White Mage Macros
Swiftcast Raise
/macroicon "Raise"
/macroerror off
/ac "Thin Air" <me> <wait.1>
/ac "Swiftcast" <me> <wait.1>
/ac "Raise" <t>
/ac "Raise" <2>
/ac "Raise" <3>
/ac "Raise" <4>
/ac "Raise" <5>
/ac "Raise" <6>
/ac "Raise" <7>
/ac "Raise" <8>
This allows you to instantly cast Raise if Swiftcast is available, or cast normally otherwise, the priority is given to your curret target but will target any dead party member in descending order if your target is invalid.
Thin Air was added for the sake of MP economy.
Note that since the wait is 1s but animation lock is only 0.5s, it's recommended to remove the oGCDs and use them manually if available.
Instant Asylum
/micon Asylum
/ac Asylum gtoff
By taking advantage of gtoff, we can place Asylum instantly at the cursor location without having to go through ground targeting.