Living Dead
Living Dead
- Recast
- 300s
- Targeting
- Self
- Quest Req.
Our Answer
“Grants the effect of Living Dead. When HP is reduced to 0 while under the effect of Living Dead, instead of becoming KO'd, your status will change to Walking Dead.
Living Dead Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Restores HP with each weaponskill successfully delivered or spell cast
Cure Potency: 1,500
While under the effect of Walking Dead, most attacks will not lower your HP below 1. If, before the Walking Dead timer runs out, an amount of HP totaling your maximum HP is restored, the effect will change to Undead Rebirth. If this amount is not restored, you will be KO'd.
Walking Dead Duration: 10s
While under the effect of Undead Rebirth, most attacks will not lower your HP below 1.
Undead Rebirth Duration: Time remaining on Walking Dead— In-game description
Living Dead is an action unlocked by questing at level 50. It is available for Dark Knight.
- Similar to Holmgang, if the dark knight dies while the action is active, they will enter a zombie-like state with 1 HP for ten seconds. For ten seconds, the dark knight must be healed for an amount equal to 100% of their HP, e.g. if they have 15000 max HP, they must be healed for at least 15000 to exit the zombie state.
- If this action is still active and timed correctly with incoming damage, then Walking Dead will become active for a further 10 seconds, and the buff icon will turn greyscale to show that Walking Dead activated. The Dark Knight will then begin to heal themselves with the Cure effect. Once the tank has received enough healing and Undead Rebirth has been completed safely, the icon will turn into a red version of the Raise icon.
The living dead means corpses which have been reanimated by supernatural forces. The term is mostly associated with the 1968 movie Night of the Living Dead.