Standard Finish
Standard Finish
“Delivers an attack to all nearby enemies. Potency varies with number of successful steps, dealing full potency for the first enemy, and 75% less for all remaining enemies.
0 steps: 360
1 step: 540
2 steps: 720
Step Bonus: Grants Standard Finish and Esprit to self and party member designated as your Dance Partner.
Damage bonus of Standard Finish varies with number of successful steps.
1 step: 2%
2 steps: 5%
Duration: 60s
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, step actions, and finish actions upon execution. Cannot be executed during the cooldown of weaponskills, step actions, or finish actions.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.— In-game description
Standard Finish is an action unlocked at level 15. It is available for Dancer.
Related actions
- The damage buffs provided by this action should always be kept up.
- Due to its high AoE potency, this action makes dancer exceptionally strong in early-game dungeons.
Patch 6.05 (2022-01-03): Action category has been changed from ability to weaponskill.
Patch 6.0 (2021-12-07):
- 0 Steps potency has been changed from 500 to 360.
- 1 Step potency has been changed from 750 to 540.
- 2 Steps potency has been changed from 1,000 to 720.
Patch 5.0 (2019-07-02): Added.