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Heavensward Sightseeing Log 46: The Slate Mountains

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The Slate Mountains

HW sightseeing log 46.png
Log Entry
Heavensward: #46
Coerthas Western Highlands (X:12.7, Y:8.2, Z:0.9)
Me.png  Me
Eorzea Time
Feature QuestSights of the North

From high atop the western highlands of Coerthas, I looked out upon the realm in all her twisted beauty.
There I saw a sight that will be sung of for as long as songs are sung.

— Sightseeing Log Impressions

These mountains on the outskirts of Ishgard were valued as a mining site for slate of exceptional quality. Three years past, the knights of House Dzemael attempted to carve an Ishgardian stronghold into the cliffs, enraging the dragon Cuelebre and his followers. Remnants of the gruesome battle that followed still lie scattered about the crags, unable to decay in the chilled altitude.

— Sightseeing Log Vista Record

The Slate Mountains is part of the Sightseeing Log for Heavensward.


Tip of the spear in the giant dragon's eye. (Requires Flying)