Alexander - The Arm of the Father
- Main article: Alexander: Gordias
Players' average item level (iLvl) needs to be 170 or above to enter.
- Reward: Players will obtain 20 Allagan Tomestone of Law for its completion.
Living Liquid
This boss repeats the first 3 phases are repeated twice until he goes into his final phase. The outer edge of the arena is covered in electric field that will stun, deal damage over time and paralyse anyone standing in it or gets knock backed into it. You should also tank the boss in the center for ease.
Phase 1 - Human
The boss cleaves in this form, keep him facing away from the raid.
Protean Wave - Conal AoE in several directions that deals damage and knocks back.
Splash - Raid Wide AoE.
Sluice - 4 players get markers above their head, spread out as you will deal AoE damage around yourselves and spawns circular AoE underneath several players.
Rotation: Protean Wave -> Sluice -> Splash x 3
(Monks should use Form Shift during phase transition to Coeurl form to keep GL3 and gain 3 stacks Chakra)
Phase 2 - Hand
The hand does a heavy cleave that needs to be shared between both tanks.
Wash Away - AoE knockback.
Shortly after Wash Away, the hand will split and spawn Liquid Limb, the off tank needs to take this add and face both hands away from each other and the raid, they cleave and cause Blunt Resistance Down.
Rotation: Cleave -> Wash Away -> Cleave -> Cleave -> Split -> Cleave (both adds) x7
(Monks can use Tornado Kick when tanks have 7 stacks and gain Chakra V during phase transition)
Phase 3 - Tornado
This is the add phase. Throughout this phase two types of adds will spawn in the centre and make their way to the edge. Gear Lubricant have low HP and can be dealt with easily. The other add called Piston Lubricant have higher HP, and half way towards the edge will cast an ability that will make them rush to the edge, this should be stunned to give you more time.
There are two more mechanics to take note here.
First one is an orange tether from the boss to a random player, this player needs to pass the tether to a tank who then needs to stay away from everyone else. When the tether goes, that player do an AoE around themselves hitting extremely hard and will kill most players except a tank.
The second mechanic is 2 players will get an icon above their head, a + or a -, note both players can get the same icon. If the two players have the same debuff (e.g. + and +) they should stack together in the centre, if they have opposite debuffs (e.g. + and -) they should spread out. These players will be stunned and either pulled together (opposite) or knocked back (matching debuffs).
Phase 4 - Final
This is the same as the Human phase, with a mix of the above mechanics added, cascade and a debuff added to the cleave.
Cascade - Spawns 3 large AoE pools around the room.
His cleave will now apply Blunt Resistance Down, the tanks should tank swap about every 4-5 stacks.
Living Pool may wipe the raid with Cascade if he hits his hard enrage.