Overworld zones
Cities and residential districts
Other instanced duties
Other explorable zones
La Noscea
Middle La Noscea Lower La Noscea Eastern La Noscea Western La Noscea Upper La Noscea Outer La Noscea
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks Rogues' Guild Mizzenmast Inn Command Room Wolves' Den Pier Mist
Sastasha (15, 50) Brayflox's Longstop (32, 50) The Wanderer's Palace (50) Pharos Sirius (50, 60) Hullbreaker Isle (50, 60) The Sirensong Sea (61)
The Navel (34, 50) The Whorleater (50)
Upper Aetheroacoustic Exploratory Site (50) Lower Aetheroacoustic Exploratory Site (50) The Ragnarok (50) Ragnarok Drive Cylinder (50) Ragnarok Central Core (50)
The Black Shroud
Central Shroud East Shroud South Shroud North Shroud
Old Gridania New Gridania The Roost Lotus Stand The Lavender Beds
The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (16, 50) The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak (24) Haukke Manor (28, 50) Amdapor Keep (50) The Lost City of Amdapor (50, 60) Baelsar's Wall (60)
Thornmarch (50) The Striking Tree (50) Amdapor Keep (50) Urth's Fount (50)
Dalamud's Shadow (50) The Outer Coil (50) Central Decks (50)
The Holocharts (50)
Palace of the Dead (1-60)
Western Thanalan Central Thanalan Eastern Thanalan Southern Thanalan Northern Thanalan
Ul'dah - Steps of Nald Ul'dah - Steps of Thal The Hourglass Heart of the Sworn Lemures Headquarters The Goblet The Gold Saucer Chocobo Square
Copperbell Mines (17, 50) Halatali (20, 50) The Sunken Temple of Qarn (35, 50) Cutter's Cry (38) Castrum Meridianum (50) The Praetorium (50) Paglth'an (80)
The Bowl of Embers (20, 50) The Porta Decumana (50) Halatali (50) Castrum Marinum Drydocks (80)
IC-06 Central Decks (50) IC-06 Regeneration Grid (50) IC-06 Main Bridge (50) The Burning Heart (50)
The Battlehall
The Sil'dihn Subterrane (90)
Another Sil'dihn Subterrane (90)
Coerthas Central Highlands Coerthas Western Highlands
Foundation The Pillars Cloud Nine The Lightfeather Proving Grounds Seat of the Lord Commander Fortemps Manor Saint Endalim's Scholasticate The Firmament Empyreum
The Stone Vigil (41, 50) Dzemael Darkhold (44) The Aurum Vale (47) Snowcloak (50) The Dusk Vigil (51) The Vault (57) Xelphatol (60)
The Howling Eye (44, 50) Griffin Crossing (50) The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (50) Steps of Faith (60)
Medias Res (90)
The Steps of Faith (50)
Mor Dhona
Mor Dhona
The Keeper of the Lake (50)
The Chrysalis (50)
The Labyrinth of the Ancients (50) Syrcus Tower (50) World of Darkness (50) The Weeping City of Mhach (60)
Carteneau Flats (PvP, 80)
Eureka Orthos (81-90)
The Rising Stones The Syrcus Trench Dawn's Respite
Abalathia's Spine
The Sea of Clouds Azys Lla
The Aetherochemical Research Facility (60) Neverreap (60) The Fractal Continuum (60, 70)
The Limitless Blue (57, 60) The Singularity Reactor (60) Containment Bay S1T7 (60) Containment Bay P1T6 (60) Containment Bay Z1T9 (60)
The Void Ark (60) Dun Scaith (60)
The Diadem
The Parrock
The Dravanian Forelands The Churning Mists The Dravanian Hinterlands
Sohm Al (53, 60) The Aery (55) The Great Gubal Library (59, 60) Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (60) The Antitower (60) Sohr Khai (60) Matoya's Relict (80)
Thok ast Thok (53, 60)
Fist of the Father (60) Cuff of the Father (60) Arm of the Father (60) Burden of the Father (60) Fist of the Son (60) Cuff of the Son (60) Arm of the Son (60) Burden of the Son (60) Eyes of the Creator (60) Breath of the Creator (60) Heart of the Creator (60) Soul of the Creator (60) Liminal Space (80)
Sacrificial Chamber Matoya's Cave
Gyr Abania
The Fringes The Peaks The Lochs
Rhalgr's Reach
Castrum Abania (69) Ala Mhigo (70) The Temple of the Fist (70) The Drowned City of Skalla (70) The Ghimlyt Dark (70)
Emanation (67, 70) The Royal Airship Landing (70) Transparency (70) Cinder Drift (80)
Omega (70)
The Royal Menagerie Eorzean Alliance Headquarters Interdimensional Rift
Kugane Bokairo Inn Ruby Bazaar Offices Shirogane
Kugane Castle (70)
Kugane Ohashi (70)
Mount Rokkon (90)
Another Mount Rokkon (90)
The Ruby Sea Yanxia The Azim Steppe
The Doman Enclave Kienkan
Shisui of the Violet Tides (63) Bardam's Mettle (65) Doma Castle (67) Hells' Lid (70) The Swallow's Compass (70) The Burn (70)
The Blessed Treasury (63, 70) The Jade Stoa (70) Castrum Fluminis (70) The Great Hunt (70) Hells' Kier (70) The Wreath of Snakes (70)
Reisen Temple
Lakeland Kholusia Amh Araeng Il Mheg The Rak'tika Greatwood The Tempest
The Crystarium Eulmore The Pendants The Ocular
Holminster Switch (71) Dohn Mheg (73) The Qitana Ravel (75) Malikah's Well (77) Mt. Gulg (79) Amaurot (80) The Twinning (80) Akadaemia Anyder (80) The Grand Cosmos (80) Anamnesis Anyder (80) The Heroes' Gauntlet (80)
The Dancing Plague (73, 80) The Crown of the Immaculate (79, 80) The Dying Gasp (80) The Seat of Sacrifice (80)
Eden (80) YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse (80)
Excavation Tunnels Lyhe Mheg The Empty The Core
The Northern Empty
Old Sharlayan Andron Main Hall Restricted Archives
The Aitiascope (89) The Aetherfont (90)
The Mothercrystal (89, 90)
Anabaseios (90)
Thavnair Garlemald
The Tower of Zot (81) The Tower of Babil (83) Vanaspati (85) Alzadaal's Legacy (90) Lapis Manalis (90)
Mount Ordeals (90) The Gilded Araya (90)
Magna Glacies (82, 88)
The Nethergate Khadga Senatus
The Sea of Stars
Mare Lamentorum Ultima Thule
The Dead Ends (90) Smileton (90) The Stigma Dreamscape (90)
The Dark Inside (83, 90) The Final Day (90)
Beyond the Stars (90)
The World Unsundered
Ktisis Hyperboreia (87)
Asphodelos (90) Abyssos (90)
The Fell Court of Troia (90) The Lunar Subterrane (90)
Transmission Control (80) G-Savior Deck (80) Storm's Crown (90) The Voidcast Dais (90) The Abyssal Fracture (90)
Return to Ivalice (70) The Binding Coil of Bahamut (70) Ultimacy (70) Myths of the Realm (90) The Interdimensional Rift (90)
Treasure Hunt Zones (60-90)
The Forbidden Land, Eureka (70)
Save the Queen duties (80)
Terncliff Bay (80)
The Prima Vista Tiring Room The Prima Vista Bridge Gangos Terncliff The Omphalos Zero's Domain Unnamed Island The Red Moon