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Reaping Stormblood

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Reaping Stormblood

Crafting & Gathering
Achievement point icon.png 10

Gather 5,000 times from level 61-70 mature trees or lush vegetation.

— In-game description

Reaping Stormblood is an achievement.

Related Gathering Nodes

Level Type Zone Coordinates Landmark Items Extra
65 Mature Tree The Fringes (x10,y16) East End Beech log icon1.png  Beech Log
Loquat icon1.png  Loquat
Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal
65 Lush Vegetation Patch The Fringes (x11,y26) The Last Forest Kudzu root icon1.png  Kudzu Root
Kudzu vine icon1.png  Kudzu Vine
Holy basil icon1.png  Holy Basil
Wild popoto icon1.png  Wild Popoto
Harpoon head icon1.png  Harpoon Head
Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal
65 Lush Vegetation Patch Coerthas Western Highlands (x32,y15) Gorgagne Holding Phial of thermal fluid icon1.png  Phial of Thermal Fluid
Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal
65 Lush Vegetation Patch The Peaks (x13,y11) The Last Forest Buckwheat kernels icon1.png  Buckwheat Kernels
Sugar beet icon1.png  Sugar Beet
Green leek icon1.png  Green Leek
Mountain popoto icon1.png  Mountain Popoto
Pinch of active ingredients icon1.png  Pinch of Active Ingredients
Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal
65 Lush Vegetation Patch The Ruby Sea (x26,y19) Rasen Kaikyo (East) Gem Algae.png  Gem Algae
Ruby cotton boll icon1.png  Ruby Cotton Boll
Ama nori icon1.png  Ama Nori
Shisui jewel icon1.png  Shisui Jewel
Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
65 Lush Vegetation Patch The Ruby Sea (x7,y8) East Othard Coastline Soybeans icon1.png  Soybeans
Cumin seeds icon1.png  Cumin Seeds
Walkers popoto icon1.png  Walker's Popoto (lvl 65 quest)
Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
65 Lush Vegetation Patch The Churning Mists (x8,y15) Ohl Tahn Cloudkin feather icon1.png  Cloudkin Feather
65 Mature Tree The Ruby Sea (x20,y9) Onokoro Shiitake mushroom icon1.png  Shiitake Mushroom
Larch log icon1.png  Larch Log
Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
Sparkstone icon1.png  Sparkstone
65 Mature Tree Yanxia (x36,y15) The Heron's Flight Pine resin icon1.png  Pine Resin
Pine log icon1.png  Pine Log
Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
Malleable still material icon1.png  Malleable Still Material
70 Mature Tree The Fringes (x10,y30) Dimwold Persimmon icon1.png  Persimmon
Persimmon leaf icon1.png  Persimmon Leaf
Persimmon log icon1.png  Persimmon Log
Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal
70 Lush Vegetation Patch The Ruby Sea (x11,y13) Rasen Kaikyo (NW) Ruby tide kelp icon1.png  Ruby Tide Kelp
Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal
Nanoriso icon1.png  Nanoriso (lvl 68 quest)
70 Lush Vegetation Patch The Azim Steppe (x14,y26) Nhaama's Retreat Nipplewort icon1.png  Nipplewort
Earth crystal icon1.png  Earth Crystal
Sun cabbage icon1.png  Sun Cabbage
Fennel icon1.png  Fennel
Chickweed icon1.png  Chickweed
Strong steppe spice icon1.png  Strong Steppe Spice
70 Lush Vegetation Patch Yanxia (x22,y10) Doma Doman eggplant icon1.png  Doman Eggplant
Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal
Yanxian parsley icon1.png  Yanxian Parsley
Nagxian cudweed icon1.png  Nagxian Cudweed
Daikon radish icon1.png  Daikon Radish
70 Lush Vegetation Patch The Peaks (x26,y27) Mount Yorn Alyssum icon1.png  Alyssum
Lightning crystal icon1.png  Lightning Crystal
Gyr abanian carrot icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Carrot
Twincoon icon1.png  Twincoon
70 Mature Tree The Lochs (x26,y9) Abalathia's Skull Zelkova log icon1.png  Zelkova Log
Ice crystal icon1.png  Ice Crystal
Hard place furnishing materials icon1.png  Hard Place Furnishing Materials
70 Lush Vegetation Patch Amh Araeng (x31,y15) Snitch Night pepper icon1.png  Night Pepper
Animal trace icon1.png  Animal Trace (Facet of Gathering Delivery)
Fire crystal icon1.png  Fire Crystal


Both mature trees and lush vegetation patches will count towards this achievement.

This achievement is based on the level of the nodes regardless of whether they are in Stormblood zones.

  • The level 60 nodes in Stormblood zones do not count toward this achievement (and instead count for Reaping Heavensward).
  • The level 65 nodes in Heavensward zones and the level 70 nodes in Shadowbringers zones count toward this achievement (and not for Reaping Heavensward/Shadowbringers respectively).