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Female ♀
Ananta (Vira)
Captain of the Velodyna Gatekeepers
The Fringes (21.7,26.2)
Velodyna Gatekeepers
Quest NPC

"What were you saying about our guest being 'lovesick?' What kind of love makes you sick?"

Alpa is the only daughter of Sarisha, the Vira broodmother. Although unskilled in battle, Alpa wished to play a part in Gyr Abania's emancipation, and enlisted in the Ala Mhigan Resistence as metalsmith. Upon hearing of the Warrior of Light's exploits, however, she was inspired to request the position of guard captain at the newly liberated Castellum Velodyna. Her superiors granted the request, and immediately following her seventeenth nameday, she assumed command at the border outpost with her adjutant, J'olhmyn. Cultural differences between the Ananta and Ala Mhigan members proved problematic, but Alpa would overcome these challenges and more through steadfast bravery and even-handed diplomacy.

— In-game description

Alpa is an Ananta in The Fringes.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Griffins Rampant Feature quest 60 Alpa
Chance of Gales Feature quest 60 Alpa
It Can Be Cruel Sometimes Feature quest 60 Alpa
Schism between Sisters Feature quest 60 Alpa
Celebratory Smorgasbord Feature quest 60 Alpa

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Brooding Broodmother Feature quest 60 M'rahz Nunh

Additional Information