Coven Weapons

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See also: Emergency Missions

These dropped from FATEFATEs in the retired Heavensward-era version of Exploratory missions icon1.png The Diadem. One random player who participated in the FATE received a single weapon for a random job directly to their inventory. Being DAetherial rarity, they had semi-randomized secondary attributes.

These weapons were 5 item levels higher than the final-stage Lux Anima Weapons and were therefore the strongest weapons available at level 60, making Heavensward the only expansion in which the final-stage relic weapons were not the strongest weapons obtainable at the level cap. The random acquisition of these weapons, along with their semi-randomized attributes, caused some frustration among players.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Coven Blade Coven blade icon1.png 60 280 GLA PLD 80 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +73 Vitality +75 
Coven Battleaxe Coven battleaxe icon1.png 60 280 MRD WAR 80 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +102 Vitality +105 
Coven Greatsword Coven greatsword icon1.png 60 280 DRK 80 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +102 Vitality +105 
Coven Gunblade Coven gunblade icon1.png 60 280 GNB 80 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +102 Vitality +105 
Coven Spear Coven spear icon1.png 60 280 LNC DRG 80 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +102 Vitality +105 
Coven Fangs Coven fangs icon1.png 60 280 PGL MNK 80 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +102 Vitality +105 
Coven Katana Coven katana icon1.png 60 280 SAM 80 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +102 Vitality +105 
Coven Claws Coven claws icon1.png 60 280 ROG NIN 80 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +102 Vitality +105 
Coven Longbow Coven longbow icon1.png 60 280 ARC BRD 80 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +102 Vitality +105 
Coven Musketoon Coven musketoon icon1.png 60 280 MCH 80 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +102 Vitality +105 
Coven Glaives Coven glaives icon1.png 60 280 DNC 80 Physical Damage.png 0 Dexterity +102 Vitality +105 
Coven Rod Coven rod icon1.png 60 280 THM BLM 80 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +102 Vitality +95 
Coven Grimoire Coven grimoire icon1.png 60 280 ACN SMN 80 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +102 Vitality +95 
Coven Rapier Coven rapier icon1.png 60 280 RDM 80 Magical Damage.png 0 Intelligence +102 Vitality +95 
Coven Cane Coven cane icon1.png 60 280 CNJ WHM 80 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +102 Vitality +95 
Coven Codex Coven codex icon1.png 60 280 SCH 80 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +102 Vitality +95 
Coven Astrometer Coven astrometer icon1.png 60 280 AST 80 Magical Damage.png 0 Mind +102 Vitality +95 
Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Block Strength Block Rate Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Coven Shield Coven shield icon1.png 60 280 GLA PLD 500 500 0 Strength +29 Vitality +30