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Return to Ivalice- the Royal City of Rabanastre7.jpg
View of Rabanastre

Built on the sands of the Dalmasca Desert to the south of the Skatay Range, this kingdom prospered for nigh on a thousand years under the peaceful reign of the B'nargin royal line. Thirty years ago, however, Dalmasca fell to the Garlean Empire, and the region became yet another subjugated province.

— In-game description

Dalmasca is a city in Othard. It was once a kingdom built on the sands of the Dalmasca Desert, which it is named for.


The only player accessible part of Dalmasca is the level 70 Alliance Raid The Royal City of Rabanastre.



When Dalmasca was yet a kingdom, the B'nargin family's royal coat of arms-known colloquially as the "Suncrest"-was raised as the nation's flag. The Garleans soon forbade Dalmascans from flying the banner, and the once-famous symbol of the sun-drenched desert nation all but disappeared from view.


He with Sight, Heed it Not.


A successful monarchy, the B'nargin dynasty spanned centuries. As one of the corridors between Ilsabard and the eastern lands of Othard, Dalmasca occupies a geopolitically vital location. Yet despite being the target of numerous invasions, the kingdom had a history of repelling even the most determined conquest. That it eventually fell to the Garlean Empire was due to the imperial legions' unexpected route of incursion: their airships soared above the desolate expanse of the Burn, and came across the Skatay Range to overwhelm Dalmasca's lightly defended northern border.


Raminas B'nargin Dalmasca

Ruling Body

The Blue Council was an assembly of officials which governed under the king's authority. The name originates from the blue-colored tiles of the council's offices.

Racial Distribution

Dalmascan Hyur: 40%
Bangaa: 20%
Seeq: 10%
Viera: 5%
Other: 10%


The Light of Kiltia is a polytheistic religion based primarily on the worship of the God of Light, and its churches have exerted significant influence on Dalmasca's society since ancient times. There was a period in history, however, when the faithful sought to meddle too deeply in secular matters of governance. This was met with an outcry of disapproval, and resulted in the forcible separation of the affairs of church and state. Despite its once ubiquitous presence, this facet of Dalmascan culture, too, was ground under the heel of the occupying Garleans. Places of worship were either demolished by the imperial military, or gutted and repurposed as entirely different facilities.



The Dalmasca Desert and the wasteland known as the Burn are the only existing overland routes between the continents of Ilsabard and Othard. But as the desert has oases and the Burn has none, the availability of water makes the coice of road a simple one. For centuries, Dalmasca prospered as a waypoint for merchant caravans, with the royal capital, Rabanastre, amassing such a rich collection of rare goods from both east and west that ballads named the city the "Desert Sapphire."


The mention of Dalmasca conjures images of a kingdom rising form the desert, but at the edge of the sands lies the port city of Valnain, known for its history as a center for shipping. In the Valnard Sea to the south, a lighthouse perches on the lip of the Ridorana Cataract-a gaping maw in the ocean believed to lead to the seventh hell. This spire illuminates the path to the northern sea routes, and thence to the docks of Valnain. With advances in Gyr Abanian navigation techniques, overland caravans slowly gave way to merchant ships, but Dalmasca's hold on the shipping lanes ensured its continued prosperity.


As a nation of diverse peoples, Dalmasca adopted a philosophy of "live and let live" to avoid senseless conflicts. Each race, clan, and tribe held themselves to different ethical and moral standards, but as long as no laws were broken, the questionable actions of other races were largely ignored. After many an ugly and violent dispute motivated by racial differences, it seems that Dalmascans learned the benefits of keeping their thoughts to themselves.


As well as spices and foodstuffs from across the world, Dalmasca's vibrant trade brought with it foreign recipes, and thus did ancient Dalmascans partake in all manner of culinary fare. Of particular note is the unusual dish the locals would prepare using wild cactus from the desert. The vineyards of Lea Monde were also famed for producing "Valens," an exquisite red wine of complex and delicate flavor, yet its scarcity is now such that even a single bottle would command a small fortune.

The Streets of Rabanastre

After a failed uprising against its imperial rulers, the Dalmascan capital of Rabanastre suffered a violently destructive reprisal. In a fateful twist, the attack intended to leave the city in ruins served to reveal the ancient remnants heretofore concealed below.

Crumbling Bridge

A stone bane leading to the city’s main gate, this structure was built to bear the weight of several dozen carriages crossing at the same time. Its sturdiness, however, was no protection against the explosive firepower of the Empire’s gunships, and the loss of this escape route resulted in substantial casualties amongst the capital’s residents.

Muthru Bazaar

This market square is at the entrance to Rabanastre and was once filled with bustling stalls. Caravans arriving in the royal capital would conduct their initial business here, unloading crates and other heavy cargo, as merchants set to depart the city packed their carts and wagons with goods for the road ahead.

Palace Square

An expansive plaza stretching out beneath the palace, this site was reserved for royal weddings, military parades, and other such public events. When the palace chambers were commandeered by the imperial viceroy, however, the square became home to a contingent of watchful Garlean soldiers.

North End

Rabanastre’s residential district. Once awash with the colorful awnings of street-side shops selling inexpensive goods or tavern fare, the Garlean occupation saw the ward emptied and renovated for the exclusive use of imperial citizens.

Garamsythe ‘Waterway

Stretching far below the streets of Rabanastre, this channel was constructed to carry in water from its source in the Skatay Range to the north. The lattice-like architecture of the waterway is confusing to navigate, and those who lose their sense of direction find it all but impossible to find their way out again.

Lesalia Garden Ruins

These ruins of an ancient city were discovered deep beneath the earth. Jenomis cen Lexentale, the man who discovered them, insists they are the remnants of legendary Lesalia, the royal capital of Ivalice, but thorough archaeological surveys have yet to be conducted to substantiate his claims.

Lesalia Temple Ruins

Thought to be a monument to the gods of eld, the true nature of this timeworn but impressive edifice—and the religion once practiced within—remains an enigma. Academics eagerly await for calm to prevail in Dalmasca that they might attempt a more accurate appraisal. [1]

