A Slave to the Aether
A Slave to the Aether
- Quest giver
- Erik
- Location
- Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:10.6, Y:13.1)
- Job
- Monk
- Level
- 40
- Required items
- 1 Aetherometer
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Insulted Intelligence
- Next quest
The Pursuit of Power
- Patch
- 2.0
“Professor Erik seeks further aid in his aetherial research.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Widargelt in Little Ala Mhigo.
- Place the aetherometer at Snakemolt.
- Retrieve the aetherometer.
- Deliver the aetherometer to Erik at the Goldsmiths' Guild.
- Professor Erik seeks further aid in his aetherial research.
- Professor Erik has entrusted you with two tasks, the first of which is to collect the aetherometer in the possession of Widargelt. Travel to Little Ala Mhigo in southern Thanalan and there speak with the monk.
- Widargelt urges you to set about your second task, assuring you that he will bring you his aetherometer when it has finished collecting data. Travel to *Snakemolt in the South Shroud and make use of your aetherometer at the designated location.
- You have collected the data Professor Erik requested. Retrieve the aetherometer.
- Widargelt confesses that his sole purpose is to learn the locations of ancient battlefields from Professor Erik, so that he may travel to them in order to further open his chakra. In doing so, he hopes to serve the Ala Mhigan Resistance to the utmost of his ability. Return to the Goldsmiths' Guild and deliver both your and Widargelt's aetherometers to the professor.
- Upon a cursory examination of the aetherometers, Professor Erik is excited by the prospective results they might yield. Continue in your monk's training as he sees about analyzing the latest haul of data.
- ※The next monk quest will be available from Erik upon reaching level 45.
Accepting the quest
Erik: Ah, dear [Player], so good of you to trouble yourself to come. Normally I might be cross, but my spirits are far too high just now. And it is you I have to thank! Erik: I speak of the data you procured! It is simply marvelous! You have a true gift for grunt work, my friend. I wish I had a hundred more assistants just like you. Erik: I have been in this field for a very long time, and I have been alone. Ever since that unfortunate mulled tea fungus incident sparked my passion for research. I regret nothing, [Player]. Erik: Save perhaps having to share so wondrous a world with souls as unlearned as yourself. Still, your performance has not left me completely bereft of joy. It is rewarding to think that my instruction has guided you to such success. Erik: There, how was that? Shall we dispense with any further pleasantries? Very good, then. Erik: I made yet another career-defining discovery while pondering which battleground to measure next. Eorzea is home to numerous locations where the aether is in an intensely chaotic state, yet which never played host to any war. Erik: My hypothesis was that such flux in the aether was indicative of a past battle, and all my research was predicated upon this. Erik: But turn the theory on its head, [Player], if your mind is able——what if the people of the past chose areas of roiling aether to hold their battles!? Erik: I have already sent the simpleton monk to take measurements at the Finesand Banks. As you are doubtless unaware, this lies on the border between Ala Mhigo and Gridania, and was the stage of the Autumn War. Erik: I ask that you find our monk friend and collect his aetherometer. Manual and tedious, yes, but he has an early make of the device that is unable to transmit data. I gather the numskull is in Little Ala Mhigo in southern Thanalan by this time. Erik: You think I ask much of you? False! I ask more. Your other task is to travel to Snakemolt in the South Shroud, and there take measurements with your own aetherometer. Erik: I will continue with my research here in your absence. Mind you, if you care to know aught at all of the Autumn War and the Finesand Banks upon which it was fought, I will gladly enlighten you. You need only ask.
Speaking to Widargelt
Widargelt: You have come far. It is good to see you, brother/sister. Widargelt: You come for my aetherometer? It is not ready to give. My work is not finished. Widargelt: I came as soon as I was told. But the readings require more time. Do not worry. They will be ready soon. Widargelt: You make for Snakemolt in the South Shroud. Widargelt: Erik believes the aether strong there. Yet that land hosted no great battles. He told me as much this morn. Widargelt: Leave me to my task here. Make for Snakemolt. Take your readings. My work will soon be done. I will bring the device to you. Widargelt: I have troubled you to come here. I will not trouble you to wait. Go. We will meet again at Snakemolt, brother/sister.
Inspecting aetherometer - cutscene
Widargelt: Well done, brother/sister. I feel your chakra. It has grown. Widargelt: I hoped to arrive before you. But I see I am late. This land's power has gone to you. There is nothing left for me here. Widargelt: It is as I told you. We monks travel where aether flows strong. There we train. The power of the land enters us. Thus our chakra expand. Widargelt: This bonding causes great unrest. The land's energy becomes unstable. It will enter no other until it calms. Widargelt: I feel nothing here. As you would feel nothing at Finesand Banks. That land bonded to my chakra. And its aether is now at unrest. Widargelt: The teacher's work means nothing. I took no readings. I meant to hasten here. But I was delayed. There was a gathering of the monkhood. I was summoned to Little Ala Mhigo. Widargelt: The teacher's chidings? Worry not. I will use my device here. Any result will suffice. The man has already reached his conclusion. He will twist the data to fit. Widargelt: It is a sad existence. To sacrifice all for truth. Yet be unable to truly know when one sees it. Widargelt: Speak not of this to him, brother/sister. You see both our aims. You know mine to be more worthy. Widargelt: I tell this to you. You and you alone. I am of the Ala Mhigan Resistance. I fight for freedom from Garlemald. Widargelt: I escaped the occupation. I have come here to fight. To gather allies and weapons. Widargelt: But these lands sadden me. The people have forgotten. Ala Mhigo is a distant memory. Widargelt: The Resistance here is small. They aid where they can. But it is not enough. This war demands great power. That power lies in the chakra. Widargelt: The teacher is not an evil man. But he thinks only of his work. Not the suffering of innocents. Widargelt: His knowledge can be used for good. The battlefields. They can turn the tide. The chakra of many must be opened. Widargelt: If this way is lost to me... No. No, I will have this power. I must! Widargelt: An end to oppression. An end to starvation. Ala Mhigo will be made free. I will see it done! Widargelt: Forgive my speech. It is a matter close to my heart. Widargelt: I will give you my device. But I ask you to say nothing of this to Erik. I beg you, brother/sister.
Delivering items to Erik
Erik: I trust you have returned with both of my aetherometers? Please tell me you fumbling dolts haven't managed to damage either of them this time. Erik: All looks to be in order here. Hmmm... These readings from your device...they look promising. Very promising, indeed. I daresay this data may yield revolutionary results! Erik: Hm? Your chakra opened a bit more, did it? Yes, well, aether is a most mysterious and wonderful thing. I am glad this meaningful research could serve your nonsensical ends as well. Erik: Now, leave me to my work. Surely you can find some simple way to pass the time. Fighting, say? Or...I don't know——scratching?