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Map of the Three Great Continents until Stormblood
Map of the Source in Dawntrail

A location in Final Fantasy XIV refers to a particular place in a map.


  • Region: A named collection of zones
    • Zone: A location contained in an individual map. Many dungeon and raid zones are split into multiple maps.
      • Area: A section within a map.
        • Landmark: A specific point within a map.

List of locations

Region Overworld zones Cities and residential districts Dungeon Dungeons Trial Trials Raid Raids Other instanced duties Other explorable zones
La Noscea Middle La Noscea
Lower La Noscea
Eastern La Noscea
Western La Noscea
Upper La Noscea
Outer La Noscea
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
Rogues' Guild
Mizzenmast Inn
Command Room
Wolves' Den Pier
Sastasha (15, 50)
Brayflox's Longstop (32, 50)
The Wanderer's Palace (50)
Pharos Sirius (50, 60)
Hullbreaker Isle (50, 60)
The Navel (34, 50)
The Whorleater (50)
The Binding Coil of Bahamut (50)
The Black Shroud Central Shroud
East Shroud
South Shroud
North Shroud
Old Gridania
New Gridania
The Roost
Lotus Stand
The Lavender Beds
The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (16, 50)
The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak (24)
Haukke Manor (28, 50)
Amdapor Keep (50)
The Lost City of Amdapor (50, 60)
Baelsar's Wall (60)
Thornmarch (50)
The Striking Tree (50)
Battle in the Big Keep (50)
Urth's Fount (50)
The Second Coil of Bahamut (50) The Palace of the Dead (1-60)


ThanalanThe Black ShroudLa NosceaMor DhonaCoerthasAbalathiaDravaniaGyr AbaniaO'GhomoroPaglth'anXelphatol

Regions of Hydaelyn


Main article: Thanalan
Ul'dahCentral ThanalanWestern ThanalanEastern ThanalanSouthern ThanalanNorthern Thanalan

The Black Shroud

Main article: The Black Shroud
GridaniaCentral ShroudNorth ShroudEast ShroudSouth Shroud

La Noscea

Main article: La Noscea
Limsa LominsaLower La NosceaMiddle La NosceaEastern La NosceaWestern La NosceaUpper La NosceaOuter La Noscea

Mor Dhona

Main article: Mor Dhona
Mor Dhona


Main article: Coerthas
Ishgard HW.pngCoerthas Central HighlandsCoerthas Western Highlands HW.png

Abalathia's Spine HW.png

Main article: Abalathia's Spine
The Sea of CloudsAzys Lla

Dravania HW.png

Main article: Dravania
IdyllshireThe Dravanian ForelandsThe Dravanian HinterlandsThe Churning Mists

Gyr Abania SB.png

Main article: Gyr Abania
Rhalgr's ReachThe FringesThe LochsThe Peaks

Othard SB.png

Main article: Othard
KuganeThe Azim SteppeThe Ruby SeaYanxia

The Northern Empty EW.png

Main article: The Northern Empty
Old SharlayanLabyrinthos

Ilsabard EW.png

Main article: Ilsabard

Yok Tural DT.png

Main article: Yok Tural
TuliyollalUrqopachaYak T'el

Other Regions

Norvrandt SHB.png

Main article: Norvrandt
The CrystariumLakelandEulmoreKholusiaAmh AraengIl MhegThe Rak'tika GreatwoodThe Tempest

The Sea of Stars EW.png

Main article: The Sea of Stars
Mare LamentorumUltima Thule

The World Unsundered EW.png

Main article: The World Unsundered