Middle La Noscea

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Middle La Noscea

Clear Skies.png Fair Skies.png Fog.png Clouds.png Rain.png Wind.png

Middle La Noscea Map.jpg
Map of Middle La Noscea

1 – 17
La Noscea
Connects to
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (SW)
Lower La Noscea (SE)
Western La Noscea (NW)
Eastern La Noscea (SE)
Summerford Farms (X:26, Y:16.5)

Known for its rolling hills, middle La Noscea borders Galadion Bay. When peering out from Limsa Lominsa, the region seems a pastoral scene. However, a great cliff cleaves the land in twain, a scar left by the Calamity dividing the northern and southern areas.

— In-game description

Middle La Noscea is a zone in La Noscea.
Level 1 Striking Dummies are located at (26.4, 17.2).


Area Points of Interest
Zephyr Drift
Landmark (map icon).png
Zephyr Gate
Landmark (map icon).png
La Thagran Checkpoint
Landmark (map icon).png
Galadion Bay
Landmark (map icon).png
The Rogue River
Landmark (map icon).png
The Agelyss River
Landmark (map icon).png
Seasong Grotto
Landmark (map icon).png
The Cookpot
Settlement icon.png
Summerford Farms
Aetheryte (map icon).png
Summerford Farms
Chocobokeep (map icon).png
Chocobo Porter
Mail (map icon).png
Delivery Moogle
Three-malm Bend
Landmark (map icon).png
The Descent
Landmark (map icon).png
The Nym River
Landmark (map icon).png
The Skylift
Landmark (map icon).png
Woad Whisper Canyon
Landmark (map icon).png
The Foremast
Landmark (map icon).png
The De Nevelle Checkpoint



Middle La Noscea Sidequests


Middle La Noscea FATEs

Shops & Services

Merchant Name Merchant Location
Merchant (map icon).png
Merchant & Mender
(X:25.5, Y:17.3)



B Rank

A Rank

S Rank


See also: Sightseeing Log

Players can unlock the Sightseeing Log by completing the level 20 quest Feature QuestA Sight to Behold. After completing the first 20 vistas, players can unlock the remaining vistas by talking to the NPC Millith Ironheart in Old Gridania (X:10.7, Y:6.0).

# Name Zone Coordinate Weather Time Emote Comment
3 Seasong Grotto Middle La Noscea (X:20.3, Y:19.1) Rain.png Rain
Showers.png Showers
5:00-8:00 Pray.png  Pray In the Seasong Grotto, by the entrance. Vista is close to the end of the tunnel leading into the cave, You'll want to stand in the middle of the end of the tunnel, as that's where the message will appear.
4 The Skylift Middle La Noscea (X:16.0, Y:17.3) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout By the Skylift, next to the NPC overlooking the pier.
5 La Thagran Eastroad Middle La Noscea (X:25.3, Y:27.5) Clouds.png Clouds 8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Go up the stairs on the east side, and jump up onto the fence post at the top of the stairs.
21 Woad Whisper Canyon Middle La Noscea (X:20.0, Y:13.1) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Edge of the path, before you pass under the rocky archways.
22 Summerford Farms Middle La Noscea (X:25.7, Y:17) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Second floor of Inn. Top of lamp to left of door. Jump on pot plant, then to partition, then to top of lamp.


This zone is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm middle la noscea icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Middle La Noscea 10 Visit middle La Noscea and unlock the area map. - 2.1



Known for its rolling hills, middle La Noscea borders Galadion Bay. When peering out from Limsa Lominsa, the region seems a pastoral scene. However, a great cliff cleaves the land in twain, a scar left by the Calamity dividing the northern and southern areas.

Zephyr Drift

This grassland begins just past the Zephyr Gate, and gains its title from the same westerly breeze as the egress.

Galadion Bay

Galadion Bay was named in honor of the great vessel that bore Limsa Lominsa’s founders from the northern seas to their new home. Scholars have recently discovered that it was known as the Bay of Nym in the Fifth Astral Era.

The Rogue River

One of three streams that flow through middle La Noscea, the Rogue River did not exist until the Calamity sundered the ground and opened up a new path for the water. Thieves used the river to transport their ill-gotten goods in the early Seventh Umbral Era, and their activities gave the waterway its present name.

The La Thagran Checkpoint

The Maelstrom set up this checkpoint to keep watch over the La Thagran Eastroad that cuts through middle La Noscea. The Grand Company has since entrusted the post to the Yellowjackets, as the area rarely sees kobold encroachment.


When the Calamity carved rifts in the land’s surface, water rushed up to fill them from a subterranean vein flowing forth from the mountains of O’Ghomoro. Two new rivers now run through middle La Noscea, and have turned the area betwixt them into a fertile farmland where produce always grows in the abundance of summer. Summerford is also known as the former home of Camp Bearded Rock, a Yellowjacket outpost that was purged from La Noscea, rock and all, when Bahamut unleashed his flames upon the area.

Summerford Farms

When Merlwyb Blocfhiswyn rose to Admiral, one of her first decrees included the clearing of large swaths of land for new Lominsan settlements. Summerford Farms and its expansive orange groves is one of those locations—its name is derived from the man-made crossings required when late spring runoff from Mt. O’Ghomoro causes the Rogue River to swell.

Seasong Grotto

“I am the waves that bear, I am the winds that guide. I am the evening stars, I am the morning sky. I am born of the sea, and there shall I die.”

Nestled within a shallow cavern situated to the south of Summerford Farms sits an ancient monolith upon which is carved this, the Sailors’ Requiem.

The Agelyss River

Flowing from the direction of Agelyss Wise, this river is the second of those created by the Calamity.

The Cookpot

As this patch of land is encircled by a queer wall of stone, the locals have taken to calling it the Cookpot—and worrying over what trouble stews inside.

Three-Malm Bend

A curved section of land some three malms long, this area straddles the rift known as the Descent. Its lowest point sits but barely above the level of the seas.

The Descent

A deep scar left by the Calamity, this mighty rift swallowed the Nym River and the land it once flowed through—and with it, countless lives. Thus, the Descent was given its ominous sounding name so that no more would stumble over the precipice to be dashed upon the rocks below.

The Skylift

Once an endless expanse of flat, rocky meadows, middle La Noscea is now severed by a sheer cliff known as the Descent. To maintain overland trade routes from the easterly outposts of Aleport and Bronze Lake, Lominsan engineers created the Skylift—a tower of wooden scaffolding outfitted with pulleys, winches, and lighter-than-air balloons.

The De Nevelle Checkpoint

From the De Nevelle Checkpoint, the Maelstrom keeps vigil over the road to the hamlet Wineport. In order to watch for the Garlean forces that have advanced into eastern La Noscea, the post is far more heavily manned than the La Thagran Checkpoint.

Woad Whisper Canyon

Little more than a shallow valley but five years past, Woad Whisper Canyon was carved into a gaping gorge in a matter of moons after the Calamity drained Bronze Lake and dramatically altered the course of the Nym River. On hot days, laborers from both Summerford Farms and the Skylift will oft take respite in the cool mists of the falls...if not met by bandits.

The Nym River

Flowing forth from Bronze Lake, this river has been named in honor of the ancient Nymian temple discovered in its headwater.

The Foremast

The newest Yellowjacket watchtower, the Foremast, leads into the capital proper—though no adventurer is permitted entry this way. Like the Mizzenmast, its name hearkens back to the nautical, and indicates not only the mast standing nearest a ship’s bow, but Limsa Lominsa’s resolve to lead the fight. [1]


  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 106