Packliege Armor

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See also: Level 50 Gear Guide, Packliege Weapons and Packliege Accessories

Bought from the Mark Quartermaster at Wolves' Den Pier for Wolf Mark 250-1000 Wolf Mark. As PvP Gear, this set originally existed to provide the PvP-exclusive stat, Morale.

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defense Magic Defense Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Lionliege Armet Lionliege armet icon1.png 50 110 GLA PLD Head 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +27 Skill Speed +19 
Bearliege Armet Bearliege armet icon1.png 50 110 MRD WAR Head 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Determination +19 Skill Speed +27 
Lynxliege Armet Lynxliege armet icon1.png 50 110 DRK Head 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +27 Skill Speed +19 
Snakeliege Helm Snakeliege helm icon1.png 50 110 LNC DRG Head 95 75 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Determination +27 Skill Speed +19 
Hawkliege Armet Hawkliege armet icon1.png 50 110 PGL MNK Head 75 75 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Direct Hit Rate +27 
Batliege Okabuto Batliege okabuto icon1.png 50 110 ROG NIN Head 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Direct Hit Rate +27 Skill Speed +19 
Birdliege Mask Birdliege mask icon1.png 50 110 ARC BRD Head 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +27 Skill Speed +19 
Parrotliege Mask Parrotliege mask icon1.png 50 110 MCH Head 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Skill Speed +27 
Wolfliege Hat Wolfliege hat icon1.png 50 110 THM BLM Head 54 95 2 (5) Intelligence +26 Vitality +23 Determination +19 Spell Speed +27 
Elkliege Hat Elkliege hat icon1.png 50 110 ACN SMN Head 54 95 2 (5) Intelligence +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +19 Determination +27 
Swanliege Hood Swanliege hood icon1.png 50 110 CNJ WHM Head 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Determination +19 Spell Speed +27 
Elklord Hat Elklord hat icon1.png 50 110 SCH Head 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +27 Spell Speed +19 
Owlliege Hood Owlliege hood icon1.png 50 110 AST Head 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +19 Spell Speed +27 
Lionliege Cuirass Lionliege cuirass icon1.png 50 110 GLA PLD Body 182 182 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Determination +29 Skill Speed +42 
Bearliege Cuirass Bearliege cuirass icon1.png 50 110 MRD WAR Body 182 182 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +42 Determination +29 
Lynxliege Cuirass Lynxliege cuirass icon1.png 50 110 DRK Body 182 182 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +42 Determination +29 
Snakeliege Scale Mail Snakeliege scale mail icon1.png 50 110 LNC DRG Body 127 100 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +42 Determination +29 
Hawkliege Cyclas Hawkliege cyclas icon1.png 50 110 PGL MNK Body 100 100 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Determination +42 Skill Speed +29 
Batliege Osode Batliege osode icon1.png 50 110 ROG NIN Body 100 100 2 (5) Dexterity +41 Vitality +41 Determination +29 Skill Speed +42 
Birdliege Coat Birdliege coat icon1.png 50 110 ARC BRD Body 100 100 2 (5) Dexterity +41 Vitality +41 Determination +42 Skill Speed +29 
Parrotliege Coat Parrotliege coat icon1.png 50 110 MCH Body 100 100 2 (5) Dexterity +41 Vitality +41 Determination +42 Skill Speed +29 
Wolfliege Coat Wolfliege coat icon1.png 50 110 THM BLM Body 73 127 2 (5) Intelligence +41 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +42 Spell Speed +29 
Elkliege Robe Elkliege robe icon1.png 50 110 ACN SMN Body 73 127 2 (5) Intelligence +41 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +29 Spell Speed +42 
Swanliege Coat Swanliege coat icon1.png 50 110 CNJ WHM Body 73 127 2 (5) Mind +41 Vitality +37 Determination +29 Spell Speed +42 
Elklord Robe Elklord robe icon1.png 50 110 SCH Body 73 127 2 (5) Mind +41 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +42 Determination +29 
Owlliege Coat Owlliege coat icon1.png 50 110 AST Body 73 127 2 (5) Mind +41 Vitality +37 Determination +42 Spell Speed +29 
Lionliege Gauntlets Lionliege gauntlets icon1.png 50 110 GLA PLD Hands 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Determination +19 Direct Hit Rate +27 
Bearliege Gauntlets Bearliege gauntlets icon1.png 50 110 MRD WAR Hands 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Determination +27 
Lynxliege Gauntlets Lynxliege gauntlets icon1.png 50 110 DRK Hands 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Skill Speed +27 
Snakeliege Gauntlets Snakeliege gauntlets icon1.png 50 110 LNC DRG Hands 95 75 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Determination +27 Skill Speed +19 
Hawkliege Gauntlets Hawkliege gauntlets icon1.png 50 110 PGL MNK Hands 75 75 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Skill Speed +27 
Batliege Kote Batliege kote icon1.png 50 110 ROG NIN Hands 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +27 Determination +19 
Birdliege Gloves Birdliege gloves icon1.png 50 110 ARC BRD Hands 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Skill Speed +27 
Parrotliege Gloves Parrotliege gloves icon1.png 50 110 MCH Hands 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +27 Skill Speed +19 
Wolfliege Long Gloves Wolfliege long gloves icon1.png 50 110 THM BLM Hands 54 95 2 (5) Intelligence +26 Vitality +23 Determination +19 Spell Speed +27 
Elkliege Gloves Elkliege gloves icon1.png 50 110 ACN SMN Hands 54 95 2 (5) Intelligence +26 Vitality +23 Determination +19 Spell Speed +27 
Swanliege Armguards Swanliege armguards icon1.png 50 110 CNJ WHM Hands 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +19 Determination +27 
Elklord Gloves Elklord gloves icon1.png 50 110 SCH Hands 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +27 Determination +19 
Owlliege Armguards Owlliege armguards icon1.png 50 110 AST Hands 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +19 Spell Speed +27 
Lionliege Breeches Lionliege breeches icon1.png 50 110 GLA PLD Legs 182 182 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +42 Skill Speed +29 
Bearliege Hose Bearliege hose icon1.png 50 110 MRD WAR Legs 182 182 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Determination +29 Skill Speed +42 
Lynxliege Breeches Lynxliege breeches icon1.png 50 110 DRK Legs 182 182 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +29 Determination +42 
Snakeliege Brais Snakeliege brais icon1.png 50 110 LNC DRG Legs 127 100 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +42 Determination +29 
Hawkliege Gaskins Hawkliege gaskins icon1.png 50 110 PGL MNK Legs 100 100 2 (5) Strength +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +29 Skill Speed +42 
Batliege Haidate Batliege haidate icon1.png 50 110 ROG NIN Legs 100 100 2 (5) Dexterity +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +42 Skill Speed +29 
Birdliege Breeches Birdliege breeches icon1.png 50 110 ARC BRD Legs 100 100 2 (5) Dexterity +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +29 Determination +42 
Parrotliege Breeches Parrotliege breeches icon1.png 50 110 MCH Legs 100 100 2 (5) Dexterity +41 Vitality +41 Critical Hit +29 Determination +42 
Elkliege Slops Elkliege slops icon1.png 50 110 ACN SMN Legs 73 127 2 (5) Intelligence +41 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +29 Determination +42 
Wolfliege Brais Wolfliege brais icon1.png 50 110 THM BLM Legs 73 127 2 (5) Intelligence +41 Vitality +37 Critical Hit +42 Spell Speed +29 
Swanliege Hose Swanliege hose icon1.png 50 110 CNJ WHM Legs 73 127 2 (5) Mind +41 Vitality +37 Determination +42 Spell Speed +29 
Elklord Slops Elklord slops icon1.png 50 110 SCH Legs 73 127 2 (5) Mind +41 Vitality +37 Determination +29 Spell Speed +42 
Owlliege Hose Owlliege hose icon1.png 50 110 AST Legs 73 127 2 (5) Mind +41 Vitality +37 Determination +29 Spell Speed +42 
Lionliege Sabatons Lionliege sabatons icon1.png 50 110 GLA PLD Feet 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +27 Determination +19 
Bearliege Sabatons Bearliege sabatons icon1.png 50 110 MRD WAR Feet 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Direct Hit Rate +27 
Lynxliege Sabatons Lynxliege sabatons icon1.png 50 110 DRK Feet 136 136 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Direct Hit Rate +27 Skill Speed +19 
Snakeliege Greaves Snakeliege greaves icon1.png 50 110 LNC DRG Feet 95 75 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Direct Hit Rate +27 
Hawkliege Boots Hawkliege boots icon1.png 50 110 PGL MNK Feet 75 75 2 (5) Strength +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Determination +27 
Batliege Sune-ate Batliege sune-ate icon1.png 50 110 ROG NIN Feet 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +19 Determination +27 
Birdliege Boots Birdliege boots icon1.png 50 110 ARC BRD Feet 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Critical Hit +27 Skill Speed +19 
Parrotliege Boots Parrotliege boots icon1.png 50 110 MCH Feet 75 75 2 (5) Dexterity +26 Vitality +26 Determination +19 Skill Speed +27 
Wolfliege Thighboots Wolfliege thighboots icon1.png 50 110 THM BLM Feet 54 95 2 (5) Intelligence +26 Vitality +23 Determination +19 Spell Speed +27 
Elkliege Thighboots Elkliege thighboots icon1.png 50 110 ACN SMN Feet 54 95 2 (5) Intelligence +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +19 Determination +27 
Swanliege Boots Swanliege boots icon1.png 50 110 CNJ WHM Feet 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +27 Determination +19 
Elklord Thighboots Elklord thighboots icon1.png 50 110 SCH Feet 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +27 Determination +19 
Owlliege Boots Owlliege boots icon1.png 50 110 AST Feet 54 95 2 (5) Mind +26 Vitality +23 Critical Hit +27 Determination +19 
