of aiming icon1.png  Farlander Ring of Aiming Ring 325 BGreen 1
Farlander ring of casting icon1.png  Farlander Ring of Casting Ring 325 BGreen 1
Farlander ring of healing icon1.png  Farlander Ring of Healing Ring 325 BGreen 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
The Fractal Continuum (Hard) Unknown 70


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
An Unwanted Truth Feature quest 70 Philiot

Additional Information

The Motherbit appears to be a giant Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Allagan Tomestone of Poetics.