Prototype Gordian Armor

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Revision as of 12:13, 7 July 2015 by Mico90 (talk | contribs)
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Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Prototype Gordian Armet of Fending Prototype gordian armet of fending icon1.png 60 190 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Head 280 280 0 Strength +53, Vitality +54, Accuracy +47, Skill Speed +33
Prototype Gordian Armguards of Aiming Prototype gordian armguards of aiming icon1.png 60 190 ARC, BRD, MCH Hands 154 154 0 Dexterity +53, Vitality +54, Accuracy +33, Critical Hit Rate +47
Prototype Gordian Armguards of Scouting Prototype gordian armguards of scouting icon1.png 60 190 ROG, NIN Hands 154 154 0 Dexterity +53, Vitality +54, Critical Hit Rate +47, Determination +32
Prototype Gordian Belt of Aiming Prototype gordian belt of aiming icon1.png 60 190 ARC, BRD, MCH Waist 134 134 0 Dexterity +40, Vitality +40, Critical Hit Rate +25, Skill Speed +36
Prototype Gordian Belt of Casting Prototype gordian belt of casting icon1.png 60 190 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Waist 97 170 0 Vitality +36, Intelligence +40, Accuracy +36, Critical Hit Rate +25
Prototype Gordian Belt of Healing Prototype gordian belt of healing icon1.png 60 190 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Waist 97 170 0 Vitality +36, Mind +40, Determination +24, Spell Speed +36
Prototype Gordian Belt of Scouting Prototype gordian belt of scouting icon1.png 60 190 ROG, NIN Waist 134 134 0 Dexterity +40, Vitality +40, Accuracy +36, Skill Speed +25
Prototype Gordian Brayettes of Casting Prototype gordian brayettes of casting icon1.png 60 190 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Legs 157 274 0 Vitality +79, Intelligence +86, Critical Hit Rate +54, Determination +74
Prototype Gordian Brayettes of Healing Prototype gordian brayettes of healing icon1.png 60 190 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Legs 157 274 0 Vitality +79, Mind +86, Piety +78, Critical Hit Rate +54
Prototype Gordian Breeches of Fending Prototype gordian breeches of fending icon1.png 60 190 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Legs 392 392 0 Strength +86, Vitality +87, Accuracy +77, Critical Hit Rate +54
Prototype Gordian Breeches of Maiming Prototype gordian breeches of maiming icon1.png 60 190 LNC, DRG Legs 274 216 0 Strength +86, Vitality +87, Accuracy +54, Skill Speed +77
Prototype Gordian Breeches of Striking Prototype gordian breeches of striking icon1.png 60 190 PGL, MNK Legs 216 216 0 Strength +86, Vitality +87, Determination +52, Skill Speed +77
Prototype Gordian Corselet of Aiming Prototype gordian corselet of aiming icon1.png 60 190 ARC, BRD, MCH Body 216 216 0 Dexterity +86, Vitality +87, Accuracy +77, Skill Speed +54
Prototype Gordian Corselet of Scouting Prototype gordian corselet of scouting icon1.png 60 190 ROG, NIN Body 216 216 0 Dexterity +86, Vitality +87, Accuracy +54, Determination +74
Prototype Gordian Crown of Casting Prototype gordian crown of casting icon1.png 60 190 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Head 112 196 0 Vitality +48, Intelligence +53, Accuracy +47, Critical Hit Rate +33
Prototype Gordian Crown of Healing Prototype gordian crown of healing icon1.png 60 190 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Head 112 196 0 Vitality +48, Mind +53, Critical Hit Rate +47, Spell Speed +33
Prototype Gordian Gambieras of Casting Prototype gordian gambieras of casting icon1.png 60 190 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Feet 112 196 0 Vitality +48, Intelligence +53, Critical Hit Rate +47, Spell Speed +33
Prototype Gordian Gambieras of Healing Prototype gordian gambieras of healing icon1.png 60 190 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Feet 112 196 0 Vitality +48, Mind +53, Piety +34, Determination +45
Prototype Gordian Gauntlets of Fending Prototype gordian gauntlets of fending icon1.png 60 190 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Hands 280 280 0 Strength +53, Vitality +54, Parry +47, Accuracy +33
Prototype Gordian Gauntlets of Maiming Prototype gordian gauntlets of maiming icon1.png 60 190 LNC, DRG Hands 196 154 0 Strength +53, Vitality +54, Accuracy +47, Determination +32
Prototype Gordian Gauntlets of Striking Prototype gordian gauntlets of striking icon1.png 60 190 PGL, MNK Hands 154 154 0 Strength +53, Vitality +54, Accuracy +33, Determination +45
Prototype Gordian Gloves of Casting Prototype gordian gloves of casting icon1.png 60 190 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Hands 112 196 0 Vitality +48, Intelligence +53, Accuracy +33, Spell Speed +47
Prototype Gordian Gloves of Healing Prototype gordian gloves of healing icon1.png 60 190 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Hands 112 196 0 Vitality +48, Mind +53, Determination +32, Spell Speed +47
Prototype Gordian Gown of Casting Prototype gordian gown of casting icon1.png 60 190 THM, ACN, BLM, SMN Body 157 274 0 Vitality +79, Intelligence +86, Accuracy +77, Determination +52
Prototype Gordian Gown of Healing Prototype gordian gown of healing icon1.png 60 190 CNJ, WHM, SCH, AST Body 157 274 0 Vitality +79, Mind +86, Piety +78, Spell Speed +54
Prototype Gordian Hood of Aiming Prototype gordian hood of aiming icon1.png 60 190 ARC, BRD, MCH Head 154 154 0 Dexterity +53, Vitality +54, Accuracy +33, Determination +45
Prototype Gordian Hood of Scouting Prototype gordian hood of scouting icon1.png 60 190 ROG, NIN Head 154 154 0 Dexterity +53, Vitality +54, Accuracy +47, Determination +32
Prototype Gordian Mail of Maiming Prototype gordian mail of maiming icon1.png 60 190 LNC, DRG Body 274 216 0 Strength +86, Vitality +87, Critical Hit Rate +77, Skill Speed +54
Prototype Gordian Mail of Striking Prototype gordian mail of striking icon1.png 60 190 PGL, MNK Body 216 216 0 Strength +86, Vitality +87, Accuracy +54, Critical Hit Rate +77
Prototype Gordian Plate Mail of Fending Prototype gordian plate mail of fending icon1.png 60 190 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Body 392 392 0 Strength +86, Vitality +87, Parry +54, Skill Speed +77
Prototype Gordian Poleyns of Aiming Prototype gordian poleyns of aiming icon1.png 60 190 ARC, BRD, MCH Legs 216 216 0 Dexterity +86, Vitality +87, Determination +52, Skill Speed +77
Prototype Gordian Poleyns of Scouting Prototype gordian poleyns of scouting icon1.png 60 190 ROG, NIN Legs 216 216 0 Dexterity +86, Vitality +87, Accuracy +54, Skill Speed +77
Prototype Gordian Sabatons of Aiming Prototype gordian sabatons of aiming icon1.png 60 190 ARC, BRD, MCH Feet 154 154 0 Dexterity +53, Vitality +54, Accuracy +47, Critical Hit Rate +33
Prototype Gordian Sabatons of Maiming Prototype gordian sabatons of maiming icon1.png 60 190 LNC, DRG Feet 196 154 0 Strength +53, Vitality +54, Accuracy +33, Determination +45
Prototype Gordian Sabatons of Scouting Prototype gordian sabatons of scouting icon1.png 60 190 ROG, NIN Feet 154 154 0 Dexterity +53, Vitality +54, Determination +45, Skill Speed +33
Prototype Gordian Sabatons of Striking Prototype gordian sabatons of striking icon1.png 60 190 PGL, MNK Feet 154 154 0 Strength +53, Vitality +54, Accuracy +47, Critical Hit Rate +33
Prototype Gordian Sallet of Maiming Prototype gordian sallet of maiming icon1.png 60 190 LNC, DRG Head 196 154 0 Strength +53, Vitality +54, Accuracy +47, Critical Hit Rate +33
Prototype Gordian Sallet of Striking Prototype gordian sallet of striking icon1.png 60 190 PGL, MNK Head 154 154 0 Strength +53, Vitality +54, Accuracy +47, Determination +32
Prototype Gordian Sollerets of Fending Prototype gordian sollerets of fending icon1.png 60 190 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Feet 280 280 0 Strength +53, Vitality +54, Critical Hit Rate +47, Determination +32
Prototype Gordian Tassets of Fending Prototype gordian tassets of fending icon1.png 60 190 GLA, MRD, PLD, WAR, DRK Waist 243 243 0 Strength +40, Vitality +40, Accuracy +36, Critical Hit Rate +25
Prototype Gordian Tassets of Maiming Prototype gordian tassets of maiming icon1.png 60 190 LNC, DRG Waist 170 134 0 Strength +40, Vitality +40, Accuracy +36, Determination +24
Prototype Gordian Tassets of Striking Prototype gordian tassets of striking icon1.png 60 190 PGL, MNK Waist 134 134 0 Strength +40, Vitality +40, Accuracy +36, Skill Speed +25


Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Slot Defence Magic Defence Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Prototype Gordian Earrings of Aiming Prototype gordian earrings of aiming icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Dexterity +40, Critical Hit Rate +25, Skill Speed +36
Prototype Gordian Earrings of Casting Prototype gordian earrings of casting icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Intelligence +40, Accuracy +25, Critical Hit Rate +36
Prototype Gordian Earrings of Fending Prototype gordian earrings of fending icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Vitality +40, Determination +34, Skill Speed +25
Prototype Gordian Earrings of Healing Prototype gordian earrings of healing icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Mind +40, Piety +36, Critical Hit Rate +25
Prototype Gordian Earrings of Slaying Prototype gordian earrings of slaying icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Earrings 1 1 0 Strength +40, Determination +34, Skill Speed +25
Prototype Gordian Neckband of Aiming Prototype gordian neckband of aiming icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Dexterity +40, Determination +34, Skill Speed +25
Prototype Gordian Neckband of Casting Prototype gordian neckband of casting icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Intelligence +40, Critical Hit Rate +36, Determination +24
Prototype Gordian Neckband of Fending Prototype gordian neckband of fending icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Vitality +40, Parry +25, Critical Hit Rate +36
Prototype Gordian Neckband of Healing Prototype gordian neckband of healing icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Mind +40, Piety +25, Critical Hit Rate +36
Prototype Gordian Neckband of Slaying Prototype gordian neckband of slaying icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Necklace 1 1 0 Strength +40, Accuracy +36, Critical Hit Rate +25
Prototype Gordian Ring of Aiming Prototype gordian ring of aiming icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Ring 1 1 0 Dexterity +40, Accuracy +25, Determination +34
Prototype Gordian Ring of Casting Prototype gordian ring of casting icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Ring 1 1 0 Intelligence +40, Critical Hit Rate +25, Spell Speed +36
Prototype Gordian Ring of Fending Prototype gordian ring of fending icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Ring 1 1 0 Vitality +40, Accuracy +36, Determination +24
Prototype Gordian Ring of Healing Prototype gordian ring of healing icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Ring 1 1 0 Mind +40, Piety +25, Determination +34
Prototype Gordian Ring of Slaying Prototype gordian ring of slaying icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Ring 1 1 0 Strength +40, Critical Hit Rate +36, Determination +24
Prototype Gordian Wristband of Aiming Prototype gordian wristband of aiming icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Dexterity +40, Critical Hit Rate +36, Determination +24
Prototype Gordian Wristband of Casting Prototype gordian wristband of casting icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Intelligence +40, Accuracy +36, Spell Speed +25
Prototype Gordian Wristband of Fending Prototype gordian wristband of fending icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Vitality +40, Parry +36, Accuracy +25
Prototype Gordian Wristband of Healing Prototype gordian wristband of healing icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Mind +40, Piety +36, Spell Speed +25
Prototype Gordian Wristband of Slaying Prototype gordian wristband of slaying icon1.png 60 190 All Classes Bracelets 1 1 0 Strength +40, Critical Hit Rate +25, Skill Speed +36