A Time to Every Purpose
Revision as of 01:26, 24 July 2015 by Chainsawsteve (talk | contribs)
Main Scenario Quest
- Travel to Ul'dah - Steps of Nald<
- Take the Aethernet to The Chamber of Rule (The Steps of Thal)
- You will find Minfilia at 11x y11, on the Royal Promenade.
- Speak with Royal Promenade.
- While others look forward to the impending royal banquet, Minfilia cannot help but look to the past.
- As four great nations stand poised to commemorate the successful defense of Ishgard, Minfilia is haunted by memories of the lost and concerns for the future of Eorzea. But while she would rather remain at the Rising Stones and focus on her work, she recognizes that this is a time for celebration, and that the Scions of the Seventh Dawn must stand united as a beacon of hope to all. And so she departs for Ul'dah to rendezvous with the other Scions, instructing you to follow when you are ready.
- As you leave the Solar, Riol calls out to you, and you take the opportunity to share the news of Wilred's death. In response, the Crystal Brave reveals he has uncovered evidence that Teledji Adeledji has bribed members of the 1st and 3rd Units. Riol also divulges that Wilred had begun to ask pointed questions, which likely led to his demise at the hands of these traitors. Troubling as these revelations may be, you have obligations in Ul'dah which cannot be postponed.
- You rendezvous with the other Scions o nthe Royal Promenade, ready for the feast. However, Minfilia reveals that you will not be making your entrance together as planned, due to an untimely request for aid from Mistress Momodi. It would seem that your presence is required at the Quicksand...